Society/Culture Drag Queen Story Time Cancellations

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Will those who believe in a collective humanity and equal rights for all ever be able to co-exist with those who promote dehumanisation, exclusion and erasure of those it perceives as 'different' than themselves?

Is all this going to end in an obscene amount of violence?

The slow march of societal acceptance has worked in large part. As different groups organised and asserted their right for inclusion in our collective humanity over the years there have always been pushbacks against. Violence often errupted. But those against were always pushed back by the forces of collective humanity. Not in every area and not all at once, but things changed eventually.

Social conservative pushbacks against the civil rights movements of every era gone before have eventually failed.

Their pond is almost dried up. Only a few groups seem left at the margins, wanting their civil rights acknowledged. Like all groups before them they only want inclusion, not exclusion.

The social conservatives of this era, in a drying puddle now, have little room to breathe as they see it. Their pushback due to the constraining situation they find themselves in may well be the most violent one we've seen in a long time.

These dead-enders, these who cannot accept that everyone deserves a shot at happiness and contentment in their own lives in a world that we must all share equally, simply have no other options left.

When that violence comes, those that believe in humanity musn't be afraid to meet it head-on.

Let's dry the puddle.
Nope. The boycott is spilling over into those brands as well.

Sales suggested that customers had switched to Coors and Millers Lite... then Millers Lite put their foot in it by recently releasing a feminist woke ad, and now they are being cancelled as well.

Coors is sponsoring Denver's Pride parade. What beers will be left for conservatives to drink?
This whole bit of wretched culture war theater reminds me of fads. Some people just lose their minds whenever a new one develops, and common sense goes out the window. How many of these nuts grew up characters on TV dressing in drag for laughs, or on kids shows? I can't pinpoint it, but I have a dim memory of a guy dragged up telling a story or demoing some lesson. Could be anything from Capt. Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, or the Muppets. If purple freaking dinosaurs, or bizarre animals like the Banana Splits didn't freak kids out then I doubt they would be fazed by Tim Conway and Harvey Korman in dresses.
We've already seen the fair few of these haters have had some laughs dressing up or have enjoyed drag performers.
It would seem that the only people sexualizing these readings, or other public drag shows are the people who fantasize about it. Just like the anti-gay movements. Repression and hypocrisy in equal measures.
A historian could easily draw parallels with medieval pogroms, trumped up crusades, and witch hunts.

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Why do these kind of people feel the need to read sexualized and adult themes to children? Is it a lifestyle choice, or a need? Or is it just now important kids under the age of 16 should know about these themes?
On another different note, a guy I know on another forum, a Boston cop, posted this earlier this year. It is an interesting take from a different perspective.

We are in a very weird place right now. A gay (male) friend of mine put it in a way that I thought was pretty interesting since he's got a diff. perspective. He said, "It's like every person with some niche mental health disorder is jumping on the "Trans" title to use it as a shield to them from reality. He said it reminded him of all the groups that jumped on the "Gay Rights" movement after gay men did all the work to fight to get recognized and then random groups hijacked their movement and made it alphabet soup.

What I have seen firsthand is an enormous amount of people who we are dealing with every night who are suicidal or say they are and are recently also "Trans Gender". When we dealt with them a year or two ago, they were just crazy. The fact that they are still alive indicates to me that they aren't suicidal yet, but they are royally ****ed up. I don't think any of them have been involved in any conversion process, they are just claiming the title. It's the new "It" thing to have or be depending on how you look at it.

We have housewives posting videos where they are absolutely giddy to show off their "trans" child and how happy they are that their 18-month-old boy is really a girl. It's like it's a social status symbol that they can brag about at the country club. Its ****ing weird.

We have teachers posting videos of their quest to tell preschool kids to embrace their transgender identities. These teachers are obviously not the norm, but they are so zealous about their agenda that they are literally breathless as they post recordings of themselves admitting what they are doing. I remember being in kindergarten and I can say that my teacher was a woman, but I pretty sure her sexual orientation never came up in conversation with kids learning the difference between yellow and red.

We had drag queens lobbying to put on shows in elementary schools. What are they so fixated with kids? If you say they are "grooming" (another word like "triggered" that just annoys me) the woke crowd screams. But why are they doing this in schools for very young kids? And why are parents (mostly women) bringing their young kids to these shows? (Refer back to the proud of "my trans child") Is it some weird social status cult?

A local town here made an arrest last week 4/3 of a pedophile who somehow got access to the phone numbers of elementary school kids and was soliciting explicit pictures of the kids while sending them pictures of himself. He was caught by a parent who unlocked an 13-year-olds phone and saw them. His booking photo when they went and served the warrant on him looks like the creepiest Romanian gypsy fortune teller you can imagine with grossly exaggerated eyelashes and makeup with long wavy black hair weapons womans clothes. When they submitted the arrest info the DA refused to accept it until they used an older booking photo where "he" was more normal looking. He made a statement that he's "not a pedophile, he's a non binary trans" No, you're a pedophile.

I think the small number of people in the population who actually are in the "trans" category are going to face a huge backlash against them unfairly because of the high percentage of lunatics who are jumping on their band wagon to use it as a shield for their own real issues.
The drag queens just read normal kids books don’t they ?
If it’s a good book and kids are engaged in it then everything else is pretty secondary I would have thought.
If the focus is the book then I’m fine with it but if its all about the drag queens then as a parent you are probably going for your sake more then the anybody else’s. And there is nothing wrong with that . Your kids … parent away.
Seems to be total fiction. What efforts have you undertaken to verify these claims.
Yeah at the very least it reads like its taking an absolute fringe minority and pretending that behavior is widespread. I've never seen even one of the type of videos he's talking about with teachers breathlessly telling preschool kids to embrace their transgender identities.

By "lobbying to put on shows" in elementary schools I assume he's talking about book readings? Just a slight difference there with what would normally be understood by "drag show" lol
Why do these kind of people feel the need to read sexualized and adult themes to children?

Young children are NOT being read books with sexualised or adult themes. This is a strawman continuously pushed by the right. I guarantee you they are reading young kids books at the same level any other care giver will read to them.

Or is it just now important kids under the age of 16 should know about these themes?

Do you not remember your own schooling? In late primary school I was introduced to sex ed, well before the age of 16.
We have housewives posting videos where they are absolutely giddy to show off their "trans" child and how happy they are that their 18-month-old boy is really a girl. It's like it's a social status symbol that they can brag about at the country club. Its ******* weird.

Some parents are just supportive and loving. They also may want to inform their family and friends about their child being trans to clear up any confusion.

Not everything has to have nefarious intent.

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Intersex and Trans are not the same, so i've been told. Are you trying to condone this sort of nonsense? Really? An 18 MONTH old child...

I generally keep my nose out of other peoples business.

Why are you so focused on the genitals or gender of people you don’t know?
An 18 month old? Seriously?
I'd be willing to bet that a fair proportion of eighteen month old babies have seen there folks having sex which would be far more likely to f*** you up then a few drag queens reading Mr Men books but it doesn't matter because they won't remember it. Ffs.
Had to look that one up. ;)

He's been a member of that dwindling forum for around 25 or more years. Those that are left know each other quite well and still interact outside of it. His political views can be simplistic and often shaped by conservative media. He cops it when debunked, but when he posts on what he sees on the job he is believable. Kind of like the news, the facts are there but the opinion or analysis needs scrutiny. He gets really pissed off at bad cops in the reports of police violence or corruption.
Remember the marathon bombing years ago, he linked us up to BPD comms so we were listening to the whole thing in real time. I take him to be an impressionable right leaning normal guy who needs more varied news sources.
Young children are NOT being read books with sexualised or adult themes. This is a strawman continuously pushed by the right. I guarantee you they are reading young kids books at the same level any other care giver will read to them.

Do you not remember your own schooling? In late primary school I was introduced to sex ed, well before the age of 16.
I remember when The Kenny Everett video show was a kids program on the ABC :laughv1:. Still remember the sex vending machine skit, Captain Kremmen getting it on with Carla, and Everett in drag as Cupid Stunt. Of course, it was all done in the best possible taste :winkv1:.

I remember when The Kenny Everett video show was a kids program on the ABC :laughv1:. Still remember the sex vending machine skit, Captain Kremmen getting it on with Carla, and Everett in drag as Cupid Stunt. Of course, it was all done in the best possible taste :winkv1:.

And he was a Thatcherite.
I'd be willing to bet that a fair proportion of eighteen month old babies have seen there folks having sex which would be far more likely to f*** you up then a few drag queens reading Mr Men books but it doesn't matter because they won't remember it. Ffs.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I was referring to.
The lady who reads the books at our local library, to my kids, is morbidly obese.

One of the other employees smokes in the park out the back. No chance the kids inhale the smoke, but she's clearly visible to the kids.

We've explained issues about smoking to our kids, and have touched on healthy eating and weight, but not to the point that we've explained why people get morbidly obese, otherwise I'm worried they'd tell the big girl to eat more vegetables.

I'd be more comfortable explaining why a drag queen was dressed flamboyantly than why their current reading lady has trouble puffing through some of the songs/stories.

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Society/Culture Drag Queen Story Time Cancellations

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