Play Nice Hot Topic : Tribalism in Wrestling

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Tony Khan at the NFL draft.

Asked about AEW and goes on to make it about AEW vs WWE.

WWE is the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling.

Push the angle story in regards to the neck brace, he really is an idiot.
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Yeah that was unnecessary. Call Vince everything under the sun and everyone associated with him though.

They had a really great PPV, did really well with the Jack Perry stuff pivoting from the Punk stuff to Elite vs Khan angle, then selling the neck injury as great. This is all anyone will talk about now.

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It’s factual though.
You can’t lump everyone that is employed there into the same category or the brand itself. What an actual ****wit Tony is.

Has he become desperate with the low ratings and I think a lot of people thought AEW was going to explode especially when the Vince stuff came out and Vince left then went back but AEW just hasn’t taken off in the way they hoped maybe?

Like it’s a great in ring wrestling product but man every time they do something great like the last PPV Tony says or tweets something stupid, he is fixated on WWE its been all through their programming for a while now. I think everyone here has said this for a long time now just forget them and don’t bring them up.
Tony Khan at the NFL draft.

Asked about AEW and goes on to make it about AEW vs WWE.

WWE is the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling.

Push the angle story in regards to the neck brace, he really is an idiot.

AEW fans defending it cos Triple H mentioned Ospreay wanted to work less

Incredible scenes
Haha die hard? No.

Was he wrong though?

Absolutely wrong, WWE is bigger then 1 man who isn't even involved anymore.

He also said millions and millions of fans lol wrong again.

It's not really the point, he had a great opportunity to push the product and instead went down the WWE road again.

Surely you can't argue that?
Absolutely wrong, WWE is bigger then 1 man who isn't even involved anymore.

WWE is actually listed, not just Vince.

He also said millions and millions of fans lol wrong again.
For someone who is supposedly against tribalism you are so into it
It's not really the point, he had a great opportunity to push the product and instead went down the WWE road again.
He is a promoter, Bischoff and Vince and even Paul would all do the same thing if they are honest. They aren’t.
Surely you can't argue that?
Literally can and did.
Unfortunately he is trying to appeal to the small group of die-hards like yourself.
Absolutely wrong, WWE is bigger then 1 man who isn't even involved anymore.

He also said millions and millions of fans lol wrong again.

It's not really the point, he had a great opportunity to push the product and instead went down the WWE road again.

Surely you can't argue that?
Triggered. The die hards can’t get past WWE doing record numbers and going on an upwards trend whilst AEW are struggling to sell 2500 tickets to TV. I mean they just put on an incredible event of in ring wrestling and their follow up TV numbers were NXT like.

I mean they didn’t even showcase their new world heavyweight champion, they stuck him in a throw away match against a jobber that hasn’t won or won **** all. Didn’t Tony make a comment about Jinder Mahal having a match against Seth Rollins recently?

Chance to follow up one of their best ppvs with arguably one of the best matches in wrestling history with a strong TV show and proceeds to put more focus on a Japanese title than his own world title and injects himself into the spotlight.
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Triggered. The die hards can’t get past WWE doing record numbers and going on an upwards trend whilst AEW are struggling to sell 2500 tickets to TV. I mean they just put on an incredible event of in ring wrestling and their follow up TV numbers were NXT like.

I mean they didn’t even showcase their new world heavyweight champion, they stuck him in a throw away match against a jobber that hasn’t won or won * all. Didn’t Tony make a comment about Jinder Mahal having a match against Seth Rollins recently?

Yeah it's all becoming pretty sad if Tony just stopped appealing to a very small group like Colonial the product would be so much better.

1 step forward and 2 steps back

Great PPV
Doesn't even bother with Swerve
Falls back into the WWE trap

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Imagine making a badly timed pot- shot at your biggest competitor to a non-wrestling audience.

TK should have focused on the NFL Draft, not comparing a soft drink to a convicted sex offender
AEW fans defending it cos Triple H mentioned Ospreay wanted to work less

Incredible scenes

Wasn’t Hunter citing a quote from Ospreay that he chose AEW so he could fly back to the UK instead of being in the WWE house show grind ?
Tony does such a tremendous job of making his company feel so small time and secondary. I mean, like a perfect job.

How awkward, and you could tell the poor NFL hosts immediately wanted to shut it down.

I commend him for playing the gimmick with the neck brace however. Should have left it at that.

AEW is such an integral part of the longevity of wrestling as we know it. But he makes it incredibly hard to get behind.
Tony does such a tremendous job of making his company feel so small time and secondary. I mean, like a perfect job.

How awkward, and you could tell the poor NFL hosts immediately wanted to shut it down.

I commend him for playing the gimmick with the neck brace however. Should have left it at that.

AEW is such an integral part of the longevity of wrestling as we know it. But he makes it incredibly hard to get behind.

It's a good point making show look small.

Has a cracker show and then opens up with absolute cringe worthy people like Pockets and Best Friends.

Push your stars, WWE opens every week with a Bloodline, Rollins, Rhodes etc.

AEW fans think that people want them to close up shop, absolutely not, massive to have another company with money to spend on talent.
How ice cold is this company right now?

You would think the big FA additions would have more eyeballs on the product but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Time for Tony to man up and step down and hire a real person who can book a show.
It's a fantastic product that its fans really like.

It's guaranteed the PPV will be tremendous.

There's a lot of folks who don't want to watch Dom sharing nudes or scary shenanigans that go nowhere. If I want scares or soap opera, I'll go watch that.

I want wrestling.

As long as AEW remains in the top three rated shows for their night, they'll do FINE. The NBA is having some of its worst ratings ever, and it's getting massive increases in its TV deal. Ratings mean different things than 3 years ago.
How ice cold is this company right now?

You would think the big FA additions would have more eyeballs on the product but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Time for Tony to man up and step down and hire a real person who can book a show.
Everyone below WWE “competes for the scraps” and are a niche of a niche.

Don’t worry, Shane O’Mac will come in soon to fix all the problems (seriously though, who do you want him to hire?)
Everyone below WWE “competes for the scraps” and are a niche of a niche.

Don’t worry, Shane O’Mac will come in soon to fix all the problems (seriously though, who do you want him to hire?)

He did have Steven Regal, who I thought could have helped immensely. Unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. He does have Bryan Danielson, who I do think plays the politics fairly well. I think it’s more the mentality of the dressing room that needs improvement firstly. There does seem a lot of us and them from its locker room. Even though Punk has now gone from AEW, there are still reports of rifts between the EVP’s (most notably the Jackson brothers) and their friends vs the others.

To be honest since Punk left, my interest in AEW has dwindled. Will Osprey was a great signing, excellent inside the ring, reasonable talker, but no where near as captivating as Punk. Their locker room needs strong leadership, that’s impartial. somebody like the Undertaker that commanded respect, and kept ego’s inline. If AEW had acted immediately after Hangman’s unscripted promo and going into business for himself things could have been different. If someone in authority had put a stop to Luke Perry’s son by wanting to go through real glass, things could have been different.

The EVP’s need to lose that title and just be regular wrestlers. The only decent EVP they had was Cody, unfortunately they also lost him as well.

So for me to sort out AEW, it would be to bring someone in, that has the authority to sort out that locker room and remove the EVP’s to wrestlers.
Secondly hire some more writers, to help create more interest in the product. Nick and Matt Jackson with their ego’s have nearly ruined the product, which is sad to see.
How ice cold is AEW right now?

You would think the big FA additions would have more eyeballs on the product but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Time for Tony to man up and step down and hire a real person who can book a show.

Dynamite's are generally still pretty strong episodes most weeks.

My concern at the moment is the lack of effort being out into Collision.

I love sitting down on a Sunday night with Collison as my full stop on the weekend. Lately it's just felt like Rampage 2.0 however.
Not a lot of genuine story development that makes it feel like the genuine 2nd show.

At its peak it was the best wrestling snow on TV. Now it's 4th.
It's a fantastic product that its fans really like.

It's guaranteed the PPV will be tremendous.

There's a lot of folks who don't want to watch Dom sharing nudes or scary shenanigans that go nowhere. If I want scares or soap opera, I'll go watch that.

I want wrestling.

As long as AEW remains in the top three rated shows for their night, they'll do FINE. The NBA is having some of its worst ratings ever, and it's getting massive increases in its TV deal. Ratings mean different things than 3 years ago.
This just isnt true. The viewer numbers dont lie

People have turned off because all it is is wreslting where the same match happens over and over again. Big hits/bumps and jumpy jump stuff which has led to 50% of the roster being injured basically.

People expect more then match after match for no reason occuring. You need to have promos, storylines and the like. In saying that its hard to do that when your top wrestlers get injured all the time so I get that has been a bit of a issue for them

We can talk about the product all we want and what our personal opinions are of it, but the wrestling fans of a whole speak louder then me and you. And the fans of a whole are turning off
Dynamite's are generally still pretty strong episodes most weeks.

My concern at the moment is the lack of effort being out into Collision.

I love sitting down on a Sunday night with Collison as my full stop on the weekend. Lately it's just felt like Rampage 2.0 however.
Not a lot of genuine story development that makes it feel like the genuine 2nd show.

At its peak it was the best wrestling snow on TV. Now it's 4th.

Collision has lost its uniqueness. It used to feel like an old school throwback to the golden years of wrestling. Now it’s just a “B” grade version of Dynamite/Rampage. Collision had people like Ricky Starks, Miro, Andrade, FTR, Hobbs, Samoa Joe all being featured prominently. Now it’s gone back to “The Friends” being heavily promoted again.
This just isnt true. The viewer numbers dont lie

People have turned off because all it is is wreslting where the same match happens over and over again. Big hits/bumps and jumpy jump stuff which has led to 50% of the roster being injured basically.

People expect more then match after match for no reason occuring. You need to have promos, storylines and the like. In saying that its hard to do that when your top wrestlers get injured all the time so I get that has been a bit of a issue for them

We can talk about the product all we want and what our personal opinions are of it, but the wrestling fans of a whole speak louder then me and you. And the fans of a whole are turning off

Especially when it’s the same people, having the same match over and over. Ricky Starks has gone missing, Miro is having another long absence, so people that can provide a different match, are being over looked for the flippy guys.

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Play Nice Hot Topic : Tribalism in Wrestling

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