Geraldton Road Rage caught on camera.

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"Martin Luther King Jr. fought the type of prejudice and lies leveled at me by IGA Wonthella staff"


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I don't know about 'Twickering' up this thread... they never really end well - plus the guy clearly already has fully entrenched victim mentality, this would only confirm that in his eyes...

So we would be helping him realise his suspicions, thereby confirming his righteousness.

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I shit you not. Today I was in an op shop. I lodged a complaint with the manager of the shop because they had a book on the shelf that I tried to buy, but it had no price, they have a "No Price, No Sale" policy, whereby if you try to buy something without a price, they accuse you of removing the price and stealing and they won't sell you the item. The manager of the store, a woman of about 60 refused to price the book. when I told her that I was filming everything she said on my body cam, she threatened to sue me if I published the video & then promptly punched me in the mouth, of course it was a Batman & Robin act. The aggressive, vindictive manager had a little old lady as a side kick aged about 60 years old. Once the manager punched me the little old lady followed up by hitting me in the face with a full coffee cup. I was then asked to leave the store, which I did without hesitation. On driving back past the shop 10 minutes later, it was surrounded by police, six police officers & three police cars, all for little old me. I had done nothing wrong & no offence had occurred apart from myself being assaulted. If I didn't have this incident on film, I would be in the lock-up by now. I am six foot three, 110 kilograms, punched up by two old ladies in an op shop, who would ever believe that? The old Biddies tried to set me up too by making a false complaint to police. Tomorrow the video goes to the police and I am filing assault charges against the old ladies and suing the charity involved. Stay tuned for the video as I am editing it now for Youtube, it will be posted in about an hour

Op shop workers are some of the nicest, selfless people I've ever met. For him to yell and swear at them like that is incredibly rude and embarrassing. He needs to sort his shit out.
Honestly don't see what he did wrong, she touched him then the other one attacked him with a coffee mug. Obviously we don't see what happened before that, but based off that they were in the wrong.

Geraldton Road Rage caught on camera.

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