News Hawthorn Racism Review - No player name speculation - opposition posters tread very carefully

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Wrong. Hawks did what they had to do by the rules of the AFL.
Correct. For reference below, once the HFC had the report outlining serious allegations they were duty bound by the AFL’s protocol to hand over the report to the AFL integrity unit.

I will pin this post, as it seems to be a constant query.


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Love the response by the Club to this most recent episode involving one of our players and a social media post that was abusive.

Am at the same time bewildered to hear what appears to be the totality of Fagan's actions that resulted in him being accused of racism.
That he nodded at something reportedly said by Clarkson in a meeting.
That's it.
He nodded.
At something Clarkson has reputedly denied saying.

It is IMO absolutely disgusting and reprehensible to drag a person's name and life history of actions through the stench that is associated with racist behavior, for an inference based on a body movement that may or may not have had anything to do with what was being said or happening in that minute.

If that is the level of evidence of behavior that brought this action to be, then I hold very very little confidence in the accusations of the players involved in bringing their allegations in totality.
To knowingly throw a person's entire livelihood and reputation into an incinerator of judgment that cannot ever be truly uncooked, without complete conviction of substantial wrongdoing, is as bad as the act being alleged.

If what is being reported is true, I'm gutted for Fagan.

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Says pretty much what we all expected. The club can't say "sorry, our coaches were clearly acting out of racism" (which is what the players want) because that opens the door for a defamation suit by Clarkson and Fagan (and the blame for their welfare being placed squarely at our door). At the moment all the club have done is passed on what information they have received to the AFL.

Interesting that Caro appeared to insinuate that Cyril is the main flag bearer for all this. She loves stirring the pot though, so who knows really.
The club can apologise and say it failed to provide a safe environment and acknowledge they experienced racism without any direct statement against the coaches. This is consistent with their obligations as an employer. No matter what clarko or fagan etc did, the club is responsible for the players welfare.

The problem for the club isnt the likelihood of victory in a defamation case. the coaches would not likely win a defamation case against the club for such a statement but the coaches may try anyway and likely cost the club a ton of cash defending it. Obviously an unexpected loss would cost a lot more but we shouldnt see a reluctance to make a statement as an inidcation we would likely lose a defamation case. More that any case will likely cost us. Defamation cases are very expensive and generally you have to settle to save money even when in the right.

Note, im not saying the club do or do not want to make an apology but we should be clear that the threat of defamation isnt just due to likelihood of winning or losing.
I'm confused with the Fagan nodding off business that the usual suspects seem to be jumping on.

This from the allegations reported by the ABC:

Far from sharing his joy, Ian alleges that a group of coaches, including Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan, ushered him into an office, where he was urged to have the pregnancy terminated, "get rid" of his partner and move into the home of an assistant coach.

Now I’m confused. Is this report saying that the previous reports by the AFL which it was at pains to say were independent were sanitised?

If he saying the cover up is enabling racism?

He doesn’t seem to address the original hawthorn report, which didn’t cover up at all

But that hawthorn may have enabled racism before that

Note. I’m not commenting at all on legal possibilities

But we have the report and the discussions of chance bateman as examples where hawthorn has attempted to address racism / perceived racism / cultural insensitivity call it what you will
I'm confused with the Fagan nodding off business that the usual suspects seem to be jumping on.

This from the allegations reported by the ABC:

Far from sharing his joy, Ian alleges that a group of coaches, including Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan, ushered him into an office, where he was urged to have the pregnancy terminated, "get rid" of his partner and move into the home of an assistant coach.

The truth of this story came out and got swept away pretty quickly.

The partner had a high risk pregnancy that risked her health. The partner also had a series of visitors that risked said players career due to association.

We're the coaches overstepping in setting up the meeting? Yes.
We're they racially insensitive (not understanding how indigenous people view termination - even high risk), probably.

Was it racist? Absolutely not. They weren't doing it because of the players race. It was to protect the players career. Truth will come out if it goes to court
The truth of this story came out and got swept away pretty quickly.

The partner had a high risk pregnancy that risked her health. The partner also had a series of visitors that risked said players career due to association.

We're the coaches overstepping in setting up the meeting? Yes.
We're they racially insensitive (not understanding how indigenous people view termination - even high risk), probably.

Was it racist? Absolutely not. They weren't doing it because of the players race. It was to protect the players career. Truth will come out if it goes to court
Would have they acted in the same manner if the player was white?
We're they racially insensitive (not understanding how indigenous people view termination - even high risk), probably.

Was it racist? Absolutely not. They weren't doing it because of the players race. It was to protect the players career. Truth will come out if it goes to court

Can you explain how something can be racially insensitive, but not racist?

I feel this quibbling over definitions is part of the problem.

“Racist” doesn’t have to be a label that slurs someone forever. People can say something racist … without being a racist. I feel like this is part of the standoff currently between all parties.
The issue with racism debates is that we have ships passing in the night. People talking past each other as some want to talk an objective standard and some want to talk a subjective standard and none really recognise that is happening.

As an example, a debate over a burglary is quite straightforward. There is an objective standard to judge whether a burglary occurred and the question is only whether the proof points have been met or not. It's a well-settled and objective discussion.

But then consider a debate over the best ice cream flavours. Utterly subjective, and further there's no incentive for the debaters to adopt an objective standard. In fact, there is a disincentive as one side or the other will significantly lose with a broad social consensus on the correct standard. That is unlike burglary, where the whole of society wins with a broad social consensus.

Racism is the same debate. For some, racism is in the eye of the beholder, even after the event. For others, racism is a set of defined, measurable actions only defined in advance. So, like the great ice cream wars, this debate will go nowhere.
Can you explain how something can be racially insensitive, but not racist?

I feel this quibbling over definitions is part of the problem.

“Racist” doesn’t have to be a label that slurs someone forever. People can say something racist … without being a racist. I feel like this is part of the standoff currently between all parties.
To me and I might be totally wrong for a mid 50's, white male:

Racism is making the conscious decision to discriminate against someone because of their race or colour.

Racially insensitive is unknowingly doing something that may cause offence eg. showing photographs or footage of a dead indigenous person which apparently is a big no, no.

Again, to me, there is considerable difference.
Would have they acted in the same manner if the player was white?

Yes, they would have, and by all reports they did to several white players during that time, telling them to stop hanging around certain types etc.
Can you explain how something can be racially insensitive, but not racist?

I feel this quibbling over definitions is part of the problem.

“Racist” doesn’t have to be a label that slurs someone forever. People can say something racist … without being a racist. I feel like this is part of the standoff currently between all parties.

Insensitive is not understanding context.
Many indigenous cultures (I say many as there are more than 1 and not all have the same beliefs) have strong belief about conception and child bearing, and that takes precedence over the health of the mother.
Telling someone who doesn't have firm beliefs that terminating the pregnancy is best for the mothers health is overstepping professional boundaries, but not racist.
It's very different from the hyperbole reporting that says they marched an aboriginal kid in and demanded termination
To me and I might be totally wrong for a mid 50's, white male:

Racism is making the conscious decision to discriminate against someone because of their race or colour.

Racially insensitive is unknowingly doing something that may cause offence eg. showing photographs or footage of a dead indigenous person which apparently is a big no, no.

Again, to me, there is considerable difference.
Noting there is a lot of nuance to this (eg. casual racism, systemic racism, etc.) but in principle I agree with the general distinction between malice and ignorance.

Labels of “racist” and “racism” have very loaded definitions.

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Noting there is a lot of nuance to this (eg. casual racism, systemic racism, etc.) but in principle I agree with the general distinction between malice and ignorance.

Labels of “racist” and “racism” have very loaded definitions.
Yep, intent matters
That definition is all well and good but no where does it talk about restitution involving paying large sums of money to the person who feels aggrieved.

Based on that definition it only ends when the lawyers say it ends or the money runs out.
I would be surprised if a similar definition isn’t used in Australia. The headings at the top of the page also give context to this education, white privilege, anti-racism etc.

HFC chose to have one of the better Indigenous support systems in the AFL at the time. Pretty sure Geelong wanted Leon Egan, he stayed. In addition to other things the coaches have as part of their histories, ignorance is hard to accept. Regardless, the definition gives no leeway.

Restitution, I wonder how it is worked out. No idea. Case by case?

Financial compensation but also appropriately worded apology.

I think someone said in previous attempts to find resolution industry change was beyond the forum at the time, complainants have already asked for this. If the AFL are called to the court, can their practice be improved by court direction?

AFL need to show leadership, we aren’t the only club with this type of thing.
Quote from your link:

"However, we would also like to acknowledge that when it comes to becoming a better anti-racist ally, showing up imperfectly is bound to happen. It is important to see these situations as learning opportunities rather than as attacks on your sense of self for not knowing better. What is important here is taking responsibility for yourself and showing up to do the work."

Do I believe Clarko is a massive prick? Yes

Do I believe he massively overreached on the scope of his job description? Yes

Do I think the Hawthorn Football Club could have taken disciplinary action or had better systems in place to prevent Clarkson from doing so? Absolutely

Do I think Clarkson is racist or engaged in racist behaviour based off Oxford Dictionary's definition (below): No
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized"

This Caroline Wilson article outlines 4 huge overreaches from the club when it comes to partners and families of players, and these are 4 examples from JUST Sam Mitchell:

*Told Mitchell to hand in his mobile phone - along with the rest of the team - on the eve of an interstate game against Sydney during a period in which one of his twin babies was being frequently admitted to hospital.

*Expressed surprise before the twins’ birth that Mitchell was having children so close together (the Mitchell’s son Smith was 11 months old when the twins were born) and wondered at the effect this might have upon his playing career.

*Publicly announced Mitchell was missing a game against Richmond due to personal reasons relating to the twins’ health without the player’s knowledge or consent.

*One wife of a former player said Lyndall Mitchell was admonished by a club official (not Clarkson) for not showing enough emotion after the Hawks’ three-point preliminary final defeat in 2011.

So we have a situation where we have the players' account fully leaked and detailed through Russell Jackson's ABC article, and for legal reasons we don't have access to a detailed rebuttal from the coaches point of view, but we have evidence around controlling behaviour when it comes to separating players and their families for the sake of player performance, as well as having strong opinions on family planning as it relates to their careers.

The AFL, knowing very well this could end up in federal court with all the dirty laundry aired, still ended its probe into the allegations of racism, with “no adverse findings” based off two separate reports. This is an AFL in a period post Adam Goodes saga, and post Collingwood's Do Better report, in other words extremely sensitive to the public perception of this as well as the potential ramifications if they get it wrong.

I also think it's worth noting we have just had Chance Bateman share much about his story, as well as his connection and love for the club, having played much of his career under Clarkson, in addition to Shaun Burgoyne (an inaugural member of the Indigenous Players Advisory board in 2011, and later in 2016 was Chair of said board) being shocked about the allegations, only finding out about them after Jackson's report.

Jed Anderson was also acquired from GWS in 2013 and then proceeded to have two young children by the age of 22, both while playing for Hawthorn, but is not one of the parties involved.

We have also had Lance Franklin recently do a farewell at Hawthorn, attending a club function and saying goodbye to the fans at the G.

In no way am I suggesting these relations between the club and indigenous players of the era are anything more than circumstantial evidence at best, they are relevant in that we have had instances of indigenous players growing up having played considerable amounts of their career under Clarkson that are not claiming they experienced racism from staffers while at the club, and non indigenous players claiming Clarkson has overreached in a manner analogous to the allegations. But we are not going to Federal Court to find out whether HFC took it too far with interfering in players personal lives, we're assessing whether racism took place.

If the allegations are true it's still abhorrent, and it's terrible that these players felt unsafe and unsupported in their time at the club, regardless of whether the actions are racist in nature or not, but I will leave my judgement of that till the accused have had a fair trial.
Quote from your link:

"However, we would also like to acknowledge that when it comes to becoming a better anti-racist ally, showing up imperfectly is bound to happen. It is important to see these situations as learning opportunities rather than as attacks on your sense of self for not knowing better. What is important here is taking responsibility for yourself and showing up to do the work."

Do I believe Clarko is a massive prick? Yes

Do I believe he massively overreached on the scope of his job description? Yes

Do I think the Hawthorn Football Club could have taken disciplinary action or had better systems in place to prevent Clarkson from doing so? Absolutely

Do I think Clarkson is racist or engaged in racist behaviour based off Oxford Dictionary's definition (below): No
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized"

This Caroline Wilson article outlines 4 huge overreaches from the club when it comes to partners and families of players, and these are 4 examples from JUST Sam Mitchell:

*Told Mitchell to hand in his mobile phone - along with the rest of the team - on the eve of an interstate game against Sydney during a period in which one of his twin babies was being frequently admitted to hospital.

*Expressed surprise before the twins’ birth that Mitchell was having children so close together (the Mitchell’s son Smith was 11 months old when the twins were born) and wondered at the effect this might have upon his playing career.

*Publicly announced Mitchell was missing a game against Richmond due to personal reasons relating to the twins’ health without the player’s knowledge or consent.

*One wife of a former player said Lyndall Mitchell was admonished by a club official (not Clarkson) for not showing enough emotion after the Hawks’ three-point preliminary final defeat in 2011.

So we have a situation where we have the players' account fully leaked and detailed through Russell Jackson's ABC article, and for legal reasons we don't have access to a detailed rebuttal from the coaches point of view, but we have evidence around controlling behaviour when it comes to separating players and their families for the sake of player performance, as well as having strong opinions on family planning as it relates to their careers.

The AFL, knowing very well this could end up in federal court with all the dirty laundry aired, still ended its probe into the allegations of racism, with “no adverse findings” based off two separate reports. This is an AFL in a period post Adam Goodes saga, and post Collingwood's Do Better report, in other words extremely sensitive to the public perception of this as well as the potential ramifications if they get it wrong.

I also think it's worth noting we have just had Chance Bateman share much about his story, as well as his connection and love for the club, having played much of his career under Clarkson, in addition to Shaun Burgoyne (an inaugural member of the Indigenous Players Advisory board in 2011, and later in 2016 was Chair of said board) being shocked about the allegations, only finding out about them after Jackson's report.

Jed Anderson was also acquired from GWS in 2013 and then proceeded to have two young children by the age of 22, both while playing for Hawthorn, but is not one of the parties involved.

We have also had Lance Franklin recently do a farewell at Hawthorn, attending a club function and saying goodbye to the fans at the G.

In no way am I suggesting these relations between the club and indigenous players of the era are anything more than circumstantial evidence at best, they are relevant in that we have had instances of indigenous players growing up having played considerable amounts of their career under Clarkson that are not claiming they experienced racism from staffers while at the club, and non indigenous players claiming Clarkson has overreached in a manner analogous to the allegations. But we are not going to Federal Court to find out whether HFC took it too far with interfering in players personal lives, we're assessing whether racism took place.

If the allegations are true it's still abhorrent, and it's terrible that these players felt unsafe and unsupported in their time at the club, regardless of whether the actions are racist in nature or not, but I will leave my judgement of that till the accused have had a fair trial.
As I have said, I come with bias. I heard one side of this in detail well before the ABC article, hard to forget the hurt of those involved.

I posted the original link alone as some may say I am being selective, I read the quote as well. The quote asks for understanding and I agree, as a non-Indigenous person I have learnt over time if you want to be respectful and observant of Indigenous culture etc you will almost certainly make mistakes, complexity of culture (HFC asked Amos Frank's APY Lands Elders for permission to draft him when he was already an initiated Elder!). An education session I attended had even the educator, who is Indigenous, makes mistakes! This isn't through deception, I put it down to pluralism and I am happy to be corrected. I hope I am interpreting and using that word correctly.

Accused, HFC and the AFL... I can't see where they have fulfilled that quote.

AFL was very, very messy with Adam Goodes and despite being sensitive still find things hard to negotiate. If I told you about something seemingly trivial at an Indigenous round recently you would laugh your head off. No, it held up a lot of stuff as there were different groups who needed to be happy (hub life and injections of Indigenous families was it, massive stuff up and trust lost). Back to Goodes, he isn't back at games properly(ie interviews etc) and that says something despite the AFLs efforts. Collingwood, a work in progress but really the industry and it is HFC at present.

In a perfect world, maybe having accused and complainants in a room would have been best, well before any formal stuff. Would you want to be in a room with someone who has caused incredible hurt and in what parameters that would be defined...? Even with the AFLs best intent, very little came from the complainants as they didn't feel trusted. They found nothing as there was nothing given, it seems.

As I have said earlier, you can do one thing to two people - racist to one and not the other (responding to Sam Mitchell).

Jed Anderson, left two clubs bc of Clarkson... media gloss over stuff but Carro touched on this (for the first time with some certainty)and I would say most have missed something she said, this week. Jed and Jermaine had incredible The Age articles written about them around draft time, these were seriously impressive early 20 year olds. Those kids you refer to have incredible meaning to that family, culturally. Upon that trade, I think most BF posters questioned why he left... endurance was the question mark I recall...

Chance, close with Mitchell... doesn't mean everything is roses with HFC and I would say Chance was one of the better players during the time in question.

Buddy, there has been reference to accusations being from lesser players and yes, Cyril isn't one. Cyril said how good HFC/Clarkson were. I think it is fair to say Indigenous people can be used to saying what people want to hear (from when they could speak and mirroring their Elders) and throw media training in... cliches follow. Rachelle said something honest yesterday and has been canned... Nobody tells their boss they have it in for them unless you want to leave.

I agree with you, if this ends in court, let it be heard fairly.

Thanks for the exchange.
As I have said, I come with bias. I heard one side of this in detail well before the ABC article, hard to forget the hurt of those involved.
Understandable, I suspect I would feel a similar way.
Accused, HFC and the AFL... I can't see where they have fulfilled that quote.
And this also reflects the difficulty and complexity of settlements and the litigation process, no one wants to say anything in any way that could have them perceived as liable, even if it would go a long way towards reconciliation.

It’s all a massive shame and I think we can all agree we wish these players, specifically Cyril were part of the fabric of our club that we could be proud to call our own, and currently we cannot. Knowing we could’ve done more to foster that wouldn’t sit well with anyone at the club including us members.

Likewise I appreciate the exchange.
Understandable, I suspect I would feel a similar way.

And this also reflects the difficulty and complexity of settlements and the litigation process, no one wants to say anything in any way that could have them perceived as liable, even if it would go a long way towards reconciliation.

It’s all a massive shame and I think we can all agree we wish these players, specifically Cyril were part of the fabric of our club that we could be proud to call our own, and currently we cannot. Knowing we could’ve done more to foster that wouldn’t sit well with anyone at the club including us members.

Likewise I appreciate the exchange.
The bold bit, I agree wholeheartedly. As a non-Indigenous person I think it is squarely with us.

Miller-Lewis’ artwork is still at the club is it not? Pretty sure it is. But Cyril said Clarkson was a great (and only!) coach, but Miller-Lewis gave serious thought to create a meaningful expression of Indigeneity that is on display, despite his experience. I would say just about every Indigenous persons experience in the AFL (and most workplaces) has dislike and like(even Sheedy has had hate, Sheedy!).

Agree, Cyril, an icon.

Very few know who Miller-Lewis is. I read this article at the time and wanted this kid to make it so much. Quayle is a genius to write such a story (maybe using her Cyril/Cotchin book as cache for trust). This kid needed a supportive environment and he would do the rest. Pretty sure he was an AA under 18 or 16? I think he fell to a rookie pick. Third tall at either end was how he looked, athleticism.

I think you and I are robbed of knowing what could have been. Miller-Lewis had a hip operation at HFC I think, I think he had to learn to run a different way. I watched him in Box Hill seconds I think it was and it looked like his legs weren’t his own… and then he was gone. Maybe he wouldn’t have made it, maybe yes? He couldn’t be his best. I believe he was a Hawks fan. As the complainants have said,” we looked up to you”.

The bold bit, I agree wholeheartedly. As a non-Indigenous person I think it is squarely with us.

Miller-Lewis’ artwork is still at the club is it not? Pretty sure it is. But Cyril said Clarkson was a great (and only!) coach, but Miller-Lewis gave serious thought to create a meaningful expression of Indigeneity that is on display, despite his experience. I would say just about every Indigenous persons experience in the AFL (and most workplaces) has dislike and like(even Sheedy has had hate, Sheedy!).

Agree, Cyril, an icon.

Very few know who Miller-Lewis is. I read this article at the time and wanted this kid to make it so much. Quayle is a genius to write such a story (maybe using her Cyril/Cotchin book as cache for trust). This kid needed a supportive environment and he would do the rest. Pretty sure he was an AA under 18 or 16? I think he fell to a rookie pick. Third tall at either end was how he looked, athleticism.

I think you and I are robbed of knowing what could have been. Miller-Lewis had a hip operation at HFC I think, I think he had to learn to run a different way. I watched him in Box Hill seconds I think it was and it looked like his legs weren’t his own… and then he was gone. Maybe he wouldn’t have made it, maybe yes? He couldn’t be his best. I believe he was a Hawks fan. As the complainants have said,” we looked up to you”.

Miller-Lewis’ artwork (assuming you mean the principal piece that he painted while a listed player) is no longer at the club. It was returned at his request.
The bold bit, I agree wholeheartedly. As a non-Indigenous person I think it is squarely with us.

Miller-Lewis’ artwork is still at the club is it not? Pretty sure it is. But Cyril said Clarkson was a great (and only!) coach, but Miller-Lewis gave serious thought to create a meaningful expression of Indigeneity that is on display, despite his experience. I would say just about every Indigenous persons experience in the AFL (and most workplaces) has dislike and like(even Sheedy has had hate, Sheedy!).

Agree, Cyril, an icon.

Very few know who Miller-Lewis is. I read this article at the time and wanted this kid to make it so much. Quayle is a genius to write such a story (maybe using her Cyril/Cotchin book as cache for trust). This kid needed a supportive environment and he would do the rest. Pretty sure he was an AA under 18 or 16? I think he fell to a rookie pick. Third tall at either end was how he looked, athleticism.

I think you and I are robbed of knowing what could have been. Miller-Lewis had a hip operation at HFC I think, I think he had to learn to run a different way. I watched him in Box Hill seconds I think it was and it looked like his legs weren’t his own… and then he was gone. Maybe he wouldn’t have made it, maybe yes? He couldn’t be his best. I believe he was a Hawks fan. As the complainants have said,” we looked up to you”.

With the last two paragraphs there .
I'm not going to comment on the investigation because it's totally out of my wheelhouse. It's all very sad to read .

In professional sports and high performance , some people , most actually simple aren't good enough to make it . They may have talent , high talent , athleticism and tick plenty of boxes .
A lot of the time that isn't enough , unfortunately.
Might be for various or numerous reasons .

That's a very basic view on it . But I think we need to be careful of suggesting clubs,coaches and the system take ownership for someone not making the grade .
Not saying you are but thought it should be put out there.

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News Hawthorn Racism Review - No player name speculation - opposition posters tread very carefully

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