News Impact of COVID-19 on season 2020 and beyond

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I'm not convinced our medical system will take someone off a machine prior to their death to give it to a younger person, there was an average 11 day hospital stay for people who died, which means if there is a rush on services then it's possible, even likely, that young people will die in waiting for a machine to open up. They will just get first dibs on the equipment when the person currently using it dies/recovers.
Is that what’s happening around the world? How many young people have died waiting for a machine? Genuine question. If the AFL is still playing while young people die in hospital corridors we can be worried greatly for our players.
Is that what’s happening around the world? How many young people have died waiting for a machine? Genuine question. If the AFL is still playing while young people die in hospital corridors we can be worried greatly for our players.
All I have heard is that care is denied to people in order to give it to younger people, not that it is actively removed from older people to give to younger.
All I have heard is that care is denied to people in order to give it to younger people, not that it is actively removed from older people to give to younger.
We won’t be playing AFL at that stage though. Playing this week won’t mean an old person gets denied care. You are talking about a situation that doesn’t have any chance of happening this weekend.

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We won’t be playing AFL at that stage though. Playing this week won’t mean an old person gets denied care. You are talking about a situation that doesn’t have any chance of happening this weekend.
I'm not commenting on the basis of playing this weekend. I'm suggesting that flying our players over east will expose their circles to new avenues of infection and during this season that could pose a risk to them, because they might not be able to access care immediately if all our equipment is being used.
I'm not commenting on the basis of playing this weekend. I'm suggesting that flying our players over east will expose their circles to new avenues of infection and during this season that could pose a risk to them, because they might not be able to access care immediately if all our equipment is being used.
Which is why the AFL won’t have a choice at that stage because the government will bring in stricter measures.
fun fact english cricket signed exclusively with a murdoch tv thing and because not every one could see the cricket, it started dying in england but it brought in more money.
This is the most bizarre thread I have ever followed on Big Footy. The airlines are going to be forced to keep their planes parked up well before anyone will be fighting over rights to who gets a friggin hospital bed. The shits about to hit the fan for F sake down there.

425 died in a day today in Italy, the US is trending the same way they did. It wasn’t that long ago (a stab at 3 weeks) they had about the same count as WA. They are now at 8,000 cases... 3,500 just days ago.

Credit to Tassie for leading the way in being proactive and locking their island down (like they have here). I implore everyone to LISTEN to the supposed Whistleblowers about shutting down the border. They are right.

Fighting and arguing about whether a player gets privelages over others if they get sick for F sake.... another says Aussie Rules will be the one sport that took the virus on for F sake.... seriously.... WAKE UP.

Sorry, I just give a sh*t. Blast me if you have to.
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Maybe I'm being selfish but I really want to watch every game this weekend and just wallow in it to take my mind off things for a while.
I work in a drug & alcohol service and there is so much uncertainty as well as the usual pain and suffering of people in addiction.
Of course there is also joy in the good moments too, its just exhausting.
Footy is my drug of escapism and all summer I look forward to the first hit.
This is the most bizarre thread I have ever followed on Big Footy. The airlines are going to be forced to keep their planes parked up well before anyone will be fighting over rights to who gets a friggin hospital bed. The shits about to hit the fan for F sake down there.

425 died in a day today in Italy, the US is trending the same way they did. It wasn’t that long ago (a stab at 3 weeks) they had about the same count as WA. They are now at 8,000 cases... 3,500 just days ago.

Credit to Tassie for leading the way in being proactive and locking their island down (like they have here). I implore everyone to LISTEN to the supposed Whistleblowers about shutting down the border. They are right.

Fighting and arguing about whether a player gets privelages over others if they get sick for F sake.... another says Aussie Rules will be the one sport that took the virus on for F sake.... seriously.... WAKE UP.

Sorry, I just give a sh*t. Blast me if you have to.
There you go...


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This is the most bizarre thread I have ever followed on Big Footy. The airlines are going to be forced to keep their planes parked up well before anyone will be fighting over rights to who gets a friggin hospital bed. The shits about to hit the fan for F sake down there.

425 died in a day today in Italy, the US is trending the same way they did. It wasn’t that long ago (a stab at 3 weeks) they had about the same count as WA. They are now at 8,000 cases... 3,500 just days ago.

Credit to Tassie for leading the way in being proactive and locking their island down (like they have here). I implore everyone to LISTEN to the supposed Whistleblowers about shutting down the border. They are right.

Fighting and arguing about whether a player gets privelages over others if they get sick for F sake.... another says Aussie Rules will be the one sport that took the virus on for F sake.... seriously.... WAKE UP.

Sorry, I just give a sh*t. Blast me if you have to.

I'm certainly not going to blast you. I'm quietly optimistic that there are some factors which will reduce the effect on Australia but I do feel that there's a very big wake up call coming. I feel that there's also fair amount of justification going on in this thread to explain why we'll be getting a footy season. There seems to be a great deal of complacency going on.

The issue is that the cost of being wrong in this situation is very high.

Ultimately the AFL are rolling the dice. There will be a fair amount of good luck involved as well as good management if they (and more importantly the players) get out of this unscathed.
The issue is that the cost of being wrong in this situation is very high.
What is that cost though? And how would it be any different if they weren't trying to play?

I think plenty would be all ears if someone could actually answer that question rather than just tell us how complacent and delusional we are all being.
What is that cost though? And how would it be any different if they weren't trying to play?

I think plenty would be all ears if someone could actually answer that question rather than just tell us how complacent and delusional we are all being.

Cool. I hope you're right.

As far as sports worldwide 'voting' with their actions, the AFL is clearly in the minority. I don't think there's anything wrong with the assumption that they are taking a greater risks than most in the world right now. If there's no consequence then all those hundreds of sports and leagues must all be wrong?

Clearly I'm in the minority here and people are admitting they just want their footy so all good. You'll rack up the likes, no doubt.

I'll just continue to read in this thread that there's no issue if someone has the virus and plays and that there'd be no need to shut the league down if that happens.
Cool. I hope you're right.

As far as sports worldwide 'voting' with their actions, the AFL is clearly in the minority. I don't think there's anything wrong with the assumption that they are taking a greater risks than most in the world right now. If there's no consequence then all those hundreds of sports and leagues must all be wrong?

Clearly I'm in the minority here and people are admitting they just want their footy so all good. You'll rack up the likes, no doubt.

I'll just continue to read in this thread that there's no issue if someone has the virus and plays and that there'd be no need to shut the league down if that happens.
You hope I'm right about what? You still didn't answer the question. At least provide some solid reasoning if you are going to attack the character of people.

There is a big reason why US sports needed to shut down. It's because it is already too late for them. They've acted too late just like Italy did.

To give some context. A week or so ago Australia had done far more tests than the US had. So that's a country with a population of 25m having tested more people than a country with 330m! It's no surprise we are now seeing the US numbers start to sky rocket as they test more. Some will say we acted late restricting travel but nowhere near as late as the US.

Most of our positive cases are from people coming via the US. That's a pretty clear indicator that the US is in a fair bit of trouble because their case numbers to date don't even seem to scratch the surface of reality. Meanwhile we started testing relatively early and our positive tests to number of test ratio is pretty good. That's a fairly strong sign we're in a far better position to get it under control - that's not saying we'll stop it but we seem to be in a group of countries that have a far better chance of slowing it down and not overwhelming our health system.

It would be dumb to think it is all going to be happy and rosy in Australia. We are going to have far more cases and more deaths. But to assume we are going to follow the same trajectory as the most extremes (eg Italy and US) and ignoring a bunch of other countries who have got it more under control is pessimism at its greatest. We should take it seriously but the worst thing we can do is make decisions just based on 'dem feels' and ignore the consequences of those actions (eg closing schools).
We shouldn't breeze over the strict measures put in place by those nations to allow that, measures we haven't done anything near.
Like? I'm genuinely interested in what measures other countries have taken that we haven't that have proven effective. The only ones I can think of I've mentioned previously: expanded testing (which I'm still hoping we do assuming we have the new test kits now) and releasing information about positive cases which the WA government said late yesterday they were keen to do.

Also Wuhan reporting no new cases today for the first time in a month. Whether people believe it is up to them :)
You hope I'm right about what? You still didn't answer the question. At least provide some solid reasoning if you are going to attack the character of people.

There is a big reason why US sports needed to shut down. It's because it is already too late for them. They've acted too late just like Italy did.

To give some context. A week or so ago Australia had done far more tests than the US had. So that's a country with a population of 25m having tested more people than a country with 330m! It's no surprise we are now seeing the US numbers start to sky rocket as they test more. Some will say we acted late restricting travel but nowhere near as late as the US.

Most of our positive cases are from people coming via the US. That's a pretty clear indicator that the US is in a fair bit of trouble because their case numbers to date don't even seem to scratch the surface of reality. Meanwhile we started testing relatively early and our positive tests to number of test ratio is pretty good. That's a fairly strong sign we're in a far better position to get it under control - that's not saying we'll stop it but we seem to be in a group of countries that have a far better chance of slowing it down and not overwhelming our health system.

It would be dumb to think it is all going to be happy and rosy in Australia. We are going to have far more cases and more deaths. But to assume we are going to follow the same trajectory as the most extremes (eg Italy and US) and ignoring a bunch of other countries who have got it more under control is pessimism at its greatest. We should take it seriously but the worst thing we can do is make decisions just based on 'dem feels' and ignore the consequences of those actions (eg closing schools).

I've been reading your posts for a while in this thread so I'm fair sure I know your opinion and what I'm saying when I say that I hope you're right. Don't you think your opinion has been stated clearly enough?

I've also stated my opinions and arguments several times in this thread. Sorry if I don't want to participate in circle work.

I don't think we'll follow the trajectory of Italy. That's a worse case scenario and a case study that countries will learn from. Again my posts as someone with eligibility of citizenship of Italy is that I'm not surprised that they are stuffed. Just go look back at their Y2K response. Go have a look at some of the posts I've liked in this thread as of late. I even made a comment about the smoking rate in Italy for example. Are you doing the usual thing of criticising people about 'them feels' with a highly emotive post?

You talk with such certainty. It must be hard knowing all the facts and having such clarity about the situation. Your skills and knowledge are clearly being wasted on Big Footy.

The idea that the league will be able to continue in any meaningful way without a break if there is an infection suggests complacency. That we'll just be able 'manage' our way through anything. The league has done a good job planning things so far but it is clearly taking a risk. The virus in less than three months old so it's hardly a know quantity.

Attack the character of people? Now there's an emotive statement. All the stuff that is thrown around on this site and you're going to come at me for the cutting personal insult like complacency? Odd.

You regularly make comments about people and players panicking for the decisions that they make. I can't believe you've been attacking peoples character like that :rolleyes:
Lost my job today.
Footy is such a drug to me and I'm so happy to at least see one Freo game on the weekend.
Excited to see how we go under JLo.
Keep your spirits up everyone.

"Failure cannot cope with perseverance."
-Matthew Pavlich.

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News Impact of COVID-19 on season 2020 and beyond

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