Unofficial Preview Footy's back! MELBOURNE v ADELAIDE this Saturday Feb 22, 2020

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Players today I don’t want in R1:

Wilson, Kelly, Mackay, Gibbs, Atkins, Butts

Players locked in:
Brown, Talia, Laird, Sloane, Crouch, Crouch, Lynch, Stengle, Murphy, ROB, Frampton, Milera, Davis, Jones

Looked good:
Crocker, Keays, McAdam, Poholke

Smith, Seedsman, Doedee, Fogarty, Walker, McAsey

My go...

Brown Talia Doedee
Laird McAsey Milera
Seedsman Crouch Smith
ROB Crouch Jones
Lynch Walker Crocker
Stengle Fogarty Davis
Frampton Murphy Keays

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Well enjoy a fantastic season of turnovers and holding onto the ball and getting pinged then. Can’t wait!
Unlike you I have no preconceived ideas on Rat, he has been quite good today apart from the usual odd brain fart....across the game he's been quite good and certainly one of the better contributors.
You are watching a different game. Atkins has been very good with the exception of a couple of mistakes.

Nah it’s just typical Atkins. Tries to do way too much. We have options on and he hogs the ball and doesn’t move it quick, then gets caught and chooses the wrong option. Not to mention he can’t lay a tackle to save his life and lets his opponent run free at stoppages time and time again.

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Nah it’s just typical Atkins. Tries to do way too much. We have options on and he hogs the ball and doesn’t move it quick, then gets caught and chooses the wrong option. Not to mention he can’t lay a tackle to save his life and lets his opponent run free at stoppages time and time again.
He DID lay a tackle! So that’s wrong. He’s been mostly good. Take your blinkers off.

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