Fev facing axe from Brisbane over claims....

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$10,000 says he did it.

$10,000 says most on here couldn't care less about the bloke or what happens to him given it's his 1,357th offence and he's basically a bag of sh!t as a person.

$10,000 says the Lions will fine/suspend him the minimum possible.

$10,000 says the AFL will do the same based on their tabular code of conduct penalty v-lookup system.

Now...where can I place these bets?

Just a little piece of advice: don't engage in any bets of this kind with Morgoth or GuruJane. You will never be seen of BigFooty again. Now this may suit you, to go out in a blaze of glory, but the ramifications can be ugly.

See Question Time on S.R. & P Board.
I think I've worked out what happened. Fev was at a family day/completely unrelated to footy function somewhere in Brisbane. It was at a park in which there was a hotel. At this hotel there was no alcohol being served. The woman in question, who was with her husband and two children had been talking to Fev inside the hotel.

This is where I start to lose the plot a bit, but I'll soldier on anyway.

It is understood a member of the public has lodged complaint the Fevola exposed himself to a woman while he sat in his car.

Now it seems obvious that Fev is being accused of exposing himself to the woman, somewhere outside this hotel, possibly in a park. However, it's not immediately clear who was sitting in his car. Was it the member of the public, or was it Fev?

Anyway, let's press on. On this thread Fev has been accused of pulling his todger out to have a leak, or alternatively, wanting to do the deed with this woman, whom he presumably barely knew, while her husband possibly watched.Was the member of the public who saw these activities the woman's husband? If so, why in dog's name would he ring a football club, instead of the police? If not, who was the person who allegedly saw Fev's wang being exposed to this woman. Was it this person who informed the husband?

The conclusion I've drawn is that the information so far provided seems too confused to be of much use.

If the allegations are true, whatever they actually may be, what Fev's done is piss on his club, football in general, all who care about him and footy, and himself. Very messy all round.

Apparently not near a pub at all, but at a park. Not Wynnum, but close by. Allegedly upon leaving the group, Fev is supposed have called the woman over and exposed his "person" whilst seated in a car. The footy culture seems to dictate that the proper course of action to take whenever a football player from any code in any state transgresses is to firstly contact the club. Go figure?

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Richmond says Hi

Hardly likely, seeing that we have the current Coleman medalist, but then again with our solid culture we could probably turn him around, look how well Cuz is traveling after two years at a proper club, poor old Fev only has Carltank and the BrisVegas Lions as an example :(

Hawks may want someone that can kick a goal or two though, maybe a straight swap for Roughead?
Gotta be more to it. Pretty convenient timing for the Lions looking to ease the strain on the wallet.

In some respects Fev falls into the category of "flawed genius", although calling him a genius in any context just feels wrong.
How to create a Fev? Put a bloke like him in a club like Carlton that are known for their cover ups and sweeping of incidents under the carpet, and give the bloke chance after chance, year after year (a trait known to most as being morally bankrupt).

We were being told that the revered leadership of Voss and Brown would absolve him of his previous behaviour and that it was some imagined 'Carlton culture' that was seeing him act out.

Obviously the leadership of Voss and Brown hasn't been able to rein in his behaviour and he has now gone on to allegedly commit his worst act by far.

The ****ing prick has two young daughters (off the top of my head) and an estranged wife, that since moving back to Melbourne, has proven that she is the key to stability in his life.

He goes and allegedly exposes himself in public, and thereby proves, not that he's your common 'idiot', not that he's never grown up, but that he's a self-centered perverted egotist.
Hardly likely, seeing that we have the current Coleman medalist,

Vastly over rated. Trust me.

Just another shit side with a Coleman winner.

Wonder when jack will start pissing in public? I see much in his demeanour which suggests he has the tools to follow in the footsteps of the Fev.

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Fev has form when it comes to sexual harrassment claims and he really needs help, or to grow up, or both. I hope for the Lions Fev is innocent, but if he is guilty then hopefully this will be the wake up call he needs. Being sacked by the AFL, a court hearing, and leaving his sport in disgrace is going to be a lot for him to cope with when all his "friends" no longer want anything to do with him.
wow..................... Who created this monster !!!
Seeing as he was known as a tool before he was drafted - see back to the doco on Fev, Headland and Ramanauskas - it was probably his best mate and the same guy who's leadership has crippled Richmond over the last two years.
If these allegiations do turn out to be true, it seems pretty clear that Fev's AFL career is over.

What interests me is what Fev is thinking when he makes these offences. Many people would say that he's simply a narcisstic a-hole, a bad drunk, a fool, or a combination of all three.

Though, I wonder if there's something deeper there. He seems to not only do stupid things but do stupid things which he surely knows he'll get caught for, and that will get him in trouble. My thoughts are that he seems to have some deep-seeded issues of self-loathing masquerading as arrogant buffoonery in which does harmful things to himself and others to 'prove' to himself and others that he is a bad person. He seems to want to get punished and punished badly in a really self-destructive cycle in which he won't be 'happy' until he has lost everything & proven everyone right that he is a bad person. (He seems to have made a good go of it this time).

If this is indeed the case, it's a shame for all involved that this man didn't get the help and treatment he needed to overcome this before it got this point (assuming that his family, club & others haven't tried as much as possible to get this man professional help. I sure that there have been approaches but nothing significant as Fev's behaviour appears not to have changed).

Anyways, I hope for the sake of the AFL, the Brisbane Lions, his family and himself, these allegiations turn out to be untrue as things look pretty bleak for Brendan Fevola as seemingly everyone's had enough of his destructive behaviour.
Will read that book later. Currently reading the 'How to handle Coaching Appointments' book by the Essendon FC.

Funny read so far !!

fair call.....once you've read that maybe you can read john elliot's book 'how to pay off women who claim they've been sexually assaulted by carlton players'.

deny carlton's morally bankrupt culture of wrist slapping and cover ups had anything to do with fev's development all you wish, but it's pretty bloody obvious to most that they were irresponsible by not having the balls/morals to make a stand well before they did.
$10,000 says he did it.

$10,000 says most on here couldn't care less about the bloke or what happens to him given it's his 1,357th offence and he's basically a bag of sh!t as a person.

$10,000 says the Lions will fine/suspend him the minimum possible.

$10,000 says the AFL will do the same based on their tabular code of conduct penalty v-lookup system.

Now...where can I place these bets?[/quote]

With Fev himself, heard he likes a bet..

didn't essendon come down on him pretty hard for his first slip up?

carlton make excuse after excuse for fev's behavior for a decade and even declared publically he had no chances left....before giving him another couple of chances.

you're comparison is nothing short of laughable, yet quintessentially carlton all at the same time......

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Fev facing axe from Brisbane over claims....

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