Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Are you equivocating the oppression of women across the Muslim world with modern Christianity?

The oppression of women in the Muslim world is not uniform. Just like the oppression of women in the Christian or Jewish world is not uniform. I don't make generalisations like that.

For example, Egypt has a greater % of female parliamentarians than Israel. Iraq has the same as the USA.
'Israel good guys' actually was my geopolitical view before I woke up and saw what was really going on - you're spot on.

Unfortunately those who were pro-Israel before October 7 are extremely unlikely to change their views now, and it is the Palestinians, and now the Lebanese, who are paying the price.

That said, Israel is definitely self-destructing, but it will still be extremely dangerous while it collapses.

I didn't know a lot about it pre-October 7th, I'd just kind of read the usual MSM narrative about Israel being under threat, Hamas and Hezbollah being bad guys, and never really a mention of the occupation of the Palestinian people. I was your very typical informed pro-Israel westerner.

When it all kicked off I read a lot more about it, trying to work out wtf was going on, and found it pretty eye-opening. I found it pretty difficult to remain pro-Israel, and the scale of destruction and slaughter they've inflicted upon the Palestinian people since then has only made it more clear they're really not the good guys. There isn't really any good guys, just a heap of bad actors slaughtering civilians in the middle.
The oppression of women in the Muslim world is not uniform. Just like the oppression of women in the Christian or Jewish world is not uniform. I don't make generalisations like that.

For example, Egypt has a greater % of female parliamentarians than Israel. Iraq has the same as the USA.

There are far more women living under sharia law than the equivalent in the Christian world. Open your eyes.
Are you equivocating the oppression of women across the Muslim world with modern Christianity?

I suppose "modern Christianity" refers to white countries and discounts the African, Middle Eastern, Latin/Caribbean, Asian and Eastern European Christians who are part of the modern world too. Those places aren't different to their Muslim counterparts when it comes to conservative values. But we know that many Christians in the west are white supremacists which is why such an uneducated and uncultured white supremacist viewpoint is so widespread. It's this narrative that led to Western Christians looking down on Palestinian Christians and funding their annihilation.

Muslim women across the Muslim world can work, own businesses, are free to travel etc. In fact, Muslim women had the right to education, employment, become business owners etc over a thousand years before the west. The Gulf countries for example are very safe places for women to live and provide a higher standard of living for their female citizens than most white countries.

Just because we're more conservative with respect to how we dress, interact with the opposite sex and our sexual practices doesn't make our women oppressed. Most men also cover their bodies in the Muslim world and adhere to modest standards in those metrics too.

And the places where you do see oppression of women generally oppress everyone not just women exclusively. It's also not too dissimilar to other Christian countries. Extremists exist in both the Muslim world and the Christian world.
I suppose "modern Christianity" refers to white countries and discounts the African, Middle Eastern, Latin/Caribbean, Asian and Eastern European Christians who are part of the modern world too. Those places aren't different to their Muslim counterparts when it comes to conservative values. But we know that many Christians in the west are white supremacists which is why such an uneducated and uncultured white supremacist viewpoint is so widespread. It's this narrative that led to Western Christians looking down on Palestinian Christians and funding their annihilation.

Muslim women across the Muslim world can work, own businesses, are free to travel etc. In fact, Muslim women had the right to education, employment, become business owners etc over a thousand years before the west. The Gulf countries for example are very safe places for women to live and provide a higher standard of living for their female citizens than most white countries.

Just because we're more conservative with respect to how we dress, interact with the opposite sex and our sexual practices doesn't make our women oppressed. Most men also cover their bodies in the Muslim world and adhere to modest standards in those metrics too.

And the places where you do see oppression of women generally oppress everyone not just women exclusively. It's also not too dissimilar to other Christian countries. Extremists exist in both the Muslim world and the Christian world.

I’m not referencing dress practices. I’m referencing things like honour killings, where women can be murdered for being a victim of rape, adulterating, leaving the Islam faith etc. they aren’t unique to Islam…. However they are vastly over represented in some islamic countries, including the main supporter of Palestine, Iran.
I’m not referencing dress practices. I’m referencing things like honour killings, where women can be murdered for being a victim of rape, adulterating, leaving the Islam faith etc. they aren’t unique to Islam…. However they are vastly over represented in some islamic countries, including the main supporter of Palestine, Iran.
It's still the minority of almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

Muslim countries in the modern day are not a monolith in culture and practices.
There are far more women living under sharia law than the equivalent in the Christian world. Open your eyes.
You don't know what Sharia Law is. There hasn't been an Islamic Caliphate for over 100 years after the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire.

What you mention above are practices that happen within specific sovereign countries, Pakistan and India being the most common places. I've never even heard anything about honour killing as a concept and I've studies Islam for over a decade.

Like you say, these things are not specific to Muslim countries. They happen elsewhere too. Still, majority of Muslim women in the world are not impacted by this. You're misrepresenting what actually happens across the majority of the Muslim world.
Religious people are violent nutters of all religions. Israel is lurching towards religious law becoming more secular too.

Also, religious nutters still like attacking children.

Yes, because they're allies.

It's like Iran killing the US Secretary of State for funding the Israeli genocide.

Or killing Penny Wong for supplying parts for Israeli weapons.

If you think this is OK for Israel, it has to be OK for the other side too.

Israel are a genocidal regime according to Iran, Yemen and the International Criminal Court.

Australia, the US and Israel are definitely on the side of Genocide. It's indisputable. You might as well throw everyone's Holocaust memorials and "never again"s in the bin for all the good that was worth. As soon as push came to shove, the West has supported genocide again.

No, Its like Iran funding the Mafia or another criminal syndicate. They use proxies to distance their government from direct agression.

Are Iran admitting to controlling an international criminal agency?
Do the Lebanese really want to be controlled by Iran backed criminal thugs.

Israel are the bad guys, but that doesn't make Hezbollah or Hamas the good guys.
That the Israeli secret service targets terrorist operatives is nothing new.

And that Hezbollah should be in the operative sights of Mossad is a decades old fact unrelated to the post Hamas attack of October 2023.

The bigger issue in terms of middle east and global security is why now?

As the Washington Post points out, this was a complex, multistage attack that appears to have been meticulously mapped out and was possibly months, if not years, in the making. Pulling the trigger on its implementation would only be done if plans were not already in place to take full advantage of the chaos and uncertainty it has caused in the Hezbollah hierarchy.

And yet no such military attack has been launched, suggesting that the decision to activate the mobile device detonations was premature. And Arab security services speculated that Hezbollah had discovered a problem with the beepers and that Israel faced a “use it or lose it” moment. Otherwise, the timing of the attack made little sense, several officials said.

But although the timing of a coordinated attack seems to have been disrupted it still remains a strong possibility

So is an outright military assault on Lebanon now a certainty? It would seem so if the words of Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant isn addressing troops Wednesday at the Ramat Air Base near Haifa are taken at face value:

“We are at the start of a new phase in the war, The centre of gravity is moving northward.”
Adding to that speculation is the revelation that Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi approved “offensive and defensive” plans for the northern border, the military said in a statement Wednesday. Israeli military radio reported that the army’s 98th Division would be transferred from Gaza to the north.

If so then a wide spread military conflict involving other Arab nations including Iran would seem a near certainty.

The consequent implications for nations including the US and Australia and global security in general cannot be over-emphasised. Notr can the likely impact it would have on the upcoming US election.

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No, Its like Iran funding the Mafia or another criminal syndicate. They use proxies to distance their government from direct agression.

Are Iran admitting to controlling an international criminal agency?
Do the Lebanese really want to be controlled by Iran backed criminal thugs.

Israel are the bad guys, but that doesn't make Hezbollah or Hamas the good guys.
Iran admit to supporting it, but not controlling it.

The history is pretty clear, it's an Iranian supported Shia movement to militarily advance the interests of Shia Muslims in Lebanon and Palestine. Don't forget it was founded at a time when Iraq was still run by a Sunni dictator who was killing Shia in Iraq and in Lebanon. The Shia in Lebanon have long and detailed reasons for wanting outside military support. Israel, the US and Iraq were all lined up against them.
Iran admit to supporting it, but not controlling it.

The history is pretty clear, it's an Iranian supported Shia movement to militarily advance the interests of Shia Muslims in Lebanon and Palestine. Don't forget it was founded at a time when Iraq was still run by a Sunni dictator who was killing Shia in Iraq and in Lebanon. The Shia in Lebanon have long and detailed reasons for wanting outside military support. Israel, the US and Iraq were all lined up against them.

God the place is a mess isn't it ?
There are far more women living under sharia law than the equivalent in the Christian world. Open your eyes.
The same modern Christian world that wants to ban women having choices and just breed so they aren't cat ladies?
It's still the minority of almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

Muslim countries in the modern day are not a monolith in culture and practices.

You don't know what Sharia Law is. There hasn't been an Islamic Caliphate for over 100 years after the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire.

What you mention above are practices that happen within specific sovereign countries, Pakistan and India being the most common places. I've never even heard anything about honour killing as a concept and I've studies Islam for over a decade.

Like you say, these things are not specific to Muslim countries. They happen elsewhere too. Still, majority of Muslim women in the world are not impacted by this. You're misrepresenting what actually happens across the majority of the Muslim world.

A minority of 2 billion could be 49% of that.

It’s still occurring in many Islam dominated countries. Not universally but still very concerning.
A minority of 2 billion could be 49% of that.

It’s still occurring in many Islam dominated countries. Not universally but still very concerning.
49% is not a minority and it isn't exclusive to Islam dominated countries.

Anyway this isn't the thread to discuss this but you're misrepresenting a whole group of people.
So we best take cars off the road that do any speeds over 20km/h
nana changing GIF

I'm just gonna assume you have a genocide fetish
A minority of 2 billion could be 49% of that.

It’s still occurring in many Islam dominated countries. Not universally but still very concerning.
It's nowhere near 49% any more than it's some made-up number in the Christian world.

It's occurring in a lot of non-Islam dominated countries too. Several states in the US, Israel and many eastern European countries are introducing religious-based laws and structures.

And usually these extremists parties rise with support of the west to counter their more secular opponents, as is the case with Hamas, Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood from which they both arose.

Hamas and Hezbollah would be fighting the occupiers of Palestine if they were Muslims or if they were Christians. They just happen to be Jews. It's not the religion, it's the oppression and genocide which is driving opposition to Israel.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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