Werewolf Gralin's Brutal Werewolf - Day Ten- Village Wins

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Rules and Roles
Gralin's Brutal Werewolf

Basic rules:
Roles will be randomly assigned and communicated via PM. The village must identify and kill all players not aligned with the village before these players can kill enough villagers to satisfy their win condition.

Each day will consist of two phases:
Night phase (9:00pm – 8:30am AEST)
Players with night actions will nominate targets via PM during this phase. Actions can be placed in advance of the night phase. Nominations will not be accepted after deadline whether or not it has been announced in the thread. Each individual player within a faction must either nominate their own action, or make a post agreeing with the action for their role that has been previously posted by a teammate. This is to promote activity in the game, as well as make it fairer to action roles that do not belong to a faction.
Day phase (8:30am – 9:00pm AEST)
After the results of night actions have been announced all players will publicly vote to lynch a player during this phase. Votes will not be accepted after deadline whether or not it has been announced in the thread.

All votes and change of votes must be bolded and have myself tagged. If your vote is not bolded/tagged it will not be counted. You do not have to provide a reason for your vote for it to be valid. Multi lynch is allowed. There will always be a lynch each day phase.

Werewolf etiquette:
While the game is running players are not permitted to discuss the game anywhere but in this thread, the Dead PM or PM’s related to this game, if you have one. Posting screenshots and quoting PM’s are prohibited. Players caught breaching these rules will be modkilled without warning and denied entry to the Dead PM.
Deleting or editing your posts in the game at any time will result in a modkill

Failing to nominate a night action on TWO separate Night phases
Failing to vote in TWO separate Day phases

Players who are killed are permitted to post a farewell post provided that it does not impact the game (eg. “thanks for the game” or “good luck”). Dead players must leave the game immediately and are not permitted to post or like posts in the game thread or any PM they are a part of (except the Dead PM) until the end of the game.

Game Specific Rules

Hard to Kill - Each Player (including villagers) needs to be killed twice to die. There are three ways to kill a player. Lynching, night action or brutal retaliation. A player can be killed by any combination of the three, including two of the same action.
Examples - A player is targeted by two different factions for night kill = dead, a player is lynched 2 days in a row = dead, a player is lynched and targeted for a faction kill = also dead

Brutal Retaliation - Each player (including villagers) will have a direct PM with the mod. You can nominate one player to retaliate against if you die, the retaliation will count as one of the two required kills. You can change your vote any time prior to each phase deadline, any changes after deadline will not count should you die that phase. If you don't enter valid vote prior to dying the retaliation will go to a random member of your own faction. If you target died at deadline your retaliation is wasted, if you leave your vote on a known dead player your vote will be invalid and the retaliation will go to a random member of your own faction.

Fog of War - First kills will not be announced, players will not be notified of their first deaths. Night actions will be marked successful or unsuccessful within faction/player PM only. Only final kills will be announced publicly.

Role List



The local crime Syndicate - one faction kill per night
  • Godfather - Night immune to kills; seers as a Villager; gets to seer a player of their choice each Night Phase
  • Underboss - Second in command, takes over the syndicate as Godfather at their death of the original Boss
  • Intimidator - Can intimidate a player to do almost anything subject to mod approval
  • Goon - Lowest ranking member of the syndicate that carries out the kills while alive
Win Condition - Eliminate wolves, SK and equal village


The local lycan pack - one faction kill per night, chance to infect one bitten villager if they don't die. Only one infected per game.
  • Alpha - Night immune to kills; seers as a Villager; gets to seer a player of their choice each Night Phase.
  • Beta - Second in command, takes over the pack as Alpha at the death of the original Alpha.
  • Cub - Not part of the faction PM to begin with. Seers as villager while cub. If killed as the cub the pack gets 2 faction kills next night phase, unless the pack has killed the cub in which case they cannot kill the next night phase. If another wolf dies first they mature and join the pack (and PM), do not know they are the cub and the pack does not know either.
  • Wolf - Assists with kills.
  • Infected - A villager bitten by the wolves, if they survive the next day and night phase they will join the pack as a wolf.
Win Condition - Eliminate mafia, SK, and equal village

Solo Evil

  • Scumbag - Solo evil villager, has no communication with any other faction, has full list of evil including cub. Seers as village.
Win condition - Be alive when either evil faction wins - does not count for win condition purpose for any faction.

  • Serial Killer - Night-immune; Seers as a Villager, alignment good; Able to kill one player each night. If the person targeted is unsuccessful, they cannot target the same person in consecutive night phases.
Win Condition - Make it to the final 5 - does not count for win condition purpose for any faction.


  • Seer – chooses one player each night to discover their role.
  • Mystic – chooses one player each night to discover their alignment (Good/Evil)
  • Vigilante – chooses one player each night to kill, can be killed night or day
  • Doctor – chooses one player to protect each night from all night actions; may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
  • Flogs – four players who know each other’s role and share a PM, get one seer and one kill that can be taken at night
  • Hunter - While alive evil needs a majority to meet win condition. Seers as villager. If alive in a final 2 situation village wins.
  • Woodsman - While alive evil needs a majority to meet win condition. Seers as villager. If alive in a final 2 situation village wins.

Everyone else are villagers with no special abilities

Win condition: eliminate all Mafia players, Wolves players and the Serial Killer


Amulet - Neutral
Amulet protects from all night and day actions - holder will seer as villager and good, will be randomly handed out at the start and must be passed on by the end of the next day phase or will vanish. Amulet will explode randomly and vanish during the game, killing whoever holds it at the time. Cannot be passed between faction members that share a PM - example Mafia cannot pass to mafia, flogs cannot pass to flogs, wolves can pass to unknown cub, Scumbag can pass to other evil.

Mod Notes
  • No claims of balance for this game, first run
  • If we can't get over 20 players the roles may be paired back slightly
  • Only final kills will be announced, this will include any kills from brutal retaliation at the end of a phase.
  • Paranoia is your friend
  • I am not
  • Please note the adjusted day and night phase times of 8:30am-9pm AEST and 9pm-8:30am AEST
  • Sign Ups close 2pm AEST Sunday, Game starts 6pm AEST Sunday with first Night phase
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Player List
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #2
Player List
Cadsky flog
croweater 41 villager

Kurve Intimidator
SSwans2011 villager
NaturalDisaster Serial Killer
BEaston Hunter
RU_ villager
rye wolf
dogs105 doctor
boncer34 villager
Frederico_WA mystic
Strigoi Scumbag
Beerfish villager
ClarkeM villager
MP_ Beta
The Majestic cub
Pie 4 Life Seer
thewizardmelon flog

MC Bad Genius
Tarkyn_24 Underboss
Jhye Clarke 13 vigilante

Por_please_ya flog
Itsmyshow Alpha
Chipmunk villager
MWPP villager
DERO goon
Tandy wolf
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Daily Summaries
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #3
Daily Summaries


If you looked out your window last night you would have noticed the red tinge to the moonlight. Village legend says the blood moon is a time for death and change. People tend to stay inside at night during one.

Still some people clearly went out, strange howls were heard, sounds like the claws of large beasts scrabbling on cobblestones.

A few gun shots rang out and nobody could claim to have slept peacefully.

When the sun finally rose over the village and people cautiously came out, supsicion and fear hung over the town like the morning mist.

croweater 41 - villager has been lynched.
As you look at the corpse swinging by the neck you can't help but wonder if the village made a mistake.
You are momentarily blinded by a bright flash. Looking around you see confusion on your fellow villagers faces.
The sun is setting, you don't want to be out during a blood moon and hurry home.
The streets quickly clear of people.

boncer34 - villager has been killed by the Serial Killer
The second night of the blood moon. You heard a scream last night that sounded like someone dying. There was a strange flash of light aftewards
More than just wolves about it seems.
Still you are alive and that must count for something

You blink, you could have sworn someone was swinging from the gallows.
Why else would everyone be gathered in the two square so close to night?
But it's empty now..... still you can't quite shake the feeling that moments ago someone died

You are slightly surprised that you wake with the dawn. Three nights of the blood moon down. You heard more wolves howling and gun shots in the night.

Going outside you don't see anyone missing, though a few members of the village look frustrated to you, others relieved.

It's happened again. You know there was a body swinging from the gallows a moment ago.
But it's empty, you remember something about a wolf, but it's fading.
Shrugging you look around, suns going down, time to get indoors.

The sun has finally come up. You stir in your chair in front of your fire. The sounds you heard last night, screams, howls, fear and rage. You swear you saw lightning last night strike multiple times but there was no thunder.
How many more nights will this blood moon last?
Stumbling out the door you see a body sprawled in the street, half man, half wolf with a bullet hole in its head.
MP_ (Beta) - killed by the vigilante
Shuddering you quickly look away to see a body hanging out the window of a nearby house, clearly mauled by some sort of animal.
Strigoi (scumbag) killed by the wolves
There seems to be a second body behind that one, this one hairier and more beastlike, the fur still smoking and a burnt patch on its chest
Tandy (wolf) killed by retaliation
Stumbling down the street now you look for friendly faces, people are gathered around two more bodies in the street with smoke rising from them.
Pie 4 Life (seer) killed by retaliation
ClarkeM (villager) killed by retaliation
Wondering what is going on you turn a corner, to see your friends door kicked in. Slowly you creep to the entrance and look inside. You see your friend dead with a knife in their chest, and another body, still smouldering with a whole in its chest and a look of surprise on its face, a quiet villager that you don't remember the name of.
MWPP (villager) killed by the serial killer
NaturalDisaster (Serial Killer) kiled by retaliation


You're beginning to suspect there is something very wrong.
After all the deaths found this morning the town is again gathering to hang someone.
And yet... Once again nobody is swinging from the noose as the sun sets.
You hope this blood moon will end soon, not even the elders can remember one lasting this long before.

That damned red moon light. You hate it, it makes everything look like it's bleeding. Judging by the sounds of howls and screams last night someone actually is bleeding.

You were woken by two gun shots during the night, one of them sounded quite close by.

There was more lightning without thunder last night, you'd move to another village if you had the means.

Opening your door and peaking out you see a badly mauled body in the street.

thewizardmelon (Flog) killed by the wolves

You wonder why they were outside at night in the first place, still they were a good villager, helpful.

Walking towards the town square other start to appear, you hear two other villagers talking about a body near the old Docs house.

Fearing the worst you rush over to find the old man shot in the back of the head like an execution.

dogs105 (doctor) killed by the vigilante

You wonder who the old boy had angered.

There was a lot of commotion in the square.
You saw two people marched up and the nooses placed around their necks.
But it looked like only one dropped.

Then they both vanished.

Villagers are pointing fingers and arguing but you don't have time for this, the sun is starting to drop below the horizon and you don't want to be outside at night.

Another sleepless night under the red light of the moon.
Wolves, criminals, vigilantes, strange lightning bolts.
This used to be a quiet town.
You're pretty sure your neighbour got shot last night. The one who liked crystals.
When you go outside you see their door is open and a body sprawled on the floor.
Frederico_WA (mystic) killed by mafia
Poor woman, she was strange but kindly.
Walking down the street you see one of the local hoodlums lying in a pool of their own blood.
Kurve (Intimidator) killed by the vigilante
You hear an explosion, rushing to where the smoke is coming from you see a crowd of villagers but no bodies.

A large villager is lead up to the gallows and the noose is placed around his neck. He's preaching about tolerance and differences and how a cleansing of he village will free everyone.
You shake your head and notice something out of the corner of your eye, a scuffle at the back of the crowd. You start to turn to investigate and hear the trapdoor drop and the crack of the rope.
The crowd gasp and momentarily distracted you turn back.
To see the biggest damn wolf you've ever seen hanging from the rope.
Itsmyshow (Alpha) killed by lynching
There is a bright flash of light, shaken you remember you saw something. Turning back you can see a body at the edge of the crowd, nobody else seems to have noticed yet.
Crossing quickly you can see another villager dead with a knife in their chest pinning a piece of paper to the corpse.
The note reads You didn't follow the instructions
Cadsky (flog) killed by Mafia (failed intimidation)
Suddenly a lightning bolt arcs out from the corpse and strikes someone in the crowd. They howl, more wolf than man and drop to the ground smouldering.
The Majestic (cub) killed by retaliation
Another bolt of lightning appears from this body and hits another villager, people are starting to panic and run. The villager collapses dead.
por_please_ya (flog) killed by retaliation
You're running like everyone else now, desperately trying to get away, you hear the sizzle of another lightning bolt and bolt and think this is it until the blindingly bright light passes you to strike another villager fleeing infront of you, they start to change as they fall, another wolf.
rye (wolf) killed by retaliation
You run past the body to your door, rush inside and slam it shut.

It was a quiter night, but not a comfortable night.
You didn't hear any wolves howling but people were still out and you heard some gunshots and saw flashes of lightning again.
Heading out to see the body count you wonder how much longer this blood moon will last.
The village is turning into a cemetery.
Near the town square you can see two disturbed houses.
In the first lies dead a man with a gun.
Jhye Clark 13 (vigilante) killed by the Mafia
In the second a body with a burn in it's chest, another lightning victim.
SSwans2011 (villager) killed by retaliation.


Those of you who remain look at the now empty noose and shrug.
Better luck tomorrow you think.
You head home hoping to live to see the morning.

The blood moon has begun to weaken.
You heard a single gun shot last night but no lightning was seen.
Leaving your house everyone left is still here

You feel some relief when the body doesn't disappear, it's short lived, however when you realise who the village hung.
Beerfish (villager) lynched


That was it, a gun shot. Just the one again.
You wonder how many more nights before they come knocking on your door.
You wonder who has to die for the blood moon to end.
Outside in the street is the corpse of a bearded man in leathers.
BEaston (Hunter) killed by the Mafia.
You stumble towards the village square

The village, if it can even be called that anymore is gathered in the square again.
You watch the body swing, wishing it was over, but knowing it is not yet finished.
DERO (goon) lynched by the village.
As the sun sets you hurry home and lock your door.

The lightning flashes were back. They came after a gun shot.
You're not sure if it's just your imagination of if the moonlight is less red now.
You've survived another night.
As the sun peeks over rhe the horizon you open your door and look outside.
You see a few other heads peaking out of doors. So few though.
And less than yesterday.
Gathering it's easy to tell who is missing. You go to check their houses already knowing what you will find.
At the first house, a body bleeding from a gun shot wound. A look of surprise on the face.
Chipmunk (villager) killed by mafia
A few doors down is the second body, this one smouldering.
RU_ (villager) killed by retaliation
Halfway to the third persons house you find their body in the street, smoke coming from the wound and a gun in their hand.
Tarkyn_24 (Underboss) killed by retaliation


A very small watches as the trapdoor drops below two sets of feet, there is a flash of light and now one of the bodies is no longer there
Dingster (villager) lynched by the village
From the hanging corpse a lightning bolt arcs out into the crowd hitting one of the villagers standing there.
They drop dead
sante (God Father) killed by retaliation
You glance at the others in panic and start running.
A bolt arcs out hitting one of you
omgfridge (woodsman) killed by retaliation
You close your eyes waiting for the end, but the sizzling of lightning has stopped.
You look around, there are only two villagers left
Village Wins
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  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #19
Uni kids just aren't the same as we used to be, we would find any excuse to procrastinate.

Such a shame :p
You’d find kids jumping over each other to mod these types of games back in the day.

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Werewolf Gralin's Brutal Werewolf - Day Ten- Village Wins

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