If you're going to abuse a telemarketer...

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I have had an interesting one going on for a while now. We're on the do not call register, but doesn't seem to make much difference. Normally I'm polite, a simple "sorry not interested" suffices.

This one got to me though.

They first rang nearly 3 months ago, about 8am - just as I'm heading off to work, and about half an hour after my wife. "Is *** there?" I answer no, and then they refuse to talk to me.

A few days later, 8:05am, "Is &&& there?" different person, same deal.

The third time, I just picked up the phone and didn't say anything...found out it was an online book-seller (we bought a package deal of kids books, obviously onsold our details). Again they refused to speak to me.

This continued on for another half-dozen calls, I eventually just took the phone off the hook at 8, and put it back as I headed out the door. They never left a message, or return #, just continually called, no matter how often I told them we were not interested.

Easter comes around, and my wife is on holidays. She answers the phone, says no, not interested....and they haven't rang back since.

Incredibly frustrating to me...surely common sense comes in somewhere?
As I said I get paid by the hour. You can talk as long as you want even if you're not going to buy, I still get paid. And paid quite well for a job that has good hours and lets me wear casual clothes.

Is that standard, if so I'm going to have fun with this, I think I will the next one can recite the history of the EFC! before revealing I have no intention of buying.
Appointment setter telemarketers can earn upwards of 150k a year if they are really good - thats nothing to sneeze about. At least they are gainfully employed.

The best response for the Seinfeld for the telemarketer is go "ok sure no problem, its 943424234" etc. leaves the unoriginal tool on the phone completely clueless.

I'm suprised you even choose what numbers to dial btw Manwithnoname - 99% of callcenters use dialers now, so its not up you. Though sounds like your getting away with some shit if your wrapping calls as no answer when they are abusive calls.

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Yeah. Ive been working in tele-sales for the past 5 months or so, doing warm calling, and im yet to have anyone have a serious go at me. ive had two people have a go at the people ive been calling on behalf of but not personally.

Abusing telemarketers is overrated.

Warm calling? You're basically never going to get abused, those people have pledged before, why would they suddenly flip? You get the nutters on the cold calling.

We had some nutter threaten a caller and they were going to be waiting for them etc (he was in another state, good work champ), so we setup the dialler to call the number at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am every night for the next 2 weeks. I reckon he would have been spitting chips after awhile heh.
Yeah but if they don't ask, and they only abuse, do you take them off?

Im yet to encounter an abusive person towards me with what Im selling.

If someone abuses me ill probably put it down as a call next campaign
Warm calling? You're basically never going to get abused, those people have pledged before, why would they suddenly flip? You get the nutters on the cold calling.

Exactly. So its not so bad. A couple of people get agitated but you organise a better time to speak.

The best ones are the people that answer and say 'im not gonna buy anything so your wasting your time, but let me hear your spiel anyway', but end up buying $800 worth of your product :D
There is no need to be rude to telemarketers. Just politely say, "Sorry not interested". It wastes about 10 seconds of your time. Big deal.

Hardly works. Why do many of them tell you to reconsider and persist in selling you the product even when you've told them you're not interested? So I just end up hanging up on them without abusing them and they end up calling back a few hours later.

When my mother did that once, the bastard rang back immediately about 5-6 times in a row, abusing her, calling her rude for just hanging up (even after she told him she isn't interested). Just ____ off.
I usually blurt out the old "thanks Im not interested" line and hang up, though I do get fairly pissed off when it is an Indian/Chinese and I cannot understand a single word they are saying so I just hang up. I dont abuse them though.

Manwithnoname why mark the ones that just hang up as no answer just so they can be called back, whats the difference between that and them saying "not interested"? They obviously arent interested.

Also whats the go with that National Telemarketing No Call register?? I thought that might have slowed business down a bit.
Re question 1: Sometimes out of spite/boredom. We are humans, not machines. We get spiteful occasionally.

Re question 2: Dunno, I've only been working there since after that No Call Register so I don't know how much of an impact it's had.
Yeah but if they don't ask, and they only abuse, do you take them off?
Have to ask to be taken off the list. Bosses would get angry if we took everyone off the list.
hehe - yet you are happy wasting theirs :D
I support hypocrisy.
Yes I work as one (Shut up) and if you're going to abuse me then don't give me Seinfeld. I'll fire back with more Seinfeld before you can blink. So at least give me something original or just hang up and save us both some time.

"Hi, we've selcted yout to get a free mobile phone/holiday/etc" (obviously haven't mentioned the plan that comes with it)

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch" (The dumbest thing any sales guy can ever say)

"Do you have my address there?"

"Yes, it's __________"

"Great, if there's no catch then send the phone over" <click>

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there nothing worse then a dirty telemarketer...

except those door knockers asking for money to people who suffer from a disease you've never heard of..

you ask them whats the disease and they something like it a rare disorder that causes little children's faces to burn of...

and you can't say know or otherwise you'll be frowned upon so you say hold on a sec and go get 2 for 1 coupen to pancake parlour or some shit:D:D
Re question 1: Sometimes out of spite/boredom. We are humans, not machines. We get spiteful occasionally.

Re question 2: Dunno, I've only been working there since after that No Call Register so I don't know how much of an impact it's had.

Have to ask to be taken off the list. Bosses would get angry if we took everyone off the list.

I support hypocrisy.

The thing about the Do Not Call Register, is if people have gone out of their way to register for it, the chances are they aren't going to be buying anything over the phone anyway off a cold call. ANY business relationship with the caller an exemption anyway. Its actually improved some call centers, though they do have less numbers to dial over all, normally you target anyway (unless your product is something easy to sell)
"Hi, we've selcted yout to get a free mobile phone/holiday/etc" (obviously haven't mentioned the plan that comes with it)

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch" (The dumbest thing any sales guy can ever say)

"Do you have my address there?"

"Yes, it's __________"

"Great, if there's no catch then send the phone over" <click>

I had a near identical exchange with a door-to-door salesman once. It involved him handing me the phone, me thanking him and promptly closing the door in his face.

I briefly considered not giving it back, what's the worst that he could do? The guy was on my property, voluntarily handing me a phone he claimed was free. I wonder if the cops would back him or me? But I'm not a cruel man, i had my fun so gave him the phone back when he started feverishly ringing the doorbell in panic.


I have always wondered, what is the pay like?

Normally when they call a simple "F*&k off" and then the phone hangup works well. Over in 2-3 seconds and I don't feel as annoyed at having to get up to answer a call from a random trying to sell me ish by swearing at them.

i use similar approach - just not as rude (whats the point of being rude?). once i realise its an ad "Not interested" and Hang up.

even if you tell them you're not interested, they have scripts for that too, so they begin speaking..."you havent heard the offer" "did you know you can save"...bla bla bla

so don't give them a chance, and regarding all the pranks people pull...they sure sound funny but i never have the time or patience. so a simple "not interested" and hang up will do just fine :thumbsu:

and to...Manwithnoname....you're telling people to get creative with their responses...:eek::eek::eek: Now i can't speak for you personally but generally, telemarketing scripts are the lamest things ever written. "You have been specially selected to recieve our incredible offer of...bla bla bla". so how about You be more creative with your script lol
i always wondered how it would go down if one telemarketer called another telemarketer

T1: "......uh, Hello...?"
T2: "Hi Sir, according to our database, you qualify for our special rates deal on international calls, can I interest you in an offer?
T1: "What?? No...but can I interest you in 5% off your gas bill?"

or something like that. i never really thought that through. plus telemarketer's phones would be outbound only i imagine, can you guys recieve calls?? lol
A group of people who I put in the same category as telemarketers are the guys/girls that try and sell you raffle tickets at the footy.

You can add those people who try to sign you up for a credit card in shopping centres, they are everywhere! Annoying as hell!
The thing about the Do Not Call Register, is if people have gone out of their way to register for it, the chances are they aren't going to be buying anything over the phone anyway off a cold call. ANY business relationship with the caller an exemption anyway. Its actually improved some call centers, though they do have less numbers to dial over all, normally you target anyway (unless your product is something easy to sell)
Peoples details do slip through even if they're on the DNC register. If we call them and they say they're on the register then we'll mark them as on it so they won't be called again. It's technoloy so peoples details will slip through occasionally.

I came within one sale of the National Record whilst selling electricity on a day when half the state was in a massive Blackout and wanted to talk about anything BUT electricity. I must be freakin good.
Rubbish. I've gone from four-five a night to two in the past eight weeks since I've signed up.

You seriously used to get 4-5 every night? Thats insane!

We arent on the register here and we maybe get one a week.
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