No Oppo Supporters General AFL discussion and other club news

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There’s only one answer to this and it’s not the drug pigs.

Nah, definitely Essendon.

Perhaps it's an age thing?

My entire 20's were spent riding the peak of that Geelong rivalry. They live rent free in my mind and I'm happy to admit that.

Essendon have been so irrelevant for so long that they automatically take on the role of babyface in this match up next week.
All respect to Tom Mitchell he is painfully dull to listen to, and a bit of a dull person overall.

I agree, which makes it even more surprising that he hosts a podcast and always develops strong relationships with the young, cooler kids at whichever club he's playing at.

He and Ginni bounce off one another so fluidly in that recent Ball Magnets episode. From the outside you'd think Ginni is way too cool to give Titch the time of day.
As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know

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As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know

If we play them again this year, you just know they will cheap shot their way through the first half. And then get really dirty in the third.
This is an interesting stat:
View attachment 2026252

Good to see Conor Nash in the list.
Cant See Ken Jeong GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know

I think the difference for me was we actually had a good rivalry with Geelong that at its core there was some level of mutual respect deep down once you got past all the hatred.

I don’t have any respect for Essendon whatsoever
As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know
I hate them so much I want them to be better so we can beat them in a final 😂 it would break them
Despite their form, Cats are bloody hard to beat on their home deck. I feel a lot are underplaying how crap it is to play away there.

Since 2010, their win rate at GMHBA is nigh on 86%, which is bonkers (although, 2nd best home ground is us at UTAS, so goes in roundabouts)

This year, Cats are 3 wins & 2 losses at GMHBA, so odds say they start to win more at home. That being said, Cats are starting to look near their worst since 2010, so hopefully we can be the statistical anomaly to break their home dominance.
I’m going to go to this, watching in Nigel’s box. I hope we win so I get kicked out of the box haha. I think we can, if we do I reckon we are back. This is the game

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As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know
Correct response ✅

I can’t stand Geelong but also do begrudgingly respect them.

I can’t stand Essendon either but the lack of respect I have for every part of that organisation and culture takes it to a whole different level.
Nah, definitely Essendon.

Perhaps it's an age thing?

My entire 20's were spent riding the peak of that Geelong rivalry. They live rent free in my mind and I'm happy to admit that.

Essendon have been so irrelevant for so long that they automatically take on the role of babyface in this match up next week.

Yeah Same hopefully a Scum win just so we can pass them on the ladder when we play them.

It is going to help me relive the 80’s rivalries but if we can keep improving at the rate we have this year, with Carlton and if Essendon can keep improving.
As a Hawthorn supporter you hate Essendon. No exceptions we hate them the most. It's them number 1 then followed by the blues who nearly drove us broke paying for Princess Park when we weren't even playing there and then everyone else.

If you need to be reminded why we hate Essendon. Just let me know

It would be a generational thing. Fans growing up in the 80's would hate Essendon and Carlton the most. The younger generation of Hawks fans would have grown up hating Geelong and Sydney more.
“Threat Rating”?

Talk about jumping the shark.

Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Yeah I think it's fair enough to have something like this judging difficulty for shots on goal and the like, but in general play kick rating has always felt an odd one to me. They always throw up too many players that don't belong. I can guarantee no one is worrying more about Jason Johannisen's ball use than Sic' ball use, much less Liam Jones.

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