Admin Notice Season 38 Administrator - Candidates Announced

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I don’t disagree with Jabba73 but can understand given the circumstances of the situation that the Committee find themselves in, that quick decisions and actions are going to happen in order to achieve the outcome they want. It is what it is.

It shouldn’t rule someone out if they meet most but not all of the criteria but it’s at least a set of experiences and values that should be instilled in the admin of the league to some degree. It’s never easy to define that, so can understand and appreciate the efforts to doing it in such a short turnaround.
I don’t disagree with Jabba73 but can understand given the circumstances of the situation that the Committee find themselves in, that quick decisions and actions are going to happen in order to achieve the outcome they want. It is what it is.

It shouldn’t rule someone out if they meet most but not all of the criteria but it’s at least a set of experiences and values that should be instilled in the admin of the league to some degree. It’s never easy to define that, so can understand and appreciate the efforts to doing it in such a short turnaround.
Hence my qualified first line ...

It won't effect this Admin election, going forward, the criteria is far too restrictive and needs to be more inclusive.
Was not a criticism of this election, everyone understands this is an unusual circumstance where someone had to take the ball and run with it on short notice.

Hoping it doesn't become a precedent as a lot of potential candidates would be ruled out for no good reason when there is adequate time to judge their merits in a normal election cycle.
Hence my qualified first line ...

Was not a criticism of this election, everyone understands this is an unusual circumstance where someone had to take the ball and run with it on short notice.

Hoping it doesn't become a precedent as a lot of potential candidates would be ruled out for no good reason when there is adequate time to judge their merits in a normal election cycle.
Anyone and everyone should be eligible to apply for admin. Obviously though, there needs to be a vetting of sorts - which can happen after nominations I suppose but yeah, anyone should be allowed to nominate at the very least. At least, that’s what I think.

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DenieD, The Filth Wizard & ClarkeM if successful in the vote will you be using a GMQO to assist ? If so who will your GMQO be ?
I have asked this question as well.

Not sure why we have to hide the Q&A session behind several layers of delays, especially when time is of the essence.

I posed the question, my Committee Rep has to post it in the appropriate thread then wait for 3 answers before he can respond back to me in our team PM so that I can then pose a follow up question that needs to go through the same convoluted process.

It is a waste of time for our Committee reps to be playing messenger, especially if there are same/similar questions from each club, when an open thread can cover the same ground much quicker and easier for zero extra effort.
Thank you for the transparent communication TheInjuryFactory and to the committee for throwing this together in unusual circumstances.

Committee members, I am sure, are aware that personas need to be put to the side when making this decision. An administrator should have the ability to communicate, should have high and reliable engagement levels, and should have high level organisation to ensure league operations run smoothly. Importantly, the administrator should have a passion for the league and a history of contributing to its success, whether they have adopted a ‘popular’ persona or not.

ClarkeM has demonstrated this throughout his career without ever showing an interest in the position. Having then taken it on to help us all, he got a taste for it. And he was great at it in unusual circumstances.

My view is that he is deserving of taking the mantle of his own accord now, on his own terms. He is owed that, I believe, for the way he stood up so effectively this year. He will be great in the role, and I hope the committee affords him the opportunity.

But to all 3 who put their hands up - thank you, and good on you. You’d all do well, and i know you don’t put your hand up lightly. It’s much appreciated.
I have asked this question as well.

Not sure why we have to hide the Q&A session behind several layers of delays, especially when time is of the essence.

I posed the question, my Committee Rep has to post it in the appropriate thread then wait for 3 answers before he can respond back to me in our team PM so that I can then pose a follow up question that needs to go through the same convoluted process.

It is a waste of time for our Committee reps to be playing messenger, especially if there are same/similar questions from each club, when an open thread can cover the same ground much quicker and easier for zero extra effort.
From my end, the only delay at the moment is me. Just want to reply to the questions when at my computer rather than phone.

I have no problems sharing the questions and answers publicly, as well as answering any appropriate questions in here too. Admittedly though, I don’t have much time available this weekend so I can’t sit around for too long.
Why have you allowed the Q&A to be done behind closed doors ClarkeM The Filth Wizard DenieD?

Is this lack of transparency going to be a sign of your leadership styles?
I have asked this question as well.

Not sure why we have to hide the Q&A session behind several layers of delays, especially when time is of the essence.

I posed the question, my Committee Rep has to post it in the appropriate thread then wait for 3 answers before he can respond back to me in our team PM so that I can then pose a follow up question that needs to go through the same convoluted process.

It is a waste of time for our Committee reps to be playing messenger, especially if there are same/similar questions from each club, when an open thread can cover the same ground much quicker and easier for zero extra effort.
There has not been a single gripe raised in committee, and this is the process the committee agreed upon unanimously.
I too, would like the Q&A to occur here - when so many have echoed that ‘time is of the essence’. Is there a reason other than ‘because Committee says so’, that it can’t be public?

I think if ClarkeM The Filth Wizard DenieD are happy to, there should be no objection?
The Committee wishes to know the names of the 6 non-dickheads please.
I have partial list:

1 - cats2rise

Please feel free to add to the list as you go.

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From my end, the only delay at the moment is me. Just want to reply to the questions when at my computer rather than phone.

I have no problems sharing the questions and answers publicly, as well as answering any appropriate questions in here too. Admittedly though, I don’t have much time available this weekend so I can’t sit around for too long.
I don't think any sensible request / query would be subject to any urgent reply, amigo.

I think all of us sensible qootballers are happy (and would prefer) to wait to get more coherent, detailed responses to multiple queries at once as opposed to quick responses fired off.
I too, would like the Q&A to occur here - when so many have echoed that ‘time is of the essence’. Is there a reason other than ‘because Committee says so’, that it can’t be public?

I think if ClarkeM The Filth Wizard DenieD are happy to, there should be no objection?
probably something you should have discussed with your committee member, who agreed to have this happen, and I assume discussed with their leadership group (which involves you?)
I don't think any sensible request / query would be subject to any urgent reply, amigo.

I think all of us sensible qootballers are happy (and would prefer) to wait to get more coherent, detailed responses to multiple queries at once as opposed to quick responses fired off.
For sure, I just needed to find the time as I'm out of action for most of tomorrow and preferred to dedicate the time appropriate.

As mentioned, I have no qualms in publicly sharing the questions directed at me and my answers back.
How do you plan to fix/manage the bye over the next three seasons?
For me, this is up to you as clubs how you would like to manage the bye. There are a multitude of options and scenarios that need to be considered.
  • A 14th team comes in, problem more or less solved. A team folds or merges, problem also solved.
    • Though is the latter really what we want for the league? Not at all.
  • We trialled an experimental approach to have some mid-week games which limited the impact of the second bye for teams. This was effective however it proved a challenge for clubs having to cater to change from routine so I can appreciate that it might not be the best approach moving forward. Once again, this remains an option for clubs to consider.
  • I had presented a 14 game, 15 week bye with 2 clubs having 2 byes in Rounds 1 and 2 with a mid-week match between them to soften this impact, then all 11 other teams would have just 1 bye for the season. Alternatively, the mid-week match could be played at the same time as another game meaning there's 7 games on a Sunday and all teams involved. So this style of method could work but once again it comes down to the club's preferences.
    • It was then stressed to me in the last week of the season that clubs wanted to explore more games and were willing to cop the 2 byes as a result. I have now produced a fixture that gives us that - 16 games, 18 rounds, 2 byes and no mid-week matches.
    • My plan would be to look at replicating the above model for future seasons at the club's support.
    • The challenge with such a fixture model is that it becomes extremely difficult to account for club requests without having to crack a few eggs, so to speak.
  • I do want to avoid some clubs copping 2 byes and other clubs having just 1 where possible as while I can appreciate teams like the Old Boys are happy to go with whatever is presented, I want to ensure that all clubs are on the same playing field or as much as possible.
  • The last option is the AFL All-Stars bot team. However, once again, it would be unfair for a team to play the bot team twice while other clubs just have to play them once. Not something I'm overly interested in but once again, that's up to the Committee to decide.
In the end, it's up to the Committee how they wish to approach this and we can talk through that together. It's no surprise to most but fixturing is a niche interest that I do have and in a time with such a specific set of parameters, I like to do my best job in it.

Could you please share any thoughts you may have on how best to grow the league? What do you believe are the best sources for the recruitment of rookies?
Some thoughts, aside from the existing avenues in place (promo banners, Qooty Tours etc.) have included enquiring with Chief about including a promo to the league in the initial email sign up new members get when they join the website. I begun discussions on this however I figured it was best left for the actual admin to follow up on rather than the interim admin/GMQO at the time with more important matters to address.

I'll add in here, recruiting to me is new and old posters into the league. It is not poaching posters from other teams. There's a time and a place for that but that's on clubs to manage accordingly.

As stated in my application, I have a long history of recruiting for others and this will remain my approach. I'd like to address that there are strong clubs and that there are "struggling" clubs though I despise the term struggling to apply to perhaps the lowest ranking teams. Those lower ranking teams in terms of activity or posters, I'd be keen to work with them individually on their recruiting approaches and assess firstly what effort are they doing to recruit posters and based on that alone, I'd be able to gauge how I can help within reason. I'm not going to do all of their work for them however but I'm aware enough of the situation to gauge how much involvement I should or shouldn't have.

Recruiting in my opinion is not hard. It can be time consuming and full of let downs, sure, but it's not overly hard to achieve. Just need to keep it simple and fun for both new posters and those doing the recruiting.

Do you feel that there is anything the Admin can do to increase the quality of posting in match threads?

Do you believe the league can self regulate or does it need the occasional steer?

Is more posting better?
Honestly, I'm not sure an admin can magically increase the quality of posting in match threads and nor is it their place rather it's the club's themselves to create their culture or standards of engagement according to their own identity. No one wants us to revert to the days of 4 page match threads where there are two posts - a Go Team and a Well Done Team, Commiserations Other Team and naturally, no one wants to have to put up with 150 page spamathons each week because it gets tiring quick. This is why with 12 other teams to play, we're fortunate to experience a multitude of identities, cultures and communities each week and this is why we have match threads more or less these days. We've naturally evolved into activity-driven monsters and I have always been a big believer in getting the enjoyment out of this place that you yourself want to get so long as it's not to the mass detriment of others. More posting is better - if that question is as simply answered as such to how it was posed, however it's only in the context of comparing activity vs. low activity.

To answer your second question, I believe the league can self-regulate more often that it needs direction. This place was born from a silly little idea and has formed into a place where members like myself, Ljp, Crowwy, Tarks, Pie etc. can't seem to let the place go. There's got to be a reason why this is and I believe it's due to the uniqueness and culture that we as a community have fostered over the many years. Sure, there will be moments of drama and spats, but there's also times where we come together and all realise that we revolve much of our life around an antiquated, pointless sim where nothing truly matters. You just need to have someone steady at the helm of course however in saying that, once again referring to my application, I don't believe that the admin actually runs the place, the Committee does; the clubs do. Until that structure is broken, the league and association is in a good place and will be forever guided in the direction relevant to the league.

DenieD, The Filth Wizard & ClarkeM if successful in the vote will you be using a GMQO to assist ? If so who will your GMQO be ?
I'll answer this question it's fair to ask, though I'll answer it succinctly.

Yes, I would most likely use a GMQO - I wouldn't be seeking to shake the structure beyond what already exists in place. I've not thought much about who that person would be at this point in time other than that I would prefer them to not be someone from my own club in the Wonders.

Ask Clarke why he has fluctuated between wanting the job and not wanting the job. Will he change his mind mid-reign?
Just like with any ~18 month commitment, you need time to process these things. It was made abundantly clear to me that I would not be continuing in the role as GMQO beyond Season 37 and respectfully until the weekend, I supported the notion it was Elton Johns Wig's role for the next two seasons unless the Committee intervened as per the rules and tools that they had in front of them.

So naturally, my mind was not even thinking beyond Season 37 from a personal standpoint and what role I would be playing (if any) however if you read through my posts, I openly say to the Committee that I would be willing to be the Sweet FA's admin moving forward if required however my position is compromised by the role that I was in at the time. The Committee deserved to know that I was available to help, in any role and that I was willing to step aside and let them follow the processes they determined were best for Season 38 and beyond (as I did). None of this was of a concern to myself.

I did say that I would not be putting my name in the ring to be the next administrator if I was the GMQO running the election per Section 3F. It wouldn't feel right to me to be coordinating my own election and in effect, campaigning to take the role from someone who I have the upmost respect for in EJW and appointed me to the privileged position of GMQO. Thankfully, this is not what happened and Section 3D was enacted and process was followed accordingly. I stated that I would be happy to be admin in Season 38 if the Committee wished to appoint me for a one-off season given the circumstances and we worked through a proper admin process together throughout Season 38 and fairly, this was rejected. I then offered to help in the process of the search for a new administrator for this off-season which was also rejected by the Committee. My first points of call were offers of help to the Committee. I was then relinquished from the role of interim admin/GMQO effective Monday and a caretaker admin was then appointed to oversee the next stage of the process - all of which I supported fully as per the rules in place and in the spirit of the league's best interests. At this point however I became an open player in the field and I felt it was appropriate to consider formally running for administrator position from an equal and level playing field, especially after speaking with some members from the community and club who had expressed support in me "continuing on" in the role.

If I didn't feel comfortable applying for 3 seasons in the role, I wouldn't be applying. Of course though, this is completely a voluntary position and if something in my life changed where I was unable to access the league as much as I should or otherwise fulfill by duties as admin, then of course I consider stepping aside in the best interests of the league rather than holding onto it - just as I would expect any candidate would. I don't need the role for my ego, I'm just a guy that's trying to help... as always.
probably something you should have discussed with your committee member, who agreed to have this happen, and I assume discussed with their leadership group (which involves you?)

It’s been said above - asking, then it getting asked, then multiple answers relayed back - seems a slow process for an important decision, no?
It’s been said above - asking, then it getting asked, then multiple answers relayed back - seems a slow process for an important decision, no?
I don't really care but last time it was a waste of time shit show in a public forum
It’s been said above - asking, then it getting asked, then multiple answers relayed back - seems a slow process for an important decision, no?
In a way yes however it must be appreciated that there’s no guidebook to this really and the Committee have decided that this is the best approach moving forward which represents all club’s views.

Sure, it could have been a little more transparent but even the candidates might not have time or energy for endless campaigning and political nonsense, fairly so. The Committee’s intentions seemingly are focused on the importance of the decision rather than the public discourse. And while I don’t disagree with you, I understand why this is the case.

We all just want to get the job done and get to a solution.
Usually the outgoing admin runs this but we have no outgoing admin so the committee voted for TheInjuryFactory to run it and for it to be done in house and without all the chaos of last season. It’s not secret tho, the LG questions are in committee but are supposed to be shared with clubs anyway, Headless has posted everything in our team pm as well as the LG…this is what everyone should be doing. If anything is being kept secret blame your own rep, the committee isn’t a private pm.
Some clubs are being extremely active with it and some have barely participated, that’s always the norm.

This thread on the main board is for everyone to join in, as you can see the candidates will answer your questions here too.
Honestly, I'm not sure an admin can magically increase the quality of posting in match threads and nor is it their place rather it's the club's themselves to create their culture or standards of engagement according to their own identity.

To answer your second question, I believe the league can self-regulate more often that it needs direction. This place was born from a silly little idea and has formed into a place where members like myself, Ljp, Crowwy, Tarks, Pie etc. can't seem to let the place go. There's got to be a reason why this is and I believe it's due to the uniqueness and culture that we as a community have fostered over the many years. Sure, there will be moments of drama and spats, but there's also times where we come together and all realise that we revolve much of our life around an antiquated, pointless sim where nothing truly matters. You just need to have someone steady at the helm of course however in saying that, once again referring to my application, I don't believe that the admin actually runs the place, the Committee does; the clubs do. Until that structure is broken, the league and association is in a good place and will be forever guided in the direction relevant to the league.
In the context of what you say you believe, as highlighted above, can you please express how you will avoid the mistakes of this year where you excluded our club from participating because you didn't like us being true to our culture and taking the piss in a PM that affected exactly no one else in the entire SFA?

We missed one initial deadline for nominating, and we were not on our own there, yet no other club had their Committee Rep dismissed or their award nominations ignored.

I know the rules for issuing warnings before instigating the dismissal process were not followed, did you at least consult other clubs and put it to a vote? If not, how does what you say will happen match with your recent actions?
In the context of what you say you believe, as highlighted above, can you please express how you will avoid the mistakes of this year where you excluded our club from participating because you didn't like us being true to our culture and taking the piss in a PM that affected exactly no one else in the entire SFA?

We missed one initial deadline for nominating, and we were not on our own there, yet no other club had their Committee Rep dismissed or their award nominations ignored.

I know the rules for issuing warnings before instigating the dismissal process were not followed, did you at least consult other clubs and put it to a vote? If not, how does what you say will happen match with your recent actions?
You should probably build a bridge. It has been fully explained that this is a common theme from the Bombers over many seasons and committee is not the place to "take the piss" as you said yourself. If your club is not interested in helping the league and only hold your own clubs interest in mind then you really don't deserve to have a representative. The committee, after all, is a place where all clubs come together to decide what is best for the league, not a particular club.

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