Fevola: The Real Story

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The hypocrisy that is sprouted around this place sometimes is amazing. I know people like to hate carlton and it's pretty bloody easy to do, but lets look at this logically for a second.

It is alleged that Fevola either "harassed" or "sexual assualted" a female journalist, as of this very minute NO complaint has been made from either the female victim or anyone else who might have been privy to this incident.

So, what you're suggesting is the AFL investigate an alleged incidient, which is all well and good, however what will investigating it prove without a complaint? NOTHING, you cannot force her to make a complaint, which means there is no case to answer for. Even if it is uncovered that the alleged incidents did occur, it would still amount to nothing without the co-oporation of the woman involved.

Now for the hypocrasy, you hate mongering conspiracy theorists who are saying "the herald sun should of reported this", firstly if they reported this and it turns out the alleged incident didn't happen you would be up in arms for ruining Fevola's reputation (although he does a good job of it himself) and you'd start claiming they are just trying to sell papers, blah blah. They really couldn't do anything, on one hand they have an employee of the company to think about and someone else's reputation to take into account. Not to mention the potential for about 100 law suits if what they reported turned out to be incorrect.

It's a very serious matter and im glad for once, The Herald Sun showed some restraint, whether they would have done it for an non-employee if neither here nor there because if she didn't work for them would they even know about it?

The only thing I have a gripe with is the comments made by Sticks today.
Is anyone suggesting anything different?

The issue is the club's actions and reaction to the allegations.

I'm not sure anyone has actually suggested anything criminal (at this stage).

I was referring to the implications of using a strict definition of innocent. By its applicaton, Fevola who hasnt been found guilty is innocent, and there are no obligations to the club or himself raised by his conduct.

Seems a bizzare stance to take, right?

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Sticks didnt sound very convincing.

I think it's quite obvious Carlton knew about this but decided to keep it from everyone for obvious reasons.

By other parties I am assuming he means Crown or the Police?

In answer to the reporters last question there, why couldn't sticks just say yeah we were involved, we discussed the situation and we made a decision. As a result Fev is now a Lions player.

Oh and anyone who suggests the Lions didn't know are living in the fairies. They knew, but the AFL are going to do squat about it and the HUN ain't going to do anything either. It will all be swept under the rug and forgotten about.

The police haven't investigated the alleged assault they have investigated the responsible serving of alcohol at Crown Casino. So, the only other party who could of "investigated" is Crown Casino themselves, so of course nothing resulted.

The pleading of ignorance by Sticks is a real flashback to the old Carlton, and to be honest it is pretty insulting to suggest "they didn't want to get involved".
Ethically, as an employer, they couldn't report that the woman had been assaulted until she was okay with it....if it happened to someone in the public they'd be free to go, but if they report that one of their workers was assaulted without her consent to report it, they could be in big trouble in terms of work place relations.

Like it or not, that's the way it is and that's not the newspapers fault one iota.

I'm talking about journalistic ethics. If it wasn't one of their journalists you'd think they'd report it. But what get's me is why the other media didn't report it? Protecting one of their own?
People are over-looking a few things:

1. It is in the public domain now, the police will make inquiries like they did over Elliots comments. Whether anything comes of it who knows but they will look into it.

2. The court of public opinion will swing into over-drive and demand the AFL take a 'stand' against this type of behaviour. The AFL as we all know is sensitive to critism at the best of times but when it involves an assault on a woman, well we all know their public stance.

3. The Rugby based media will go into over-drive in NSW and QLD.

This is not anywhere near over yet, it is only just beginning. Everyone roles will be examined who did what to whom, who knew, what did they do, did they investigage etc etc.
I'm talking about journalistic ethics. If it wasn't one of their journalists you'd think they'd report it. But what get's me is why the other media didn't report it? Protecting one of their own?

Because in it's current state the "assault" isn't even half a story. There is no complaint, no investigation and no admission of guilt. Who wants to put their hand up say something definitive?
People are over-looking a few things:

1. It is in the public domain now, the police will make inquiries like they did over Elliots comments. Whether anything comes of it who knows but they will look into it.

WRONG, they will not investigate without a complaint, because without a complaint charges cannot be made.
Because in it's current state the "assault" isn't even half a story. There is no complaint, no investigation and no admission of guilt. Who wants to put their hand up say something definitive?

What do you mean not a story! Same situation three weeks later and it's a massive story. Has there been a complaint or investigation? No, and they're not quoting the journalist either. So why did they sit on it for three weeks???
What do you mean not a story! Same situation three weeks later and it's a massive story. Has there been a complaint or investigation? No, and they're not quoting the journalist either. So why did they sit on it for three weeks???

I've explained this already. They have a duty of care to their employee, it's strictly and allegation (an allegation not even made by the "victim") so without any definitive proof, them accusing Fevola of sexual assault without the victim making a similar accusation is a great way to not only lose any credibility you may have but also wind up in court.
By my understanding the Age didn't know about it until they reported it.

Everyone knew about it. Roy Masters made a comment on Offsiders about the Hun sitting on a story about Fevola, Caro was sitting next to him and grinned sheepishly. It'd fair to say most sports journos in the country knew about it.
These are the comments from Sticks.

I've been a critic of his in the past but I am staggerred how this boofhead can make such irresponsible comments as an employer.

Kernahan insisted that he had not discussed the allegations with Fevola personally, but that "everyone knows of an alleged happening at the Brownlow".

"The club has acted. We had a board meeting just after, on that night," Kernahan said.

"The alleged happenings, I don't know if they've happened … The club's looked into it and it is what it is.

"That's why we've made the call that we have. It was a big part of it."

When asked if Carlton had felt compelled to investigate, Kernahan said: "I think it's already been looked at by other parties.

"It's an alleged thing and the AFL are looking at it. I don't want to go into it ... I don't want to be involved in that at the moment.

"As I understand no charges have been laid. Have people looked into it? Yes they have and we've known about an alleged action and I don't know what else to say about it. It's ongoing, if it is going at all.

"We've had issues with Brendan over the years as you know, it's been well documented. I saw it on The Footy Show that's all I've seen of it.

What sort of organisation ignores allegations of this nature?

Even more staggering is that this organisation only recently was at the centre of allegations about covering up sexual assaults.

Stephen Kernahan you are a disgrace!

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Everyone knew about it. Roy Masters made a comment on Offsiders about the Hun sitting on a story about Fevola, Caro was sitting next to him and grinned sheepishly. It'd fair to say most sports journos in the country knew about it.

Yes, you're right, they knew about the allegations, they also knew that printing a story like that without even a shred of evidence would be an incredibly knee jerk thing to do.
I've explained this already. They have a duty of care to their employee, it's strictly and allegation (an allegation not even made by the "victim") so without any definitive proof, them accusing Fevola of sexual assault without the victim making a similar accusation is a great way to not only lose any credibility you may have but also wind up in court.

Wow your internal logic filter must have exploded when you wrote that! Yes she made an allegation, and they obviously believed her. Has anyone named her? No, so how is it a breach of their duty to her?
The most disgusting part of this whole thing is what Kernahan has said today, real disregard for the whole situations, if that was Eddie you had better bet supporters would be outraged and rightly so.
The most disgusting part of this whole thing is what Kernahan has said today, real disregard for the whole situations, if that was Eddie you had better bet supporters would be outraged and rightly so.

The amazing thing is this admission:

"The alleged happenings, I don't know if they've happened … The club's looked into it and it is what it is.

"That's why we've made the call that we have. It was a big part of it."

I just about fell off my chair when he said that.

Fev isn't the only one that should face AFL sanctions.
The most disgusting part of this whole thing is what Kernahan has said today, real disregard for the whole situations, if that was Eddie you had better bet supporters would be outraged and rightly so.
Sticks is a classic, isn't eh. He doesn't seem to even bother feigning concern. Any senior official from every other club in the league would already be making public statements of embarrssment and contrition.

Sticks just seems to shrug.(so far at least)
brisbane have snookered the AFL.

as if the AFL can come down hard on fev now that he's in an expansion market...

With all due respect, I disagree with this; on info I have received. The AFL have actually sanctioned it, wanted him out of the state. Also, just listen to the start of the 3aw piece. mitchell.. "I couldn't then said I wouldn't comment"
Wow your internal logic filter must have exploded when you wrote that! Yes she made an allegation, and they obviously believed her. Has anyone named her? No, so how is it a breach of their duty to her?

Because SHE has not made a complaint, you're seriously deluded if you think that they withheld this to protect "one of their own". Newspapers are ruthless, they would sell out their own to get a scoop, it's happened before many times.

Quite simply, they did not have even close to enough information to start branding around sexual assault allegations, and im glad they took the LOGICAL option not to run with the story .
Because SHE has not made a complaint, you're seriously deluded if you think that they withheld this to protect "one of their own". Newspapers are ruthless, they would sell out their own to get a scoop, it's happened before many times.

Quite simply, they did not have even close to enough information to start branding around sexual assault allegations, and im glad they took the LOGICAL option not to run with the story .

She did make a complaint, she didn't make a police complaint. She still hasn't. They had exactly the same information they had then as they do know, so why did they wait three weeks to publish it?
Biggest set up ever.

I really have a lot of sympathy for how badly Brisbane may end up losing out on this.

AFL have clearly kept their mouths shut till now, Carlton till he was traded and certain media outlets, probably with the promise of details or an agreement to hold off till he was no longer Carlton's problem.

If the girl complains now (was she pressured by her employer or will she complain at all) or the police only start taking this seriously or begin to investigate now, then that is some shameful shit.

How could the AFL let this trade go ahead, consider there has been weeks to sort this business out.

How could the HUN pretend they have been trying to protect her then come out with this now?

Lastly it shows how much contempt nearly all parties genuinely have for all the potential flash point issues involved.
Considering Carlton obviously knew exactly what he did, yet chose to cover up and trade him rather than do the honourable thing and sack him, they should lose their draft picks for the next 2 years and all players gained in this draft go into the internal draft as free agents, with carlton paying 100% of their salary for the contracted term.

that should teach them to keep their monkeys on a leash and consider developing a real club culture instead of the 80's one they maintain now.


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Fevola: The Real Story

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