Is this Racism or PC gone mad?

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Tell me, did Obama write the stimulus bill?
I'm sure that he and his advisers, many that were part of the Clinton administration, drafted the blueprint of the stimulus bill before it was passed to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress. Politicians and legislators do not write the actual legislation because they're too busy to sit at a keyboard working on sentences and paragraphs. The White House staff do the writing.
Also the paper that endorsed Obama over Clinton :rolleyes:
I completely fail to see your point. You said that Obama is messiah of mainstream media, but this particular paper endorsed John McCain in the general election. Therefore, the candidate they endorsed in the Democratic primaries is irrelevant of course.
Still haven't forgiven them?
I didn't care then, and I certainly don't care now. Hillary Clinton was always going to win the New York Democratic Primary regardless of who they endorsed. Their endorsement had no influence on the result. Wouldn't you agree? :rolleyes:

5th February 2008; New York Democratic Primary Election

Hillary Clinton: 1,068,496 votes, 57.37% of vote, 139 delegates.

Barack Obama: 751,019 votes, 40.32% of vote, 93 delegates.
You sure the CJR didn't get their "posts" and "times" mixed up?
Ummm, I don't think so, unless of course you're trying to suggest that the New York Times has been criticised for conservative bias. Are you? :confused:
"these people" was referring to the people who see this as racist and are protesting in the streets. I should have written it better, perhaps.
You should write most of your posts better, perhaps. ;)
Yes and that was all it was...
No it wasn't. It was poor taste and irresponsible journalism at the very least. Whether it was racist as well is possible.
This was a chimp, not a monkey.
I don't think that the actual species used in the cartoon makes any difference.
And for years Bush has been called everything under the sun, including a monkey.
Actually, a chimp. But has he ever been portrayed as a chimp that has just been shot dead? Normally this particular cartoonist will write the person or people that he is referring to on the central character in the illustration. Why didn't he write 'Congress' or 'Pelosi' on the chimp if that is what he meant?


On the other hand, Dubya was compared to a chimp because he looked like one and he wasn't, and still isn't, too bright. In fact, he is an idiot. I don't think it could have possibly been mistaken as a racist reference. It's not like Dubya has ever been portrayed as shot dead in a Ku Klux Klan hood and robes.

For centuries, African-American's have been compared to monkeys, regardless of the species, and that has nothing to do with intelligence. Whether or not this cartoon was supposed to be racist, which is possible, the biggest problem that I have with it is that it also suggests assassination.
On the other hand, Dubya was compared to a chimp because he looked like one and he wasn't, and still isn't, too bright. In fact, he is an idiot. I don't think it could have possibly been mistaken as a racist reference. It's not like Dubya has ever been portrayed as shot dead in a Ku Klux Klan hood and robes.

For centuries, African-American's have been compared to monkeys, regardless of the species, and that has nothing to do with intelligence. Whether or not this cartoon was supposed to be racist, which is possible, the biggest problem that I have with it is that it also suggests assassination.

You do realise that the reason that the monkey in the cartoon is dead is because its referring to the story of the monkey that escaped and had to be killed, right?

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Today it is generally no longer regarded as a politically correct term, however even that is debatable, due to its continued occasional appearance, most notably its use in the acronym NAACP.

You mean that part of the first sentence?

Yes the part that says it is not-PC, but that some antiquated uses of it appear, such as within NAACP.

Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP in Washington, D.C.

Like I said, if there's one person apart from the BF-racist set that would defend the term - it would be an employee of NAACP.
You do realise that the reason that the monkey in the cartoon is dead is because its referring to the story of the monkey that escaped and had to be killed, right?
There wasn't a monkey that escaped from anywhere, however, in this post, I did say...
No, a pet chimp ripped the face off the owner's friend in Connecticut last weekend, and the police shot the chimp dead. The victim needs a total face transplant.
It wasn't funny at all to tie that incident to the stimulus bill, and for some reason, Sean Delonas did not write the name of the person or group of people he meant on the central character as he normally does. It was in poor taste to connect a chimp that has been shot dead to any politician, even if he didn't mean it to be racial.

It was also irresponsible journalism because of how it could be interpreted considering the current president is African-American and the centuries of racial comparisons with monkeys. It would even be in bad taste and not funny if Dubya was portrayed as a chimp that had been shot dead, even though racial comparisons would not be an issue in that case. Only his obvious lack of intelligence and his facial resemblance.
Yes the part that says it is not-PC, but that some antiquated uses of it appear, such as within NAACP.

Like I said, if there's one person apart from the BF-racist set that would defend the term - it would be an employee of NAACP.

What on earth qualifies you to be making wide sweeping statements criticising the the worth of the NAACP and a representative of the NAACP.

An organization that for 100 years has been diligently working to improve the lives of colored North Americans.

Your personal political correctness over zealousness has painted you into a corner where you are now trying to smear an iconic US colored advocacy group.

Again it is so totally ironic that you are actualy doing something that resembles being racist in your attempt to scramble out of this political correct hole you have dug on this topic Karl.
People labelling others as "racist" at the drop of a hat annoys me about as much as people actually being racist.

Karl, I got a lot of respect for what you post, but you are a repeat offender.

That comment was as clear an example of racism, as defined by multiple governments and the UN, as you will find.

Some racists like to hide behind this "over the top PC" stuff as a defense mechanism to allow them to use inflammatory terms like coloured.

And the moderators and Admin of this site have fallen for it.
Some racists like to hide behind this "over the top PC" stuff as a defense mechanism to allow them to use inflammatory terms like coloured.

no they don't. True racist couldn't care if you called them racist, thats the point really isn't it.

People you like to call racists probably aren't racist but people like yourself like to guilt them into it. The witch hunt on racists in places like this board is akin to the communist hunt led my McCarthy. You either agree or your racist, and being racist is bad... so your bad... you racist.
no they don't. True racist couldn't care if you called them racist, thats the point really isn't it.

Sorry, on what planet do you think all racists are open about their racism?

People you like to call racists probably aren't racist but people like yourself like to guilt them into it. The witch hunt on racists in places like this board is akin to the communist hunt led my McCarthy. You either agree or your racist. As being racist is bad... so your bad... you racist.

Being racist is bad, and anyone who is racist is a bad person. I'm glad there are witch hunts on racists. However, this board is not an example of such a place
Sorry, on what planet do you think all racists are open about their racism?

Real racist people are, you know the millions of people through out the world accused of ethnic cleansing etc etc. but the problem is that doesn’t stop the cape crusaders. The racist that people they are looking for are the unconscious racist and create situations which then become racist because they have been defined by the crusaders. I used to call friends doing something crazy a “fruit cake”, that got defined by a cape crusader as a racist term for a mixed race person, so by definition anyone who calls someone a fruit cake is a racist but doesn’t realise it just yet.

Being racist is bad, and anyone who is racist is a bad person. I'm glad there are witch hunts on racists. However, this board is not an example of such a place

as I just said above, everyone is a bad person. I bet you have walked into a room where you didn't know anyone, I bet you ended up talking to a person who "looked like you", if you did your a racist, so given how easy is it to be racist, basically your racist. deal with it ;)

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That comment was as clear an example of racism, as defined by multiple governments and the UN, as you will find.

yep, if you looked in that thread (towards the end) I did agree with you.

What I'm saying is that labelling someone a racist is an assumption/generalisation about that person, as is as much as a racist person might make their generalisations about a group of people in a negative way.

For example, you called Dan Warna a 'racist' where in reality he is not a racist - you don't really know his real feelings. He might have made a comment that can be construed as racist, but that doesn't necessarily make him a racist. I hope I'm making sense!
yep, if you looked in that thread (towards the end) I did agree with you.

What I'm saying is that labelling someone a racist is an assumption/generalisation about that person, as is as much as a racist person might make their generalisations about a group of people in a negative way.

For example, you called Dan Warna a 'racist' where in reality he is not a racist - you don't really know his real feelings. He might have made a comment that can be construed as racist, but that doesn't necessarily make him a racist. I hope I'm making sense!

Yeah I know what you mean, in that same thread I DID eventually point out that dw is a good bloke and was merely making a racist comment (but because it was about Americans, most people seem to be ok with it), rather than being a card carrying racist.
You amaze me Karl, you seem to dish it out, but when it comes back at you, you report the post wanting it removed.

As far as I am concerned, the posts you report will stay unless, it is truly a racist or a personal attack
You amaze me Karl, you seem to dish it out, but when it comes back at you, you report the post wanting it removed.

As far as I am concerned, the posts you report will stay unless, it is truly a racist or a personal attack

Can't you see, Goldenblue?

That cricket is making a 'gun' gesture towards Pinocchio (who represents Karl), which is still considered as an insult to fair-skinned people to this day (despite the assassination of JFK occurring the best part of half a century ago). Clearly racist.
In what way did I lie?

Anyway, as for the term 'coloured people', an anchor from NBC was forced to apologise for using the term, even whilst actually discussing it with the NAACP on air, as it is considered racial slang.

So? A politician in Australia was forced to apologise for useing the word "niggardly" because the person he was talking to was an ignorant ******** who didn't know what it meant. Does that make "niggardly" a racist term?
Why is it always people with names like 'Illinois Nazi', or people who like dropping racial epithets like 'coloured' that hate political correctness so much?

Oh that's right, because it forces them to evaluate their outdated worldview and actually think about what they say for once.

Should we be able to discuss issues relating to immigrations, ethnic ghettos and international politics without being stifled? Of course.

Should we be able to use terms like coloured/kike/gook/honkey etc in a public forum like this without being called on it? Or make tenuous (at best) comparisons between a black president and a monkey when its such an obviously insensitive construct? Absolutely not.

Meh, its mainly the older posters with outdated ways of thinking (usually queenslanders and west aussies) and a lack of education who want to defend their non-existent right to be racist. As much as you guys try and claw it back, eventually you'll realise the days of being an ignorant racist are long gone.
Why is it always people with names like 'Illinois Nazi', or people who like dropping racial epithets like 'coloured' that hate political correctness so much?
Dunno. Might be related to the reason English gits who produce radio comedy shows think they're always right.

Oh that's right, because it forces them to evaluate their outdated worldview and actually think about what they say for once.
No, it's probably more to do with being annoyed at people who look for the best way to take offence at any situation.

Should we be able to discuss issues relating to immigrations, ethnic ghettos and international politics without being stifled? Of course.
As long as we agree with you, of course.

Should we be able to use terms like coloured/kike/gook/honkey etc in a public forum like this without being called on it?
Racist ****!

Or make tenuous (at best) comparisons between a black president and a monkey when its such an obviously insensitive construct? Absolutely not.
Of course not, because you don't agree with it.

Meh, its mainly the older posters with outdated ways of thinking (usually queenslanders and west aussies) and a lack of education who want to defend their non-existent right to be racist. As much as you guys try and claw it back, eventually you'll realise the days of being an ignorant racist are long gone.

One day you'll realise what a dick you make of yourself on here, too.
Dunno. Might be related to the reason English gits who produce radio comedy shows think they're always right.

I've been wrong plenty of times. This is not one of those times.

No, it's probably more to do with being annoyed at people who look for the best way to take offence at any situation.

You are confusing a willingness to criticise racists with deliberately looking for drama.

I couldn't reply to the rest of your post because I reported it.

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Is this Racism or PC gone mad?

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