Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Netanyahu just delivered a rampaging speech at the UN where he declared that he cared SFA about any pathetic accusations of genocide that the UN might manage to whimper, and now Iran is in his sights.

About 1 hour after he delivered this tirade, Israel bombarded residential apartments in Beirut - unknown death toll as yet - and with the same justification as always: Hezbollah hq lie underneath residential apartment blocks, so we are entitled to take them all out.

...courteousy of bunker buster bombs supplied by the US.

There is no way that Hezbollah, nor Iran can stop this war.

It is up to the international working class.

Strike at Boeing, and US dockworkers launch a mass strike. Paralyse all shipping. Choke off all supplies to the Zionist fascist regime. And strangle the profits of the US capitalists who are backing the fascist Zionists. Choke off their supply chains and bring them to their knees.

Fight for a socialist program in the working class.

The world needs a hero. One that will liquidate Netenyahu and ALL those who back him worldwide, in every nation. Those who stand with Netanyahu stand with evil.

Evil must be combated and it must be exterminated. The world needs a hero
There is no individual hero who can overthrow evil.

It requires the collective action of the international working class.

We need to fight for World Socialist Revolution.


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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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