Fevola: The Real Story

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The bit in all this that seemed to be missed ,he was at this function with his pregnant wife.............In my experience it would only take a fierce glance or a few harsh words and i would pull my head in.................no not hen pecked just have respect.........which makes me wonder if she either did not say anything............or he ignored her.................mmmmmmmmmmmm.
In your experience? And your point is?
Haha. Another woman expecting us to be mind readers.

You think there is some kind of objective way to read body language? I'm not autistic & can interpret it correctly the vast majority of the time, but it's still ultimately vague and easily misread.

Expecting people to pick up non verbal cues for consent 100 times out of 100 is stupidity.

Wow you really are ignorant, I understand that you're quite young, so hopefully as you mature you will get a greater understanding.
Alledgedly this is the list of what Fev actually did on Brownlow night:

1. Punched out Marc Murphy
2. Pushed Rebecca Twigley to the ground when she tried to restrain him
from attacking a security guard.
3. Sexually assaulted a female journalist.
4. Was involved in an incident with Gibbsy's girlfriend which left her
in tears.
5. Had the 2IC of the AFL Adrian Anderson in a headlock (along with
James Brayshaw)
6. Abused Warren Tredrea, along with other opposition players/officials
7. Swore/abused Chris Judd repeatedly when he attempted to have words to
8. Exposed himself to Rebecca Twigley asking her to accept it orally
(Led Judd to ask the board to trade him)
9. Punched a Channel 9 producer (don't know who)
10. Felt up Demetriou's wife (might explain why he came out saying Fev
had to clean up his act)

and polled 11 votes! LEGEND!

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Haha. Another woman expecting us to be mind readers.

You think there is some kind of objective way to read body language? I'm not autistic & can interpret it correctly the vast majority of the time, but it's still ultimately vague and easily misread.

Expecting people to pick up non verbal cues for consent 100 times out of 100 is stupidity.

You sound like the typical social Leper..most men know when it's appropriate to touch a woman.

Non verbal clues are like beacons ...if you can't read them then you are way out of your league.

Drunken groping is not a form of flirting...end of story.
I repeat . . . they have responsibilities as an EMPLOYER.

Legal responsibilities.

If that's too hard for you to grasp then maybe it's best you keep you ignorant comments to yourself.
Oh really? So it's against the law for newspapers to report any story which involves one of their employees, is it? What a load of crap. You know nothing. There is absolutely no law which would have prevented the Herald Sun from publishing the story as soon as they were aware of it, which was just after it happened. They claim to print the news without fear of favour, but then they hushed this story up for two weeks.
I dont think it has gone away Adrian Anderson has stated tonight that the AFL are investigating and have offered the Female responsible, mediation.
Fev was clearly off his head and given his antics anythings possible, surely Brisbane are aware of the allegations and if so the trade is Bizzare.
Was Johnathon Browns comment about his pregnent wife any less frivolous was he sanctioned by his club, maybe Brisbane has cultural issues but you can be sure the AFL wont sanction them, theirs money in expansion.
Adrian Anderson didn't say they were investigating,he said if the woman comes forward they will investigate.
You sound like the typical social Leper..most men know when it's appropriate to touch a woman.

Non verbal clues are like beacons ...if you can't read them then you are way out of your league.

Drunken groping is not a form of flirting...end of story.

Thank you Blues Man! Nice to be dealing with an adult.
Oh really? So it's against the law for newspapers to report any story which involves one of their employees, is it? What a load of crap. You know nothing. There is absolutely no law which would have prevented the Herald Sun from publishing the story as soon as they were aware of it, which was just after it happened. They claim to print the news without fear of favour, but then they hushed this story up for two weeks.

She is a employee, who was sent to an AFL function on a professional assignment to report on the nights proceedings as part of her job, she was then "allegedly" assaulted. So, they most certainly do have a responsibility to protect her because she was there representing them. They CANNOT, then turn around and say "yeah, we sent you there, and you got sexually assaulted by a drunken baboon, and although you don't want to make an official statement we still want to run a story about you, against your wishes".

I can assure you, that is illegal, they put their employee in danger while on assignment, it would be grossly negligent to then air the story against her wishes. Make no mistake about it mate, they had no choice but to not run the story.
I'm still struggling with the concept that Carlton fans don't think it was necessary for the club to form their own investigations into the incident.They feel that because they traded him on they are not responsible or involved in what has happened and subsequently transpired .

It's honestly dumbfounding that they could be so blind about the whole thing (with the exception of a couple). After all their attempts at trying to rebuild culture and gain back respect they seem to have take 2 giant leaps backwards with this "we are no longer involved" and "what good would an investigation of made?".


Dude you seem reasonably sensible!? Sure you are not just flaming?

The AFL and the HUN knew! Therefore Carlton would have been advised.

What would they have discovered?... here is my guess!

Fev..what happened!!???:mad:.... "I don't remember"

Murf Juddy Gibbsy... what happened.... " errrummmwell..I wouldn't like to say it all was so quick and err....ummm...I was a bit tippsy and err umm"

Footy club mateship!!!!.. or unwillness to accuse... or didn't really see it. Also club not in an unbiased position to properly investigate or accuse!

USELESS...let AFL & HUN sort it out the accusers side of story first! Then brace for formal charges ..if so ...then hand over to authorities to work out!
what i dont get is, if this happened on brownlow night. Why did she not report it to the police that night or the next day.

Why today has it come out. strange all round imo.
What is strange? At the moment she does not want to make a complaint,although she has been encouraged to do so. She thinks if she persues it and makes a complaint she will become a target for football supporters. It came out today on radio and had nothing to do with her.
Dude you seem reasonably sensible!? Sure you are not just flaming?

The AFL and the HUN knew! Therefore Carlton would have been advised.

What would they have discovered?... here is my guess!

Fev..what happened!!???:mad:.... "I don't remember"

Murf Juddy Gibbsy... what happened.... " errrummmwell..I wouldn't like to say it all was so quick and err....ummm...I was a bit tippsy and err umm"

Footy club mateship!!!!.. or unwillness to accuse... or didn't really see it. Also club not in an unbiased position to properly investigate or accuse!

USELESS...let AFL & HUN sort it out the accusers side of story first! Then brace for formal charges ..if so ...then hand over to authorities to work out!

The findings of an investigation are largely irrelevant, however they do have a duty to ensure all claims against their players are thoroughly investigate. Not necessarily for the benefit of the player involved, but more to appease the sponsors and victims.

By "not getting involved" they they effectively wipe their hands clean with it even though the club invited Fevola to the function as a representative of the club.

Members also have a right to know why one of their greatest ever players was put up for trade and exactly what he did.
She is a employee, who was sent to an AFL function on a professional assignment to report on the nights proceedings as part of her job, she was then "allegedly" assaulted. So, they most certainly do have a responsibility to protect her because she was there representing them. They CANNOT, then turn around and say "yeah, we sent you there, and you got sexually assaulted by a drunken baboon, and although you don't want to make an official statement we still want to run a story about you, against your wishes".

I can assure you, that is illegal, they put their employee in danger while on assignment, it would be grossly negligent to then air the story against her wishes. Make no mistake about it mate, they had no choice but to not run the story.
There is no such law - you are making this up. They definitely had the choice to publish or not, and they chose not to. They owe us an explanation why.

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Poor leadership from Andrew Demetriou.

Yep. One of the few occasions where the AFL actually has a right/mandate/obligation to step in from above, and what they do? Officially, nothing. That would be bad enough. However if rumours are true regarding AFL encouraging/facilitating the trade to Brisbane, well... what can you say?
BECAUSE Carlton have admitted they KNEW .
READ my post above
Knew about the allegation, as did the AFL, as did many people at Crown. Some were there to see the aftermath, some the HUN told. Carlton made it clear it was still an allegation as no complaint had been laid. This was rumoured on the Carlton board all week in fact.
I was simply making the point that all players see their psychologist on a weekly basis. Its a football club that teaches players the correct way to live in society so they can reach their potential on and off the football ground. I dont see anything religious about that.

Bless u my son.
They are no different to any club! If they can turn Fev around it would be a miracle,oh sorry, that sounds religious.
Thank you Father. :heart:
You sound like the typical social Leper..most men know when it's appropriate to touch a woman.

Non verbal clues are like beacons ...if you can't read them then you are way out of your league.

Drunken groping is not a form of flirting...end of story.

Hehe, social leper? turn it up. The appropriateness will always depend on the dynamics of the situation, both persons morals and current state of mind. It's not hard to believe that a person can do something which has been acceptable 10 times beforehand, then on the 11th have it not be.

I'm playing dvils advoate though, and I really don't know why I'm bothering to (kind of) defend him ... because from the footage we've seen he was parra, and drunken groping seems more likely than anything.
The findings of an investigation are largely irrelevant, however they do have a duty to ensure all claims against their players are thoroughly investigate. Not necessarily for the benefit of the player involved, but more to appease the sponsors and victims.

By "not getting involved" they they effectively wipe their hands clean with it even though the club invited Fevola to the function as a representative of the club.

Members also have a right to know why one of their greatest ever players was put up for trade and exactly what he did.

Rubbish! They are entitled entry to go to games and vote for the board members to control the club... end of entitlements!

All players are contracted to AFL! It was an AFL function.

You do not know the extent of any AFL investigation (neither do I)

You do not know the full details of eg Didaks, Tarrants,Shaws or Clokes incidents either! Yes Collingwood investigated & they handled them better.

Now after Brownlow, GF,trade week...it might be the right time for it to come out!

As apparently Carlton have told fans would happen. But it might not either!!!.. to protect what is left of Fevolas stuffed up career.

Any reasonable thinking Carlton fan / sponsor ought now have more than enough reason to understand the need to distance from Fev, finally try to discipline him and protect what is left of an already tainted Club image!
I'm still struggling with the concept that Carlton fans don't think it was necessary for the club to form their own investigations into the incident.They feel that because they traded him on they are not responsible or involved in what has happened and subsequently transpired .

It's honestly dumbfounding that they could be so blind about the whole thing (with the exception of a couple). After all their attempts at trying to rebuild culture and gain back respect they seem to have take 2 giant leaps backwards with this "we are no longer involved" and "what good would an investigation of made?".


You seem to get confused with the term 'allegation', and also seem to get confused over the fact that the victim does not want to do anything about it. It is not up to Carlton to gather evidence that it did or did not occur. Without a confession from Fevola or a complaint from the victim, all they can do is confirm that there is indeed an allegation, which they already knew, which most of us already knew.

They did not need to investigate to clear Fev as they had already decided to move him on. They did not need to investigate to implicate Fev as they had already decided on the ultimate punishment.

Kernahan might have stumbled at the press conference but if you read what he said, he was trying to answer the questions without really answering them. He said that others were looking into it, he said that the AFL were looking into it. To what end would you need Carlton looking into it, when they only power they have is over the employment of the offender?

Do clubs have investigators on staff? What does an investigation constitute? Do you think they didn't ask the Carlton players present what they knew? Do you think Ratten and Swann didn't recount what they knew of the night? Is that an investigation? Or do you think the amateur sleuths at Carlton who knew that the AFL had the same information as them, should have put some pressure on the victim to tell her story?

How would everyone had felt if we had have said 'yes we asked the players, Crown confirmed there was no video footage (despite the HUN already filling everyone in', the alleged victim has made no complaint, therefore our hands are tied and there will be no action taken'? You all would have screamed from the rafters about sweeping things under the rug. So we immediately react to the allegation and decide to get rid of him and now we are being taken to task for not carrying out an investigation that might have lead to the same outcome.

It is bewildering. It is like we are being told that we had the correct outcome but we missed a step in the due process leading to the correct outcome. Like long division, right answer but you failed to show your workings. LOL. Unbelievable.
Hehe, social leper? turn it up. The appropriateness will always depend on the dynamics of the situation, both persons morals and current state of mind. It's not hard to believe that a person can do something which has been acceptable 10 times beforehand, then on the 11th have it not be.

I'm playing dvils advoate though, and I really don't know why I'm bothering to (kind of) defend him ... because from the footage we've seen he was parra, and drunken groping seems more likely than anything.
Following her into a toilet,forcing her to the floor,groping and simulating other sex acts and then having to be dragged off by others.(this is not substantiated but is a strong rumour)
This would mean she was asking for it, i suppose?
The AFL's hands are all over this. The AFL told Carlton to get him out of Victoria. Do you wonder why only one Victorian club showed any interest at all but Carlton quickly said they wouldn't deal with them? No doubt in my mind, people suspected something was up, as we did or that the AFL warned them off.

when will the tampering end, eh?
She is a employee, who was sent to an AFL function on a professional assignment to report on the nights proceedings as part of her job, she was then "allegedly" assaulted. So, they most certainly do have a responsibility to protect her because she was there representing them. They CANNOT, then turn around and say "yeah, we sent you there, and you got sexually assaulted by a drunken baboon, and although you don't want to make an official statement we still want to run a story about you, against your wishes".

I can assure you, that is illegal, they put their employee in danger while on assignment, it would be grossly negligent to then air the story against her wishes. Make no mistake about it mate, they had no choice but to not run the story.
They are protecting her, their is no legal requirement for them not to run the story.
Following her into a toilet,forcing her to the floor,groping and simulating other sex acts and then having to be dragged off by others.(this is not substantiated but is a strong rumour)
This would mean she was asking for it, i suppose?

and their lies your problem. you have put in print a rumour against an afl player, that could lead you and this site to a huge court case..
have read the entire thread (took a helluva long time) and here is what I make of it.

1. First of all, contrary to one poster's claim, the lady involved is said by the Herald Sun as one of their journalists and was at the function on official duty.
2. It has been reported somewhere that although the journo has not made an official complaint (yet), she has provided a written statement of what happened.
3. Steven Kernahan should have consulted his brain before he spoke, as his words have branded him as a clone of Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the actions of a player in his own club.
4. The vicious attack on Fevola's wife is way out of line; if his team mates, and the two channel 9 employees could not physically control him, how on earth is his 6 months pregnant wife going to? His violent at times actions, if directed at her, could have caused a miscarriage.
5. I cannot understand why The Lions went through with the deal. The presence of Fevola will bring much shame to their club.
6. It appears to me that, up until now, The AFL has been sitting on their hands and hoping that with time, this will all go away, and no news organisation would publicise the alledged sexual assault.

I just hope the victim will have the courage and strength to give a full statement to the AFL, so that they can deal with Fevola and kick him out of the AFL.

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Fevola: The Real Story

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