Media Falcon Files presents Falcon Natters: An interview with admin candidate, Pickitt.

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Dec 31, 2019
AFL Club
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WPFC; WA; StGI Dragons; GumbiesFFC
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Welcome to Falcon Natters. An interview piece where the answers are more important than the questions and the interviewee is more important than the interviewer.

Last week, an open invite was put out to all the admin candidates to appear on the program and tonight the first of the candidates has taken up the challenge.

Debuting in season 32, my guest certainly has had no issues in getting noticed. My guest is Pickitt who addresses, amongst other matters, concerns regarding their past performance and outlines some of their methods to increase engagement.

[PLAYERCARD]kysaiah pickett[/PLAYERCARD].gif

Thank you for joining me. First, why did you agree to this interview?

I think it's a good idea to let the SFA community know a little more about me and what I plan to enforce as admin.

You considered applying for admin in season 33, what have you learned since then to make you a better candidate?

I'm taking this more seriously, I've learned as I said in a few other interviews that leadership roles should be taken as just that; a role where you lead and implement new policies to better the League, rather than just a status symbol.

When captaining the Furies, you had a reputation for going missing. Why can we trust you’ll be a present admin?

As I touched on before I took it as more a symbol of 'Hey look at me I'm the captain', and I absolutely took the fact I had a co-captain for granted, I've taken a step back and now know what's both expected and needed from an admin and I'm willing to make that commitment.

On that note, how would you assess KP’s performance in the admin role over the past 2.5 seasons?

I think KP has done a great job of doing the essentials but also taking the role with a bit of humor and not just being a wooden plank run-of-the-mill authoritative figure, and I appreciate the fact that they've tried some new things in their run.

Now to your initial application submission. It mentioned promoting the Sweet FA better on other parts of Bigfooty. How do you mean?

The tried and tested method of tours is one that many people think we should abandon, but I believe I have ways of doing tours that would vastly improve the process compared to previous endeavors.

pick falc interview.png

The specific term you used was "enhanced promotion"- what does this involve/look like?

I believe we could make better use of the bigfooty announcements (top of the webpage, and have 2 links included eg, "Check out the round 12 SFA Ladder!" with the second being a sign up link, another idea I had was the use of embeds via Hates site. I'm aware that some people dislike qooty banter, it's not something I would use but I believe having interactive embeds in OP's ect would add a bit of spice to Match threads, eg. "You haven't scored a goal in 3 games!", even if not those having it readily available to for people to look up stats is something we could improve on.

Interesting ideas and would absolutely be an enhancement for many. Sticking on the subject a little more, increasing activity and engagement is a big part of your pitch. Why is this so important to you?

Everyone has their own posting styles, teams have their own posting styles and of course, I understand that, but there has been a significant decline in engagement, whether that be a team that's a bit spammy or a team that values quality over quantity it's noticeable everywhere, so I feel getting numbers back to where they were a few seasons ago would be beneficial.

What should an admin be doing to increase league engagement?

It's a very fair question, someone who's encouraging the league to increase engagement should therefore have a solution, and (not to offload my work), there's a limit on how much an admin can do, you can do all the things in the world but it'll always come down to the player, so I encourage captains to pump their team up in their team pm, give a bit of backstory, explain the rivalry if any and get them in the thread, another thing (unsure if intentional) that I appreciate is the simmers tagging people if they do something key in a qooty match, a very simple but effective thing to get posters involved in the Qooty aspect.

Let’s change pace for a moment with some quick fire questions:

Favourite band:
not really a band person but; NWA, Souls of Mischief?
Parma or parmi: PARMA!
Dog or cat: Cat
Tarks or okeydoke: Tarks 🤗
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Favourite colour: Navy Blue or Green

Well folks, Pickitt has proven they’re not afraid to answer the hard questions (especially the contentious parma vs parmi debate). Let’s move to expansion. Do you think it is likely that the competition will have an even number of teams by the end of your term?

I do

How important is the expansion/contraction of the league to you?

It's a very important issue to me, but it's also a difficult one in the sense that no matter what you do someone will always be upset with the result, whatever happens though I'd make sure I'm not just folding/merging/creating team(s) for the sake of it, posting stats and player numbers would be taken into account before doing anything.

Breathe easier, we’re almost through. Now, what one skill/trait do you have that none of your competitors have or have to your level of competency?

I like to think I have the courage and creativity to try what others won't, everything is trial and error and I'd be willing to hear everyone out about potential ideas that could be implemented no matter how odd/unusual, I'd listen.
And again, that's not to offload work by any means I just feel as admin I have a duty to tend to everyone's ideas ect about improving a league they care so much about.

Lastly, is there a topic I haven’t asked you about that is important to you and your admin run? And why does it mean so much to you?

Overall my final message is just that I'd love to help the league, don't want to just have a subpar run at this I want to exit the role knowing I improved the league and brought higher engagement rates into the SFA.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks Falc

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Parma or parmi: PARMA!
Dog or cat: Cat
Tarks or okeydoke: Tarks 🤗
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Favourite colour: Navy Blue or Green
3/5 isn't bad but I'm not sure its admin material, I'm looking for 4+ or zero

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