This is the best that I could come up with.
Backs; Korto13, Roota#6, Old Saint
Half Backs; HillBully, Blackvelvert, Brentmeistergeneral
Centres; Showmethemoney, The Old Sow Pig, Nesko25
Half forwards; Blackbeard, Big Ump, Conrad
Forwards; Andypipkin, Oldmanemu, Gillabbey24
Rucks; Bloodhound, We'restreaking, Teddy
Int; Froffie Monster, the ghost who walks, Trottyboya, Fantom Maggot
Coach; Doona2
Come up with a couple of logistical problems. The centre half back will probably look for the centre half forward all of the time but won't be able to find him! Probably won't see much of Trottyboya as he won't be able to drag himself out of the Top and the Hillbully might be a bit slow off the back flank. We'restreaking might have his mind on other things and Showmethemoney might not be in it for the love of it. Korto's the stand over man and Teddy is the crap rover. Gillabbey in the forward pocket so as he can take a close look at the game. All in all though Doona, I'm pretty happy with the set up, up to you now to get the changes and rotations right and we should be OK
RWB Waterboy and Runner