Is Neil Craig the mumbling cancer that is destroying the Crows from within?

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A description of symptoms provided by Crow supporters writing in to the Adelaide Advertiser

"The whole problem with the Crows is the whole heirachy is old and stale.Time is up for Reid and Trigg.The coach is also hopeless because he does not have the instincts for the game which all the best players and coachs have.This shows up badly when they are under pressure and there is no plan “b”."​
Diagnosis:- Cancer

"Lets call a spade a spade. The Crows, like Sydney, flood. Fitness levels need to be high and the team needs to be very well drilled to make this style of play effective. Unfortunately for the Crows this style of football results in a one dimensional team as well as a one dimensional coach that are easily worked out come the finals."​
Diagnosis:- Cancer

"Surely the headline “Fans desert the Crows” should have read “Crows desert the Fans”. The Crows have played tedious, unproductive football for the whole season and it is not possible to watch them with any level of enjoyment and their performances should not be rationalised in any way."​
Diagnosis:- Cancer

"Ever thought that perhaps quite a few didn’t turn up because they don’t believe in Neil Craig anymore. The club should never have re-signed him..they will go no-where under this guy.

Along with 5 fnals loses..we also have suffered 2 preseason grand final loses..he just doesn’t know how to coach in final games!

We also need to change our Captain..its clear its not working."​
Diagnosis:- Cancer

It looks like the sharks have detected the blood of a wounded comrade.

How are egg sales doing in Adelaide at the moment?

Crows: successfully completing a decade of nothing​
Former Crows coach and current ambassador Graham Cornes has been revisiting his criticism of Neil Craig following the latest finals fiasco.

A few years ago he was carpetted for his criticisms and went silent on the wisdom of selecting the Mumbling Cancer however he is voicing his concerns again. How long before Triggy brings him back in for another frank exchange of views?
"Surely the headline “Fans desert the Crows” should have read “Crows desert the Fans”. The Crows have played tedious, unproductive football for the whole season and it is not possible to watch them with any level of enjoyment and their performances should not be rationalised in any way."​
Diagnosis:- Cancer

I want the marketing department to get people interested in the club. It's then up to the team to play a brand of football that those people will identify with. A brand of footall that wins more often than not but that can be respected in defeat.


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Maybe the Crows should just go public with their policy of easing Craig out of the role of senior coach.

The closest they've come was John Reids claim that the AFC had not made a mistake extending Craig's contract prior to the latest finals flop because the toothless one won't enforce his contract.

Let's face it, to counteract Craigs failings as a match day coach his defence, midfield and forwards coaches have all been given licence to initiate moves during a game. It's claimed that, as a result of allowing them to overrule Craig, match day coaching has improved for the Crows.

Now we hear talk that the Crows may appoint a mentor for Craig who will take over as the finals coach. Craig must be thinking he's getting money for jam! A fitness coach has taken over his former role and he's expected to do less and less of what any real AFL senior coach would be expected to do. :rolleyes:
Maybe the Crows should just go public with their policy of easing Craig out of the role of senior coach.

The closest they've come was John Reids claim that the AFC had not made a mistake extending Craig's contract prior to the latest finals flop because the toothless one won't enforce his contract.

Let's face it, to counteract Craigs failings as a match day coach his defence, midfield and forwards coaches have all been given licence to initiate moves during a game. It's claimed that, as a result of allowing them to overrule Craig, match day coaching has improved for the Crows.

Now we hear talk that the Crows may appoint a mentor for Craig who will take over as the finals coach. Craig must be thinking he's getting money for jam! A fitness coach has taken over his former role and he's expected to do less and less of what any real AFL senior coach would be expected to do. :rolleyes:

Source Toot.
The specific point was Craigs poor management of Porplyzia's situation.

Craig has a habit of running his players into the ground. 2006 he had the list flying then flogged them on the track because his scientific approach demanded he pump an extra 10% of core fitness into them before the finals. Result? A train wreck of injuries and loss of form.

Last year he flogged Brett Burton despite him having a knee injury and Porplyzia is the latest victim of this approach. By contrast Choco gets his players to the surgeon in time to be ready for next season.

So what the Camry's have got is a defective match day coach whose main claim to fame is his background in sports science but who has a terrible record with injury management.

Where is your proof, that Craigy MADE Porps play? Is it something to do with the fact that our players have heart, guts and determination and want to play every game possible? Your players get a little niggle and cry to papa Williams and ask to be sent to surgery.

Even a columnist from the paper over here had a go at Chad Cornes for playing the Showdown then practically driving to the hospital straight after the game. Shows Port's mentality... "As long as we beat the Crows, we don't mind if we lose 20 more games for the year"
Where is your proof, that Craigy MADE Porps play? Is it something to do with the fact that our players have heart, guts and determination and want to play every game possible? Your players get a little niggle and cry to papa Williams and ask to be sent to surgery.

Even a columnist from the paper over here had a go at Chad Cornes for playing the Showdown then practically driving to the hospital straight after the game. Shows Port's mentality... "As long as we beat the Crows, we don't mind if we lose 20 more games for the year"
This last bit is nonsense.

There's no way Chad Cornes could have played till the end of the season with the multiple injuries he was carrying. The fact he struggled on until the game against our local rivals just shows his team spirit.

BTW whether Porplyzia did or did not want to play is irrelevant. He was unavailable for the finals. He had long standing issues with his shoulder that should have been addressed rather than letting him struggle on.
This last bit is nonsense.

There's no way Chad Cornes could have played till the end of the season with the multiple injuries he was carrying. The fact he struggled on until the game against our local rivals just shows his team spirit.

BTW whether Porplyzia did or did not want to play is irrelevant. He was unavailable for the finals. He had long standing issues with his shoulder that should have been addressed rather than letting him struggle on.

Porps didn't play until the end of the season, he missed our last game

I agree, he should have gone in once his brain got bruised, but he felt he could contribute and wanted to be part of it. The AFC got medical advice which stated he could do no FURTHER damage to the joint, so the club made a decision (not just NC) to risk it, and it didnt pay off.... he will still be right by pre season

Yeah Chad Cornes could not have played to the end of the season, but he also did not HAVE to play against us, but did, as that is Port's mentality for Crows games, rank it above all else
Yeah Chad Cornes could not have played to the end of the season, but he also did not HAVE to play against us, but did, as that is Port's mentality for Crows games, rank it above all else

Agree. 119 The Power are completely obsessed with the Crows. 119 Even Chaplin said playing against the Crows was their Grand Final and he didn't care if they lost every other game.119

Basically, the Crows are everything the Power want to be. 119 More supporters, more premierships, better off financially, better facilities, etc.119
That's a toss up - let's see -

MMMmmm - quite happy with my club - thanks for your concern.:)

Sunday Mail September 14, 2008.

2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

Seven Finals campaigns in eight years, but are the Crows any nearer to a premiership.
Season of promise ends in failure – but is Adelaide any closer to the flag?
Nothing to crow about?
Seven out of eight isn’t bad, says Saunders.
Agree. 119 The Power are completely obsessed with the Crows. 119 Even Chaplin said playing against the Crows was their Grand Final and he didn't care if they lost every other game.119

Basically, the Crows are everything the Power want to be. 119 More supporters, more premierships, better off financially, better facilities, etc.119
We don't train in a carpark. You do. ;)


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No the Crows train where people park their cars, big difference.

They train in a car park because they are not a real club. A real club has a traditional training oval (Punt Rd, Western Oval, Arden St, Alberton) and traditional clubrooms full of trophies, honour rolls and memorabilia.

A car park and a tin shed doesn’t really cut the mustard.

Crows: successfully completing a decade of nothing​
They train in a car park because they are not a real club. A real club has a traditional training oval (Punt Rd, Western Oval, Arden St, Alberton) and traditional clubrooms full of trophies, honour rolls and memorabilia.

A car park and a tin shed doesn’t really cut the mustard.


Crows: successfully completing a decade of nothing​

Um, so!!??

You still havent seen the Crows AFL trophies have you D? You probably shouldnt, as there are more than Ports AFL trophies.

And don't give us that crap about 36 or whatever flags. Take that to the SANFL board.
Um, so!!??

You still havent seen the Crows AFL trophies have you D? You probably shouldnt, as there are more than Ports AFL trophies.

And don't give us that crap about 36 or whatever flags. Take that to the SANFL board.

Firstly, and I know this is painful for Crows supporters to acknowledge, but the PAFC has 36 premierships, 35 SANFL premierships and 1 AFL premiership. While there are many deluded fans of the fruit tingles that are in denial of this relatively simple fact, it is a fact nonetheless.

Secondly, I would love to see the two trophies, but where are they kept? Please don’t say they are in the Football Park SANFL office as that will shatter any hope that the Crows could erode their pseudo state team status and one day become a real club.

Crows: successfully completing a decade of nothing​
Short answer is no, he's not, he's just one of many within the crows who have no idea.

They have media feel good performers, rather than qualified people who are sought after by other relevant organisations.

After all, who else wants JR, or Trigg, or Rendell, or even Craig, no-one these days
Firstly, and I know this is painful for Crows supporters to acknowledge, but the PAFC has 36 premierships, 35 SANFL premierships and 1 AFL premiership. While there are many deluded fans of the fruit tingles that are in denial of this relatively simple fact, it is a fact nonetheless.

Secondly, I would love to see the two trophies, but where are they kept? Please don’t say they are in the Football Park SANFL office as that will shatter any hope that the Crows could erode their pseudo state team status and one day become a real club.


Crows: the club for all South Australians​

Jebus D, I said take your alternate flags to the SANFL board. They mean shit here!! I wonder what you read and what you think sometimes.:eek:
The 2 trophies are kept at the Adelaide Football Club. Next time your'e in town, go have a look.
Jebus D, I said take your alternate flags to the SANFL board. They mean shit here!! I wonder what you read and what you think sometimes.:eek:
The 2 trophies are kept at the Adelaide Football Club. Next time your'e in town, go have a look.

Je-Buzz Bus, Weekend. I said I wanna look at the two Bradbury cups but I don’t know where the Adelaide Football Club clubrooms are. Where are they??? I looked on but that says that the Adelaide Football Club was at Aami Stadium at West Lakes. I also looked up where the SANFL head offices are and it said that they are at Aami Stadium at West Lakes. So are the Crows and the SANFL the same thing? Are the Crows really nothing but the SANFL state team dressed up to look like a traditional VFL club? I’m so confused:confused:

Crows: the club for all South Australians that enjoy mediocrity​
Sunday Mail September 14, 2008.

2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

Seven Finals campaigns in eight years, but are the Crows any nearer to a premiership.
Season of promise ends in failure – but is Adelaide any closer to the flag?
Nothing to crow about?
Seven out of eight isn’t bad, says Saunders.

That's a toss up - let's see -

Record GF loss 119 ..
...certainly don't want that

Making Choking an art form in 2001, 2002, 2003
....don't want that

Sending everyone off to hospital early 2006 giving up the season - was that a bottom 4 year too? thanks but no thanks...

Giving up a season in Round 13 to finish bottom 4 (again - was it?) after coughing up seemingly unassailable leads to Carlton/Brisbane don't want that either...embarrassing ...

Losing a semi-final to the most hated opposition by 15 goals
...definitely not that

Winning 1 flag in the frst ten years as opposed to 2 flags in the first ten years
...nope - not that either

Dropping 11 spots on the ladder after playing in a GF - losing GF -
...oohh no ...not that either

Bowing,goose stepping, loud mouth dream final, karma sprouting players,

Having the Admin staff jumping ship all at once with some pretty strong suggestions around the traps that it is the coach that makes them want to leave -or a stable board with sound financial acumen and a consistent record of playing finals - not a good winning ratio - but ya gotta be there to have a crack....

yeah the latter thanks

MMMmmm - quite happy with my club - thanks for your concern.:)

Asked and answered - over and over and over again.......YYYYYAAAAWWWNNN

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Is Neil Craig the mumbling cancer that is destroying the Crows from within?

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