Scandal Former player suing AFL over racial abuse, sexual harassment

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What are you even on about? I'm not offended in the slightest.

Racial vilification and sexual harassment is illegal in Australia, and is a particular issue in the workplace. That's what this whole thread is about, incidentally. A former footballer taking the afl to court because of what he perceives to be institutionalised racism.

What happens in Malaysia is utterly irrelevant. It might well be awful. That sucks. So start a thread on it on the SRP board.

Malaysia doesn't have any bearing on this at all

And let's be clear - I don't face any issues with racism. I'm an Anglo Saxon male - I haven't had a day in my life where I've experienced anything like this (and No, having a random bloke on the street yell slurs at you is nothing like the same thing).

But don't tell people affected by a serious problem that it doesn't matter because others have it worse. You wouldn't do that in any aspect of your life and using it to defend racist behaviour is pathetic

'casual racism' comments by yourself...
It shows bro.

My advice would be to leave the past in the past, and not act out by being so heavy handed on people posting on an internet forum about footy. I mean, it's almost like you take this seriously.
sorry that was my fault I didn't use the sarcasm font so you couldn't tell I was joking
Katie Brennan leading the way. This guy was a spud of a footballer. Seems like an absolute flog, the AFL inductions and education around these issues are massive now and have been for 10 years. What a deluded, broke, sook.

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Will be interesting if it gets to court and ex-teammates are called as witnesses.

He's also claiming a conspiracy by the AFL and other clubs:

Hope he has some evidence.

The guy has massive tickets on himself, expecting to get drafted at 25 after playing another sport overseas.

'Unfinished business' leads defender back home after NFL stint


Come off it mate, get a kick first.

I'd only call one witness for the locker room stuff, Ablett. If he was aware of anything going on and if you make him swear on the bible, I'd be pretty confident you'd be getting the truth.
Think Blackcat has picked up the wider issue behind this claim by Wilkinson - Part of the claim seems to relate to banter in the locker room which could open up a can of worms if Wikinson has success with this part of his claim.
Just did some reading about Wilkinson's NFL "career" and found this masterpiece.

Who walks away when they’re at the top of their game?

Joel Wilkinson, at the pinnacle of his Australian Rules Football career as a defender for the Gold Coast Suns, did just that merely three years into his professional career.

At the ripe age of 23, Wilkinson had established himself as one of the Australian Football League’s premier defenders.

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Owning your own country means not having to explain things to those from different cultures and being free to comment without the fear of being labelled racist.

Which I suspect is anathema to the professional race-baiter industry.
Isn't a bloke who accuses another bloke of sexual harassment really just a homophobe? Given his religion, the opposing counsel is going to make him very uncomfortable.

Is a woman who accuses a man of sexual harassment just a lesbian or a prude? Stupid comment and stupid line of questioning if the defence go for it.

If Wilkinson felt uncomfortable in a situation where comments of a sexual nature were being made, whether it's jokes or discussion about bodyparts, or advances made by others, or discussion about his own sexuality and activities, then he has a right to express his concerns like everyone else.
What are you even on about? I'm not offended in the slightest.

Racial vilification and sexual harassment is illegal in Australia, and is a particular issue in the workplace. That's what this whole thread is about, incidentally. A former footballer taking the afl to court because of what he perceives to be institutionalised racism.

What happens in Malaysia is utterly irrelevant. It might well be awful. That sucks. So start a thread on it on the SRP board.

Malaysia doesn't have any bearing on this at all

And let's be clear - I don't face any issues with racism. I'm an Anglo Saxon male - I haven't had a day in my life where I've experienced anything like this (and No, having a random bloke on the street yell slurs at you is nothing like the same thing).

But don't tell people affected by a serious problem that it doesn't matter because others have it worse. You wouldn't do that in any aspect of your life and using it to defend racist behaviour is pathetic
You must be Joel Wilkinson or a relative.

If not, stop talking about racism if you have never experienced it.
People turn to the law when they are struggling with very difficult emotional and social issues. They often don't realise that legal action is a last resort and - in many cases - like flushing money down the toilet.
A good responsible lawyer will advise you on that and on wether or not you have enough to proceed
I was lucky on all counts

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Scandal Former player suing AFL over racial abuse, sexual harassment

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