Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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At least you Admitted that those 3 blokes were war criminals.

I cant estimate on how many Iraqi civilians died in that invasion of Iraq.

You can call Benjam Netanyahu a War Criminal, but at least he cares about his own citizens, Putin doesnt.
Putin cares about his own citizens as much as Netanyahu does. Putin also rose to power off the back of false flag terrorist incidents where his own citizens were killed. Netanyahu has overseen his own security forces kill Israeli citizens a year ago and since as hostages killed by their own side in the bombing campaign and just shot while they carried white flags. I'm sure they both still believe they are doing what is in the best interests of their citizens.

Biden cares about his own citizens, unless they live in Hawaii or Appalachia and need effective disaster relief. Trump does too, unless there's a covid epidemic and he can make a buck hoarding PPE.

You'd be hard pressed to find a good guy (or girl) running a country anywhere.
Yes they are.

At some point history will damn them for what they did, especially Bush. Won't matter to them cos they'll be dead by then anyway.

The Iraq war was illegal. It was based on lies and destabilised the Middle East so much that we ended with up with ISIS slaughtering anyone it felt like and non-stop war since. Saddam Hussein was a terrible human and deserved to be deposed but there was no legal basis for anyone to do that.

If the US (and us) had stayed focused on Afghanistan and rebuilding it to make it the sort of nation it was 50-60 years ago and left Iraq alone then that entire part of the world would be so much less psycho and the US and Western world in general might still have some moral authority.

Most of the non white, non English speaking world, ie the developing world wouldn't be looking to China (and even Russia) for leadership.

If not for something like 500 stolen votes in Florida 24 years ago the world would be very different now.

Looking back at it now, the Iraq invasion or the 2nd gulf war of 2003-2011 will be looked back as a massive mistake.

As you said, Australia, USA and UK went to Iraq because the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein had "waepons of mass destruction" or nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. What we found in the end was empty war head missiles.

But there was a domino effect. It destabilised the Middle east that Badly that ISIS slaughtered massive numbers.

Saying that, Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. Shia Muslims were 75% of the population. Sunni Muslims made up of 25% and the Kurds were only 10% of the population.

In Neighbouring Iran, Most of the population are Shia muslims. Once Saddam Husseins government fell, Iran found an opening and funded Shia Militant groups like ISIS.

I also agree about the 2000 US election. Take those 500 stolen votes out of it and count them, We would of had George W Bush lose the 2000 election.

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Looking back at it now, the Iraq invasion or the 2nd gulf war of 2003-2011 will be looked back as a massive mistake.

As you said, Australia, USA and UK went to Iraq because the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein had "waepons of mass destruction" or nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. What we found in the end was empty war head missiles.

But there was a domino effect. It destabilised the Middle east that Badly that ISIS slaughtered massive numbers.

Saying that, Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. Shia Muslims were 75% of the population. Sunni Muslims made up of 25% and the Kurds were only 10% of the population.

In Neighbouring Iran, Most of the population are Shia muslims. Once Saddam Husseins government fell, Iran found an opening and funded Shia Militant groups like ISIS.

I also agree about the 2000 US election. Take those 500 stolen votes out of it and count them, We would of had George W Bush lose the 2000 election.
If that happened we might not have seen 9/11 or any of the wars that followed and we have already had decades of action on climate change across the world.
Where are you getting this? ISIS massacred Shiites. They are Sunni.
I thought Isis were Shia muslims?

There were many armed groups that were Sunni groups when the Baath party fell. One of them was founded on the back of former members of the disbanded Iraqi army.
Supplying weapons to a country and then wagging fingers when they use them. Isn't it about time western leaders embraced the israelis leaders, slapped them on the back and gave them a big hug and shared a cigar with them? Just be honest boys....

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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