Draw Difficulty ranking by the numbers

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
post count: 38,986
Thought I'd make a ranking for the draw difficulty based on difficulty out of 10. If everyone could do their own club, we can work out where all the clubs rank.

For clubs who have to TRAVEL to the below teams

away vs Hawthorn...........10 (includes away in Tasmania)
away vs West Coast.........10
away vs Fremantle...........9
away vs Sydney...............8
away vs Adelaide.............8
away vs Port Adelaide.......8
away vs Geelong..............8 (at Kardinia Park only)
away vs North.Melb..........7
away vs Richmond...........7
away vs Collingwood........7
away vs Bulldogs.............7
away vs Gold Coast..........7
away vs GWS..................7
away vs St.Kilda..............6
away vs Brisbane.............5
away vs Essendon............5
away vs Melbourne...........5
away vs Carlton...............4

For clubs who play the below opponents at home (if playing a travelling side) or neutral away at MCG or Etihad (if playing another Victorian side) or games at TIO Stadium and Blundstone Arena
vs Hawthorn.........9
home vs West Coast.........7
home vs Fremantle...........7
neutral vs Geelong...........7
neutral vs Richmond.........7
neutral vs Bulldogs...........7
neutral vs North.Melb.......7
home vs Sydney...............7
home vs Adelaide.............6
home vs Port Adelaide.......6
neutral vs Collingwood......6
home vs Gold Coast..........5
home vs GWS..................5
neutral vs St.Kilda............5
neutral vs Essendon..........5
neutral vs Melbourne.........4
neutral vs Carlton.............3
home vs Brisbane.............3

For Non-Vic clubs (or Hawthorn when they play in Tasmania, and Geelong when they play in Geelong) who play the below opponents at home or neutral away (neutral away only applies to SA and WA teams)
vs Hawthorn..........8
neutral vs West Coast........8 (for Freo only)
neutral vs Fremantle..........8 (for WCE and Melbourne Demons only)
home vs Geelong.............6
home vs Richmond...........6
home vs Bulldogs............6
neutral vs Sydney.............Not applicable in 2016
neutral vs Adelaide............7 (for Port only)
neutral vs Port Adelaide.....7 (for Adelaide and Melbourne Demons only)
home vs North.Melb......... 6
home vs Collingwood........ 6
neutral vs Gold Coast.........Not applicable in 2016
neutral vs GWS.................Not applicable in 2016
home vs St.Kilda..............4
neutral vs Brisbane............Not applicable in 2016
home vs Essendon............3
home vs Melbourne...........3
home vs Carlton...............2
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I'll start with Essendon


away vs Gold Coast............7
neutral vs Melb.................4
away vs Port.....................8
neutral vs Geelong.............7
neutral vs Collingwood.......6
neutral vs Carlton..............3
away vs Sydney................8
neutral vs Nth.Melb...........7
neutral vs St.Kilda.............5
neutral vs Richmond..........7
away vs Fremantle............9
neutral vs Hawthorn..........9
home vs GWS..................5
away vs West Coast..........10
neutral vs St.Kilda.............5
neutral vs Richmond..........7
home vs Brisbane..............3
away vs Adelaide..............8
neutral vs Geelong...........7
home vs Gold Coast..........5
neutral vs Bulldogs...........7
neutral vs Carlton.............3

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Thought I'd make a ranking for the draw difficulty based on difficulty out of 10. If everyone could do their own club, we can work out where all the clubs rank.

For clubs who have to TRAVEL to the below teams

away vs Hawthorn...........10 (includes away in Tasmania)
Self inflicted difficulty doesn't count.
Might as well do the premiers.

Neutral vs Geelong.........7
home vs West Coast.......7
neutral vs Bulldogs.........7
home vs St.Kilda............4
Home vs Adelaide...........6
away vs GWS.................7
neutral vs Richmond........7
home vs Freo..................7
home vs Sydney..............7
away vs Brisbane............5
neutral vs Melbourne.......4
neutral vs Essendon........5
neutral vs Nth.Melb.........7
home vs Gold Coast........5
away vs Port..................8
away vs Sydney.............8
neutral vs Richmond.......7
home vs Carlton..............2
neutral vs Melbourne.......4
neutral vs Nth.Melb.........7
away vs West Coast........10
neutral vs Collingwood.....6


I think, in some ways the Hawks benefit from not having to play themselves
home vs Brisbane.............3
away vs Hawthorn............10
neutral vs Fremantle.........8
home vs Richmond...........6
away vs Sydney...............8
home vs Collingwood........6
away vs Geelong..............8
home vs St.Kilda..............4
away vs Port...................8
home vs Gold Coast.........5
away vs Bulldogs.............7
home vs Adelaide............6
away vs Brisbane............5
home vs Essendon..........3
home vs Nth.Melb...........6
away vs Carlton..............4
home vs Melbourne.........3
away vs Collingwood........7
neutral vs Fremantle........8
away vs GWS.................7
home vs Hawthorn..........8
away vs Adelaide............8

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I'll help you out :)


home vs St.Kilda..............4
neutral vs Adelaide...........7
home vs Essendon............3
away vs GWS..................7
home vs Geelong..............6
away vs Richmond............7
home vs Brisbane..............4
away vs Carlton................4
home vs West Coast..........7
neutral vs Melbourne..........4
away vs Collingwood..........7
home vs Bulldogs...............6
away vs Fremantle.............9
home vs Richmond..............6
home vs Hawthorn..............8
away vs Nth. Melb..............7
home vs GWS....................5
away vs Brisbane...............5
away vs Sydney.................8
home vs Melbourne.............3
home vs Adelaide...............7
away vs Gold Coast............7


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away vs West Coast.......10
home vs Nth.Melb..........6
away vs Geelong............8
home vs Gold Coast........5
away vs Bulldogs............7
home vs Sydney.............7
away vs Port Adelaide.....8
home vs Collingwood.......6
away vs Melbourne..........5
home vs Hawthorn..........8
away vs Carlton..............4
home vs Fremantle.........7
home vs West Coast.......7
away vs Richmond.........7
away vs Gold Coast........7
home vs GWS................5
away vs Essendon..........5
home vs Port.................6
away vs Adelaide...........8
home vs Carlton............2
home vs Geelong...........6
away vs St.Kilda............6

away vs Bulldogs............7
home vs Gold Coast.........5
neutral vs West Coast.......8
away vs Nth.Melb.............7
home vs Carlton..............2
away vs Adelaide.............8
home vs GWS..................5
away vs Hawthorn...........10
home vs Richmond...........6
away vs St.Kilda..............6
home vs Essendon...........3
away vs Brisbane.............5
home vs Port Adelaide......6
away vs Collingwood........7
neutral vs Melbourne.......4
home vs Geelong............6
away vs Gold Coast.........7
home vs Sydney.............7
neutral vs West Coast......8
home vs Adelaide............6
away vs GWS.................7
home vs Bulldogs...........6

neutral vs Hawthorn.........9
away vs GWS..................7
home vs Brisbane.............3
neutral vs Essendon..........5
away vs Port Adelaide.......8
home vs Gold Coast..........5
home vs West Coast.........7
away vs Adelaide.............8
neutral vs Collingwood......6
neutral vs Carlton.............3
home vs GWS..................5
neutral vs North.Melb.......7
neutral vs Bulldogs...........7
neutral vs St.Kilda............5
home vs Sydney...............7
away vs Fremantle...........9
home vs Adelaide.............6
home vs Bulldogs..............6
neutral vs Essendon.........5
neutral vs Richmond.........7
away vs Brisbane.............5
home vs Melbourne.........3
Total= 133
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away vs Nth.Melb........7
neutral vs Port.............7
away vs Richmond........7
home vs Sydney..........7
away vs Hawthorn........10
home vs Fremantle.......7
away vs Bulldogs.........7
home vs Geelong.........6
away vs Gold Coast......7
home vs GWS..............5
home vs St.Kilda..........4
away vs West Coast......10
home vs Nth.Melb.........6
away vs Melbourne........5
away vs Carlton............4
home vs Collingwood.....6
away vs Geelong...........8
home vs Essendon.........3
home vs Brisbane..........3
away vs Fremantle........9
neutral vs Port..............7
home vs West Coast......7

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If the games at Victorian games at Skilled are considered Home rather than neutral then it's 134

Games at Skilled are classed as home games (not Neutral), even against Victorian teams. I have adjusted home games versus the Brisbane Lions to now be a difficulty of 3, instead of 4. So it's 133 for Geelong who have a home game versus the Lions.
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No diss but Geelong only won 11 games last year - there's no way that the trip to kardinia is as hard as swans at the SCG.

I would argue the same for Port.
So far.

Adelaide - 142
Essendon - 140
Brisbane - 140
Hawthorn - 137
Fremantle - 136
West Coast - 134
Geelong - 133
Port Adelaide - 130

I have now made a slight adjustment making a home game against Brisbane a 3 instead of a 4.
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Draw Difficulty ranking by the numbers

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