News Hawthorn Racism Review - No player name speculation - opposition posters tread very carefully

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Wrong. Hawks did what they had to do by the rules of the AFL.
Correct. For reference below, once the HFC had the report outlining serious allegations they were duty bound by the AFL’s protocol to hand over the report to the AFL integrity unit.

I will pin this post, as it seems to be a constant query.


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Jermaine Miller-Lewis said he never asked for money when in fact:
“Jermaine and Montanah would like to be compensated financially,” the summary read. “They understand they will be dealing with the damage done to their lives from their time at Hawthorn Football Club for the rest of their lives, including lifelong medical and caring expenses.

“They truly believe they have been given a life sentence by these people. They should be compensated for all that.”
It makes you wonder what else he has lied about.
With the last two paragraphs there .
I'm not going to comment on the investigation because it's totally out of my wheelhouse. It's all very sad to read .

In professional sports and high performance , some people , most actually simple aren't good enough to make it . They may have talent , high talent , athleticism and tick plenty of boxes .
A lot of the time that isn't enough , unfortunately.
Might be for various or numerous reasons .

That's a very basic view on it . But I think we need to be careful of suggesting clubs,coaches and the system take ownership for someone not making the grade .
Not saying you are but thought it should be put out there.

Indeed AFL rules mandate a minimum number of employment terminations of players each year

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Caro reported that each of the 6 people making the accusations have been offered 50k each from the Football Club as a settlement.
Being the first time (?) complainants have experienced a stand of this magnitude, they can change their mind. Learn more about the process... Compensation, apology… amounts, type. I don’t see it as a lie unless I’m missing something.
Being the first time (?) complainants have experienced a stand of this magnitude, they can change their mind. Learn more about the process... Compensation, apology… amounts, type. I don’t see it as a lie unless I’m missing something.
He said he didn't ask for money after he asked for money. He lied. Cyril did too.
Being the first time (?) complainants have experienced a stand of this magnitude, they can change their mind. Learn more about the process... Compensation, apology… amounts, type. I don’t see it as a lie unless I’m missing something.
But not the law firm they have engaged, widely know as one of the most aggressive law firms in Melbourne.
But not the law firm they have engaged, widely know as one of the most aggressive law firms in Melbourne.
Part of why I thought a change of mind may have I occurred. Pre-post lawyers engaged. Maybe not.

If hawkhamlet says it is a direct contradiction (lie), so be it.

I put down lawyers wasting each others time by not turning up and making people travel interstate as normal practice as was recently reported. ABL and the very same lawyer representing Brittany Higgins?

Gowers at 4 minutes and 10:40.

First Nations Advisory Group, a Committee of the Board. Chad Wingard, Prof Barry Judd
Aunty Joy Murphy, Alan Thorpe, CEO, Community Manager, Andy himself and HR Manager. In addition to the RAP. Gowers spoke of a goal of having a First Nations board member at some point.

One of the best things to happen out of this.

FYI Barry Judd was on the Outer Sanctum, 19 June, 2019.

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well I never believed it.. there was always something fishy about it....... the world has changed and people take offence where non was meant. And I mean no offence to anyone
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If you want to come in here and label those who were disturbed by the allegations “virtue signalers” or any other Skyy news catch cries you can forget about it.

That goes for anyone who wants to attempt some sort of victory lap and dog whistle that the players made it all up, that it was just a joke, etc etc…

Your posts will be binned and if you come back to do it again, you’ll get marched from the thread. End of story.
Discussion of moderation is not to happen in here or anywhere publicly. Got a problem, use the PM.

Nothing has been proven or disproven at this point.
I find it interesting it has been reported via the media, the AFL expects a racism complaint for every AFL club to come.

Before you attack the Hawks, you may want to hold off…. As it could be your club at the front of racism allegations soon.

This topic is very complex and each party sees their actions differently.

I like the AFL to protect players and ban guilty supporters. Apart from that I really wish they would stay out of political subjects.

Yes it’s nice the AFL makes stand, but once they do …. Everyone seems to forget players are human and the same laws apply to them. Once a player makes a mistake it’s massive news and the game is ripped apart.

Sport use to be the one place where nothing mattered “ no agendas” as long as you follow the rules and can play the game.
Sport use to be the one place where nothing mattered “ no agendas” as long as you follow the rules and can play the game.

That’s really not the case. Politics has always been intertwined with sports. Class warfare has existed with rich/toff clubs and clubs with working class fanbases. Religious divides are evident in many sports - even Aussie rules back when the Catholic/Protestant divide still meant something. Sport has always been a cultural battleground as well as an athletic one.
Sport use to be the one place where nothing mattered “ no agendas” as long as you follow the rules and can play the game.

That’s because it was predominately white males making the rules
That’s really not the case. Politics has always been intertwined with sports. Class warfare has existed with rich/toff clubs and clubs with working class fanbases. Religious divides are evident in many sports - even Aussie rules back when the Catholic/Protestant divide still meant something. Sport has always been a cultural battleground as well as an athletic one.
You can look back to the beginnings of cricket and find the amateur and professional divide.
The truth of this story came out and got swept away pretty quickly.

The partner had a high risk pregnancy that risked her health. The partner also had a series of visitors that risked said players career due to association.

We're the coaches overstepping in setting up the meeting? Yes.
We're they racially insensitive (not understanding how indigenous people view termination - even high risk), probably.

Was it racist? Absolutely not. They weren't doing it because of the players race. It was to protect the players career. Truth will come out if it goes to court
Some people will hate me for saying this …but anyway: if people muck around with someone’s family they are mucking around with their culture.

This basic principle is dotted throughout Child Protection and Commonwealth Family law legislation.

I mean I don’t think an employer should get involved with anyone’s family so deeply - no matter the culture. But the two things so massively overlap that to place a nice little line between them is ludicrous.

And yes - what Clarko did to Sam Mitchell was abominable (hand in phones when his little one was going in and out of emergency). And yes, if Sam was Aboriginal it could have had a different effect due to the history of institutions mucking around with people’s families.

Clarko was way too interventionist in people’s families. He is probably too stubborn to admit it now because it touches on his best qualities - that he cared a great deal for the players and their families - but it was very poor by todays standards and if he was big enough he would learn from it
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Yes, they would have, and by all reports they did to several white players during that time, telling them to stop hanging around certain types etc.

Insensitive is not understanding context.
Many indigenous cultures (I say many as there are more than 1 and not all have the same beliefs) have strong belief about conception and child bearing, and that takes precedence over the health of the mother.
Telling someone who doesn't have firm beliefs that terminating the pregnancy is best for the mothers health is overstepping professional boundaries, but not racist.
It's very different from the hyperbole reporting that says they marched an aboriginal kid in and demanded termination

Please don't spread crap about Aboriginal conception and childbearing. You have no idea what you are talking about. 'Many' Just ridiculous.

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News Hawthorn Racism Review - No player name speculation - opposition posters tread very carefully

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