How many drinks do you have per week?

How many drinks do you have per week?

  • I don't drink at all

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 17 19.1%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • 10-14

    Votes: 14 15.7%
  • 15+

    Votes: 17 19.1%

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On average maybe a bottle of wine a week. I havent drunk anything for a month, but ill probably sink a few bottles of red tonight with a mate, the wont drink for another couple weeks
That’s 5.5 standards a day…

That is a staggering amount of alchohol. Have you had your generals checked by a doctor? That can’t be good for anything really.
That's definitely a lot but if you are staggered by that you will be absolutely floored but some real alchos would drink.
That's definitely a lot but if you are staggered by that you will be absolutely floored but some real alchos would drink.
My mother is an alcoholic so perhaps I’m just more sensitive to it.

Either way 40 a week is like 4x the recommended. If that perspective doesn’t make you shudder then I’d say you’re far far too comfortable with excess drinking (which to be fair most Aussies are)
My mother is an alcoholic so perhaps I’m just more sensitive to it.

Either way 40 a week is like 4x the recommended. If that perspective doesn’t make you shudder then I’d say you’re far far too comfortable with excess drinking (which to be fair most Aussies are)
thing is i'd suggest my diet, exercise levels, and lifestyle are healthier than the wide majority of australians. i just crunch piss often. everyone has a vice.
I honestly can’t fathom how you’d exercise at all after that much booze.
I used to do Ironman triathlons (4 in total from 2005-2007) and regularly drank 30+ standard drinks a week (on average 1 s.d per hour for 4 hours each night). Would I have gone quicker without drinking? Definitely, but I still managed to do the training and events.

I find it interesting the range of views on what is a lot to drink in a week.

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That's definitely a lot but if you are staggered by that you will be absolutely floored but some real alchos would drink.
Absoloodle! I've known a few blokes over the journey who were in the 9-12 stubbies a night, every night cohort. 12 stubs up near 120 standards a week to save y'all the math. And they weren't proper alcos - they were still functionals.

Age definitely comes into it. In your 20's you carry that and still go for a jog before work or lunchtime. Those same blokes from above loved to point out how they never took sick days compared to older less fit folks. Even in your 30's you can still manage a multitude of sins.

Trouble is, you still live like that after you've raised the bat for the first time you're about to hit a brick wall real, real hard. Scoresheet of those blokes above is, FWIW:
  • 53 - Dead
  • 58 - Dead
  • 61 - Dead
  • 50 - Cirrhosis & hospitalisation. "You cannot drink again or you will die"
  • 50 - AA / ODAAT for last 10 years. Seems in a good place and in good nick.
  • 50 - Looks about 14 months pregnant and seems to come down with 18th century diseases like gout on the reg.

Better share my own story so it doesn't look like I'm having a go...

Used to give it a huge nudge when younger - 20's was a machine. I could be counted on to be "that guy".
After the party era ended and I'm looking at a future of bad marriages, shit jobs and huge mortgages I did tend to self medicate a little bit. Not 120 standards a week self medication. More a periodic "I'm going to blot this stupid day out" self medication. Binge and then abstain stylee.

Last few years I've all but given it up. Even had an existential crisis about it early 2021. "Is this me now? Am I one of those boring old tea totallers that I used to despise? ****!" So I now choose to categorise myself as "a drinker, non practicing". I'll go months without anything. If a special occasion crops up, I'll have a few, but because I have no tolerance now I have to find creative ways to lengthen drinks and slow the pace. Lest I'm with anyone who remembers me from my 20's and I get mocked. And let's be honest, there aren't many occasions that qualify as special once you're past 50. I reckon I did about 40-50 standards for the entirety of 2022.


Just a quick sidebar, but "standards" has always annoyed me. I know it maps to 10mg of pure alcohol or some other nice round comparable measurement. But I don't go to the public house and request "Barkeep, one standard of your finest house lager!" If I'm drinking beer, I'm having stubbies (1.4) or pints (2ish). If I've made myself an old fashioned that's 2. If I'm getting my bogan on, these days I'm having that Bundy & coke as a single in a tall glass (1). And if I'm drinkin', I ain't doin' math.

2 a week from the Canadians suggests their view is it's effectively a poison (which is correct). Or they're sending a signal to the alcohol lobby that they need to buck up their ideas a smidge, re donations!
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I suppose for clarity when I say I’m staggered by people saying 30, 40 or 90-120 standard drinks a week I’m more saying I’m staggered people say that like it’s not an issue.

That is ALOT of alchohol for a body to process, it’s a lot of calories, it’s a lot of poor quality sleep, it’s a lot of money, it’s a lot of liquid that’s not water (at least it’s not soft drink I guess).

Ultimately what you do is your choice and far be it from some anonymous dude on a footy forum to pass judgement but if I was faced with the reality of doing 4x a recommended amount of anything that is universally acknowledged as a bad thing on a regular (weekly) basis I think I’d be a bit concerned.
Not alcoholics?
Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN
I remember Derryn Hinch on TV laying out all the booze on a table that he used to drink everyday for all those years. And even as someone that used to drink way too much it was simply nuts to see how much it was. Even then it was in his 60s before his liver was stuffed.