So what do you make of the innocent men who have been cleared of this crime but have had their worlds torn apart? That have lost their families, their professional life and in a lot of cases been on the brink on no return because a women has blatantly lied about about this very serious crime. Is it still poor her in your books?
Any man who touches a women forcefully or pushes themselves on a women forcefully is a scum bag, however those that falsely accuse and put another human through that trauma is equally as evil.
I can count up to 5 people who are very close to me who have been through this, all 5 where either acquitted before going to court or there wasn't sufficient evidence to even proceed with charges. The torment and hell each one went through was heart breaking, I know 1 which in particular 2 years later and 70k down is a shadow of his former self, struggles not to shake when in his presence and couldn't hold down his professional job as a result.
It makes me upset to know that this type of thing isn't a coincidence, more that it's a common theme that so many lies can warrant torment of innocent individuals.
So as I said previously, lets not jump to conclusions, let's let these boys go through the process and in turn hopefully ( for everyone's sake ) they are proven innocent.
I am aware there are cases like your mates but when it comes to sexual assault they are very much the exception to the rule. There is no question that women lose in all matters in sexual assault. They are most often the victim and they are most often the people let down by the process justice.
I am aware this statement is a bit sensationalist, but it can be paralleled with what you have said. Do you feel sorry for OJ Simpson because he was accused (and later found innocent of) killing his wife and her lover? I mean, by your reasoning he's innocent yet had his name tarnished etc etc?
I also know a person. She was on the receiving end of a nasty sexual assault. She was embarrassed and scared. A few months later (after the initial shock) she mentioned it to the police but they could do nothing because the hard evidence was no longer present. This fella is walking around without consequence and this girl has to live knowing he's still around. That guy falls into your '85%' statistic.