Help - 7 year old is barracking for Carlton .

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Any ideas?

Make it about more than the footy . You've missed the boat on the Tiger theme unfortunately you need the plush toys, the generic tiger pictures , the tiger birthday cakes etc earlier.

My wife's a cat's supporter.... so you can't do it on just the football.

Get your dad to make the footy day more than just going to the game. I take my daughter and my Son to Lunch at a "restaurant" before the game, it's just for us tiger supporters and it's in Richmond. The fact that the restaurant meal costs me less than a pie and soft drink at the footy is a bonus.

Make it about the day not just about going to the game. Do it better than your mum.

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Don't let her outside the house. Kids at school probably give her alot of sh*t for supporting the tigers and most of her best friends probably go for the blues
Real problem here - Got a little sister (no I'm not young, just a very large age gap) is starting to lean towards Carlton. Mum is a Blues supporter but really hasn't done much persuading whereas Dad and I have taken her to Richmond games and tried buying her merchandise but it's not working. About 3 years ago she liked Richmond but this year she jumped on Carlton for some reason. She seems to like Marc Murphy or something :confused:

It's kind of good that mum has someone to take to the footy, but I was really expecting her to be overwhelmed by me and dad. Got to say every year we lose in round 1 is probably not going to help.

Any ideas?

Sorry mate, not going to change her mind at all. My 2 boys are following in my foot steps basically because I am a Tiger supporter while my daughter wants to follow the eagles because her mum does.

Just the way it is sometimes.
Re: Help - 7 year old is barracking for the Scum.

That's harsh!!

Break one leg........girls gotta walk:D

Seriously, try and keep it subliminal. You know if you try and tell kids to do one thing, they usually do the opposite. keep talking up the tigers and what a shame it will be for her to miss out on that stuff.

On reflection i think your quiet right!...Jeez what was i thinking!...:confused:...

Just break all the legs of her dolls instead...
Just tell her if she follows any other team then she won't be taken to see their games.

Its richmond or its nothing if she wants to go to the footy.

Also just tell her the stories of the cheating they have done in the past. Don't 7 year olds still dislike cheats????
Tell her this is what Carlton women grow up to be.


The only way this could backfire is if she finds out about Rebecca Judd.

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Re: Help - 7 year old is barracking for the Scum.

Some very, very, very quality ideas in this thread guys, good form :p

I suggest strapping her to a chair with her eyes pried open to a loop of Lance Whitnall 'highlights' for a full day.
Tell her this is what Carlton women grow up to be.


The only way this could backfire is if she finds out about Rebecca Judd.

Surely Pia Miller tops Rebecca Judd?

Her favourite Richmond player is Deledio. Will try and find him on family day.
Hire a few of the Nightmare on Elm Street films and make sure that she happens to see some of the scariest scenes. Buy yourself a Carlton jumper, paint the logo so it glows in the dark. Buy a Freddy Krueger mask and glove and then creep into her room every night for three months, making sure she's half awake before you start gutting her favourite teddy bears and dolls with your knife-glove thing. All while singing "We are the navy blues" but to the tune of the Elm Street song.

Or tell her that the CFC logo actually stands for 'Chloroflourocarbon' and that they are representatives of an evil organisation destroying the ozone layer and causing climate change - this seems to scare primary school kids more than anything. And if you think about your Pratt's and Elliott's, etc, it sort of makes sense.
Apologies for chatting on your board here, but I'm in a similar set of circumstances. My 12yo son has always likes tigers (the animal) so he has long held a soft spot for the RFC, and it seems to be growing.

All I've done is run with it. Whenever we can, we take in Richmond games as well as Geelong ones (both are somewhat limited in terms of opportunities by the fact that we live in Sydney). And to be honest, I get on well with Tiggas up here, so that's no source of conflict for me at all.

I simply look on it as being a glass half full situation: at least he's not barracking for Collingwood.

My suggestion is to simply compromise. Agree to take her to Visy games now and then (preferably when they're getting kicked), and get her to go to your games as her part of the deal (preferably when your lot are doing the kicking, and I suspect that will be on the increase next year).

(Compromise can be quite insidious if you do it right. ;) )

Kids go through funny phases, so hopefully she'll grow out of this one.
Or we all result to dick punching ay Captain ;)

It's a tried and true method that has worked over the years. Think about it, what would you (and 99% of the Australian public) rather do to Alan Joyce:
A: have an inquiry where if your a politician you can turn the tables around and blow torch someone else with remarks and questions
B: Dick punch him for every delayed or cancelled flight over the last month.
I feel the answer is pretty obvious;)
Ask Ruddy what he'd like to do to Ju-lier, talk session about the leadership, or option b!!!
(and i know The Rusty One supports me in this issue resolution process. HR should take note of it).

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Help - 7 year old is barracking for Carlton .

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