Fevola: The Real Story

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Really, so the worst that happened was he touched her, because obviously there was no undressing or rape. Which he deserves a punishment by the womans family/friends, a punch in the face and it's over.

Talk about blowing this up into a storm. How many women get touched at pubs every night around the country (if that's even what he did). The woman who was allegedly harassed doesn't even want to complain about it, which is strange, don't you think if it was serious?

wow...just wow...

and just what would you do to a guy who did that to your daughter mate? shake his hand and tell him not to worry about it?
Following her into a toilet,forcing her to the floor,groping and simulating other sex acts and then having to be dragged off by others.(this is not substantiated but is a strong rumour)
This would mean she was asking for it, i suppose?

Lol, nice strawman ... as I said in my first post there's no defending that or anything similar if true.
The blatant sexism from a minority of posters on here is painful...

You can't just go around doing the things Fev allegedly did... no matter how drunk you are. At a crowded nightclub, sure maybe you'll get away with this, doesn't make it right though.

The Brownlow is essentially a work function where Fev was surrounded by an audience of his peers and a camera.

Respect to Carlton, they did incredibly well out of the trade.

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have read the entire thread (took a helluva long time) and here is what I make of it.

1. First of all, contrary to one poster's claim, the lady involved is said by the Herald Sun as one of their journalists and was at the function on official duty.
2. It has been reported somewhere that although the journo has not made an official complaint (yet), she has provided a written statement of what happened.
3. Steven Kernahan should have consulted his brain before he spoke, as his words have branded him as a clone of Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the actions of a player in his own club.
4. The vicious attack on Fevola's wife is way out of line; if his team mates, and the two channel 9 employees could not physically control him, how on earth is his 6 months pregnant wife going to? His violent at times actions, if directed at her, could have caused a miscarriage.
5. I cannot understand why The Lions went through with the deal. The presence of Fevola will bring much shame to their club.
6. It appears to me that, up until now, The AFL has been sitting on their hands and hoping that with time, this will all go away, and no news organisation would publicise the alledged sexual assault.

I just hope the victim will have the courage and strength to give a full statement to the AFL, so that they can deal with Fevola and kick him out of the AFL.
Would be hilarious
Following her into a toilet,forcing her to the floor,groping and simulating other sex acts and then having to be dragged off by others.(this is not substantiated but is a strong rumour)
This would mean she was asking for it, i suppose?

See, what gets me about that story is how others could possibly 'drag him off' her. There aren't too many ladies going around these days who culd forcibly remove a 100kg monster, so unless there were other men in the ladies' toilet, I find the story hard to believe...
See, what gets me about that story is how others could possibly 'drag him off' her. There aren't too many ladies going around these days who culd forcibly remove a 100kg monster, so unless there were other men in the ladies' toilet, I find the story hard to believe...

An upset woman telling someone to get off them in a female toilet, with the sound of a male voice in there as well, may attract attention from people on the outside who would help out the distressed woman. Or other women calling in other men to get Fev out of there.
Did you hear the comments your president just made?

The club were aware of the allegations and their inactivity speaks volumes.

When you consider the allegations from just a few months ago I cannot believe they put self interest ahead of principle . . . AGAIN!

They traded him. Isn't that enough??
Oh really? So it's against the law for newspapers to report any story which involves one of their employees, is it? What a load of crap. You know nothing. There is absolutely no law which would have prevented the Herald Sun from publishing the story as soon as they were aware of it, which was just after it happened. They claim to print the news without fear of favour, but then they hushed this story up for two weeks.

There's so much ignorance in your post I'm not sure where to start.

Legalities aside, an employer at the very least has an ethical obligation not to trade on confidential information of their employess for commercial gain as you are suggesting.

I'd think that was pretty obvious to anyone that has an ethical bone in their body.

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All clubs protect their own interests, not just the Blues.

I can't imagine there's too many clubs that would knowingly not investigate claims of sexual assult/harrassment in the hope of moving a player on before they become public.

Even more so when the said club is already under investigation for trying to suppress similar type claims in the past.

Pratt might be dead but his legacy lives on.
Why do some people think that the HS had some duty to sell out one of their own for a story? I think it is a good thing that they showed some loyalty and even if you look at it with a cynical eye it doesn't make sense to destroy an asset for 5 minutes of glory.
What should Carlton have done ? We know Carlton are unethical - what would the ethical clubs have done in this scenario ?

They would have stood him down pending an investigation.

Rather than do that, they chose to impose a $10K fine without an investigation, hoping the matter would go away long enough for them to move him on.

Personally I reckon the AFL have as much to answer for here as do Carlton.

The AFL and Carlton have both - as Carlton supporters like to put it - 'tranished the brand' by their inactivity.
Yep, to not investigate the alleged assault of a female, by a player contracted to the club, at an AFL function representing the club is a disgrace. If you can't see that, then I can safely assume you will never nor have you ever held a position of importance in a business of ANY description.
If one of my employees was accused of assaulting someone at a work function the first thing I would do is instigate an investigation of my own, in an attempt to establish exactly what has happened.
It's common sense.
This is what I find quite extraordinary :

From the the HeraldSun - "Herald Sun management has kept the AFL and other relevant parties - including the Carlton Football Club - regularly updated since the incident."

Stephen Kernahan - "The club's looked into it, and it is what it is"

I can't think of one organisation in the country (other than a couple of churches) that would treat such allegations with a "protect our interests first" approach to such a claim. Actually I can't think of one that wouldn't have sacked him immediately!
This is what I find quite extraordinary :

From the the HeraldSun - "Herald Sun management has kept the AFL and other relevant parties - including the Carlton Football Club - regularly updated since the incident."

Stephen Kernahan - "The club's looked into it, and it is what it is"

I can't think of one organisation in the country (other than a couple of churches) that would treat such allegations with a "protect our interests first" approach to such a claim. Actually I can't think of one that wouldn't have sacked him immediately!

Really? I can think of about a thousand !

So Carlton is the only organisation in the country (or are we talking global?) that would not have immediately sacked an employee over an alleged sexual harrassment claim ? You can't think of any others ?
Up early Jeffey? Still having trouble sleeping? Ghosts of Grand Finals past keeping you awake at night?

I found something to help you. Best wishes!

They would have stood him down pending an investigation.

Just like St Kilda did with Milne and Montagna during their, equally if not more so serious, allegations? There's an air of hypocracy as you stand on your pedestal demanding justice.

I agree that the stink around this is strong. Kernahan has, continues to tarnish the club.

He should be ousted along with Fevola.

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Fevola: The Real Story

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