Media Falcon Files presents Falcon Natters: An interview with admin candidate, DenieD.

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Dec 31, 2019
AFL Club
Other Teams
WPFC; WA; Western Bears; GumbiesFFC
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Welcome to Falcon Natters. An interview piece where the answers are more important than the questions and the interviewee is more important than the interviewer.

Last week, an open invite was put out to all the admin candidates to appear on the program and tonight another candidate has agreed to an interview.

Debuting in season 31, my guest tonight is a blonde former colleague and the person who recruited me to the Sweet FA (don’t hold that against them though). DenieD is my guest who, amongst other things, addresses plans to improve award nights and concerns regarding their stamina for the role of admin.

Show Off Ryan Gosling GIF by Remarkist

Hello and welcome. First, why did you agree to this interview?

I am a believer in all media. The more the merrier. And I'm always willing to put my persona in the spotlight. I also couldn't say no to my old Gumbie teammate.

Hey! I'm not that old, my avatars are deceiving though...
Will the 'Ken' persona remain if you take over as admin or will you drop it beforehand?

Ken is here to stay until I get bored of it, and currently I am far from being bored of it.

Moving from Ken to another K, how would you assess KP’s performance as admin over the past 2.5 seasons?

I haven't really paid attention to a lot of KP's adminship, but I'd rank it as a solid 5/10. Didn't destroy the league but also didn't do much to improve it.

Captaincy at the Gumbies wore you down to the point that you needed some time away from Bigfooty. Do you have the stamina for admin?

It is true that I needed to step back from any responsibility this season as it was getting the best of me, but I am optimistic that I'll be able to pace myself if I were to become admin and complete the 3-season-position.

ken falc interview.png

Let’s move to some of your manifesto outlined in your admin application. Your preference is to expand to 14 teams, rather than reduce to 12. What does an admin need to do to facilitate this?

I am willing to provide any help I can to get a 14th team up and off the ground. Reducing list sizes is one way to shake it up, but I am also considering adjusting the rules of entry so that a team doesn't need to provide such a large amount of new posters (rookies) in their first season. Instead it will be a seasonly average they need over the first 3-4 seasons where they will require a certain number of rookies at the start of each.

While we talk rookies, the Rising Star, which you of course won. It seems to be in a funk. Do you propose any changes to it?

If I become admin, I will attempt to communicate with every rookie class from the previous season and try to sort out a rising star thread for the new posters of that season. I think the rising star is a great thread for rookies to come in and see how they compare with others in their cohort, and veterans who have no idea about rookies can easily pop into the thread and have a look at how the new recruits are doing for this season. It won't be an official award because of the EKA existing, but I am hoping to bring the rising star thread back to its former glory.

You also spoke of making the Mobbs and beez nights more exciting. How?

Well I am all for showmanship and I love being extravagant and out of this world when it comes to media, so I am hoping to expand each award night to include multiple new awards and offer opportunities to other posters to put their creative voices on display. I will be allowing posters of my choosing (who have shown that spark of creativity during the season) to help liven up the awards nights and showcase their media prowess.

Yes, you sure love and have a talent for media. Speaking of talents, what one skill/trait do you have that none of your competitors have or have to your level of competency?

I don't know a huge amount about my fellow candidates, but I like to think I have an edge at being business savvy and I understand what is required to grow a league like this one. I hate being stationary and just siting idle, so I will be doing everything in my power as admin to move the league forward.

OK, let’s roll with some quick fire questions:
Favourite band:
Parma or parmi: Parmi
Dog or cat: Both (but I've had more cats)
Tarks or okeydoke: TARKS :hearteyes:
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Favourite colour: Blue

Hmmmm, the Gumbies are double blue…just saying.... OK, moving on.
Do you think it is likely that the competition will have an even number of teams by the end of your term?

If I become admin there will be 14 teams by the end of my adminship. That is a promise. The bye is a stain on the league currently, all it does is halt the momentum of rookie posters attempting to understand the league in their first season. For the league to grow we need new posters to play in as many games as possible in their first season and get involved as much as they can, and I feel like the bye stops that somewhat. The bye must go for the league to grow, and I want the league to grow.

Speaking of growth, you mentioned in the ama that you'd like to advertise the Sweet FA external to Bigfooty. Where were you thinking?

Well I think that there is a much larger footy community out there that may not be aware that such a league like this exists. If we could find a way to market this league off-site it could create a huge influx of rookie posters. It would also help bigfooty get more clicks so Chief get more advertising money ;)

Lastly, is there a topic I haven’t asked you about that is important to you and your admin run? And why does it mean so much to you?

Most of the main points have been communicated. Simply, I want the league to grow, and I will try to do anything to make sure it does during my time as admin.

I'm not that worried about if I get the job or not. I just thought it would be fun to put in an application and have a go at it (Honestly didn't expect to get on the shortlist). But if I do get the job I will promise to give it my all and try to better the league as a whole.

Ken, thanks for your time.

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Thread title Falcon Files....calls it Falcon Natters.

Sort yourself out
Falcon Files is the media arm like WigMedia.
You were spot on though that the title was shizen. Now amended.
Parma or parmi: Parmi
Dog or cat: Both (but I've had more cats)
Tarks or okeydoke: TARKS :hearteyes:
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Favourite colour: Blue
Happy Barbie Movie GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

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Fascinated to know your plans for the "bringing the game into disrepute" rules.
  • Do you plan to make it easier for players to be found guilty?
  • How much of the committees time do you plan to waste on witch hunts?
  • Will you continue to allow your emotions to dominate your decision making?

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Media Falcon Files presents Falcon Natters: An interview with admin candidate, DenieD.

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