Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Misusing the term apologist for saying both sources if information for both sides is your problem. Information of the same graphic nature that came out last year that turned out to be false which i myself was fooled by. It's entirely OK to want the same type of info verified. I didn't say IDF didn't do what is claimed, simply saying id wait for confirmation.

In any case Palestinians in Rafah? no.

At terrorist organisation like Hamas in Rafah? yes. Considering what they have done previously, i wouldn't put it passed them.
But how are you going to get a verified journalistic source in Gaza? Israeli officials have been asked from the beginning to allow press to go into Gaza and independently report what’s happening. They’re not allowing it.

Even the trope of “can’t trust Hamas’ report is an Israeli propaganda trope to discredit footage coming from non-Hamas Palestinians.

The Israelis first said it was a strategic attack to take out a Hamas target and when the world reacted in uproar at the awful scenes coming out of Rafah including western leaders from countries like France and Ireland, then Netanyahu wants to backtrack and claim that it was a “tragic mistake”. Yeah as if anyone believes dropping a 2000-pound bomb on refugee tents is an accident. They’re far worse than Hamas.

I hate these psychopathic liars.
Israel is completely out of control;

"The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal."

"According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”"

They’re completely rogue and unhinged.
Israel is completely out of control;

"The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal."

"According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”"

Wow! But yer they wouldn’t hold junkets for journalists to press their agenda, oh no sirreee

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Lol of course

I don't bother with anyone pro-Israel. To argue with them is like arguing science with a creationist; even having the discussion legitimises their ridiculous position, so I simply don't. There is no defense of Israel that isn't pro genocide.

Well fair enough and thats your view.

Again its the unarmed people on both sides that have suffered the most.
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I hardly think the people of Palestine, at least in Gaza had a say in the matter.

Hamas couldn't give a flying shit about the lives of people they govern. Much like the IDF right now they want death and destruction and dont care what they means for the people they are responsible for.
the thing is the palstinians do not have and have never had the weaponry, technology, infrastructure, or support to “destroy” israel . it’s fiction. the only people ever to have been in danger of being “destroyed’ has been palestine.

you're either ideologically blind, a zionist propagandist, or obtuse.

Yeah but here is the thing. Palestine people are not the only Muslim groups in the Area.

Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan all are Israels neighbours. All of them dislike Israel and the Jews,.
Yeah but here is the thing. Palestine people are not the only Muslim groups in the Area.

Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan all are Israels neighbours. All of them dislike Israel and the Jews,.
This narrative that Muslims have it out for Jews is some real paranoid bullshit. Jews wouldn't even be here today in the number they are if it wasn't for Muslims protecting Jews from Christians who were out to kill them. It is literally within the Islamic rules that Jews and Christians in Muslim states would pay a jizya which is less in amount than modern-day taxes in return for protection. Jews fled to Muslim majority places to escape Christian persecution.

I'm a Muslim who learned about the Jizya many times. because it's relevant when it comes to Muslim caliphates. The status of 'Dhimmi' allowed them protection without the need to serve in the military.

Why after 1000 years would we suddenly "wipe out Jews" when we've protected them in our states for over 1000 years? It's fear-mongering propaganda that Zionists (both Christian and Jewish Zionists) and western countries spread to attempt to justify the Nakba and every atrocity committed towards the Palestinians since.
Israel: We don't recognise the jurisdiction of the ICC
Also Israel: Don't investigate us or bad things might happen to your family.

The kind of thing you expect to hear from Russia.
The second article is pretty clear on what Israel’s strategy is.

1/ they don’t want to be a member of the ICC because they don’t want to be held to its rules. ISRAEL KNOWS IT COMMITS WAR CRIMES.

2/ when Palestine was recognised by the UN as a nation that created a potential problem.

3/ when Palestine joined the ICC that created a huge problem for Israel.

The ICC was a just a pesky international court right up until the moment Palestine joined it and Israel had zero intention to stop committing war crimes on Palestinian soil.

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Well fair enough and thats your view.

Again its the unarmed people on both sides that have suffered the most.
Its the unarmed Palestinians who have really suffered the most. There's no comparison between what they've gone thru and what the average Israeli has gone thru. As bad as what happened on Oct 7 was it was not the norm for Israelis. One of the reasons they were so shocked I guess. However Palestinians have suffered that sort of incident and worse for decades.
I’m talking about let’s not be guilty of cheering Palestinians to their death. I thought that was obvious but I should have been clearer.
Palestine needs are complete turn around on their attitude to Israel to survive.
A complete turnaround you say... On the people who are systematically killing them?

Yep, can definitely see that happening :rolleyes:
Well fair enough and thats your view.

Again its the unarmed people on both sides that have suffered the most.

Dunno man, the both sides comparison doesn't really work anymore. There's Israelis dancing in nightclubs to genocide songs, while Palestinians are literally losing their arms/legs/heads etc.
I hardly think the people of Palestine, at least in Gaza had a say in the matter.

Hamas couldn't give a flying shit about the lives of people they govern. Much like the IDF right now they want death and destruction and dont care what they means for the people they are responsible for.
What evidence do you have that supports this statement (other than direct information from the IDF - the bastions of truth)?
What evidence do you have that supports this statement (other than direct information from the IDF - the bastions of truth)?

They poked a bear, and now are hiding behind the citizens they govern?

Seems to show a pretty lacklustre amount of care to me. Maybe you are Ok with it
Well fair enough and thats your view.

Again its the unarmed people on both sides that have suffered the most.
Yeah, and one side has suffered almost 40,000 deaths while the other has less than 1,500. One side has had 60% of its buildings blown up, while the other lives in relative normalcy.
They poked a bear, and now are hiding behind the citizens they govern?

Seems to show a pretty lacklustre amount of care to me. Maybe you are Ok with it
I know you've got me on ignore and won't read this but you showed more outrage about a fake story of the killing of children than you do about the reality of the killing of nearly 100 times as many children.

Maybe you should log out and meditate on that.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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