Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Saudis are in war with Iran right now in all but name.
Yemen is the Shia/Sunni plaything and nothing that Israel does will shake that.
They were. But they're not at the moment, they've had to stop arming their side in Yemen and gone dormant in Iraq and Syria too, where Iran is taking over with their militias all over the countries.

Because the region now sees the Saudi family as in partnership with the west. They (Saudi family) went to battle with the religious order on whom the Saudi family has relied for retaining power. It's a very tenuous grip the monarchy has in Saudi and a lot of money to be won if MBS's side of the family were to be toppled. Lots of princes would be happy to step in.

If the war starts in Lebanon, the first people killed will be the Christian militias, who have sided with Israel the last two times they invaded. The Sabra and Shatila massacres were only one generation ago. Iran/Hezbollah might also just topple the Lebanese Govt and take over, forcing Israel to go further than just the south.
The point is that if the Saudis were to attack any of the entities at war with Israel or work with them in any way, then when they stop being at war with Israel, they'll all turn on their other neighbour whom they surround on practically all sides.

The Saudis don't want to put themselves in the sights of terrorist militias and suicide bombers as well as the general populace just to stick up for Israel/US interests. The Saudis might have a lot of US weaponry, but they're not as sophisticated as the US/Israel in defending the royal family, who are a lot more vulnerable than a democratic party ruler.

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The Israeli genocide in Gaza and now the launching of a war against Lebanon is part of an interconnected three front global war being driven by US imperialism. The first front is in Ukraine where the US/NATO proxy Zelensky is carrying out war against Russia, the second front is in the Middle East where US proxy Israel is reorganising the Middle East in line with imperialist interests (predominantly of the US), and is soon going to provoke a regional war gainst Iran; and the third front is against China - which Washington regards as its main threat - and this front involves Australia, where the Albanese government is converting Northern Australia into a military base for US imperialism in its war preparations against China.


Yep you nailed it. After all this time Ukraine actually invaded itself.

Duh it’s still simple now!
Where did American know how go
Why do Japanese build better stereos
Is it 'cos our best minds can't get a job?
Except when they help make toys for the Pentagon

Germ warfare, more bombs
Germ warfare, more bombs
Our whole economy's based on fear and death
How long can we get away with this?
Great song and great cd

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Do Iran have nukes yet?
ChatGPT says

No, Iran does not currently have nuclear weapons. However, Iran's nuclear program has been a subject of international concern for many years. Iran has pursued nuclear technology, claiming it is for peaceful purposes such as energy generation. This has led to suspicions that the country might be seeking the capability to develop nuclear weapons.

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, was an agreement between Iran and several world powers (including the U.S.) to limit Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. Under the deal, Iran agreed to restrictions on its nuclear enrichment activities and allowed international inspections. In 2018, the United States withdrew from the JCPOA under President Donald Trump, and Iran began reducing its compliance with the deal.

Since then, there have been reports of Iran increasing its uranium enrichment levels, but as of now, Iran has not produced a nuclear weapon. Diplomatic efforts continue, but the situation remains tense, with concerns that Iran could move closer to developing nuclear weapons if it chooses to escalate its nuclear activities.

International agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitor Iran's nuclear activities and report on its compliance with international agreements.
ChatGPT says

No, Iran does not currently have nuclear weapons. However, Iran's nuclear program has been a subject of international concern for many years. Iran has pursued nuclear technology, claiming it is for peaceful purposes such as energy generation. This has led to suspicions that the country might be seeking the capability to develop nuclear weapons.

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, was an agreement between Iran and several world powers (including the U.S.) to limit Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. Under the deal, Iran agreed to restrictions on its nuclear enrichment activities and allowed international inspections. In 2018, the United States withdrew from the JCPOA under President Donald Trump, and Iran began reducing its compliance with the deal.

Since then, there have been reports of Iran increasing its uranium enrichment levels, but as of now, Iran has not produced a nuclear weapon. Diplomatic efforts continue, but the situation remains tense, with concerns that Iran could move closer to developing nuclear weapons if it chooses to escalate its nuclear activities.

International agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitor Iran's nuclear activities and report on its compliance with international agreements.
Trump the idiot. Iran would at least have 'dirty bombs' I would imagine.
I can't see Lebanon and Iran doing nothing in return .
This will be a full blown regional war. The blame lays with Biden who has does absolutely nothing to stop it and Harris is just as bad.
WTF is the international community doing?

Israel is murdering and assassinating who ever they want in plain sight with zero consequences.

This is supported by the USA. Supported by western media. There is zero resistance.

What Israel is doing is truly disgusting.
It's disgusting. It's like killing civilians is the new normal now.
Saudis are in war with Iran right now in all but name.
Yemen is the Shia/Sunni plaything and nothing that Israel does will shake that.

To correct a common misconception, the Saudi government are NOT Sunni. At all.

They are Wahhabis and call themselves Salafis (which itself is a rebrand). They are in some aspects more different to Sunnis than even Shias. It's why they have little care for civilian casualties in Yemen as majority of the Muslim world including Yemen are Sunnis.

A lot is said about the destructive Shia proxies in the Middle East. The media never wants to acknowledge that terrorist groups like the so-called ISIS, "Al-Shabab", Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda etc are Wahhabi proxies because they don't want to be seen affiliated with them even though they function like Saudi proxies in the same way Hezb, Houthis etc are Iranian proxies.

Wahhabis and Shias do not get along so they fight proxy wars all the time with majority of their casualties being Sunni Muslims. Saudi are similar to Iran in funding these proxies except they've attempted to rebrand themselves because of their alliance with the west. In reality, they are horrible to the Muslim world.

Western governments add to this because they use Wahhabis to fight against the Shia proxies funded by Iran. They overlook Saudi's role in Middle Eastern instability.

In fact, Wahhabism was borne from the British Empire. Hillary Clinton herself acknowledged that the West created Wahhabism.

Have a read of the Memoirs of Hempher the British Spy to see the origin of Wahhabism. People tend to dismiss the existence of Wahhabism and make it seem like it is a conservative or the orthodox equivalent of Sunni Islam but that itself is propaganda from Wahhabis with the help of the west to cover up the atrocities they have committed and still commit in the Muslim world.

Let's be very clear, the Arab world considers that Israel has already invaded and occupied Palestine. But if Israel invades Lebanon (or Syria or Iraq), the Arab world will consider this a new affront/occupation.

Saudi and Jordan will have to actively join the resistance to that, placing them on the side of Iran.
As above, Saudi will never truly be on Lebanon's side because they are doing and have done almost exactly the same thing to Yemen as the Israelis have done to Gaza and will do to Lebanon. They also used an Iranian proxy (the Houthis) as an excuse to wipe out 100s of thousands of Yemenis and caused the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world in the last 10 years.

The only reason why they aren't full blown allies of the Israelis at least publicly is because of the backlash they would receive from their own people and the Muslim world. Their inaction in the last 12 months tells everything about who they're really siding with because the Israelis are allies of the US who are strong allies with the Saudis. They all share Iran as a common enemy so they work together. Just this week Saudi allowed the Israelis to use their airspace to bomb the Hodeidah Ports in Yemen.

This is especially true under MBS who is attempting to rebrand Saudi to be more palatable to the West to decrease reliance on oil and diversify revenue streams by putting more resources into increasing tourism and attracting international investors as part of their "2030 Vision" and whatever else.

I do believe a ground invasion of Lebanon however would put Jordan and much of the Arab League firmly on the side of Lebanon which will cause a significant problem for the Israelis. But don't expect the Saudis to get involved.
A ground invasion of Lebanon even after wiping basically the entirety of Hezb's leadership shows exactly what this is about. This is about baiting Iran into a war and annexing/occupying the South of Lebanon to expand their colonial project.

The fact that the US supports this is WILD and arguably a bigger PR disaster on the international stage because this is a country whose sovereignty is internationally recognised. It makes NATO's position on Russia's invasion of Ukraine to be very hypocritical. All of that outrage when Russia invaded Ukraine and they support the Israelis invading Lebanon?

Over a million Lebanese people are expected to be displaced. This is Gaza all over again.
A ground invasion of Lebanon even after wiping basically the entirety of Hezb's leadership shows exactly what this is about. This is about baiting Iran into a war and annexing/occupying the South of Lebanon to expand their colonial project.

The fact that the US supports this is WILD and arguably a bigger PR disaster on the international stage because this is a country whose sovereignty is internationally recognised. It makes NATO's position on Russia's invasion of Ukraine to be very hypocritical. All of that outrage when Russia invaded Ukraine and they support the Israelis invading Lebanon?

Over a million Lebanese people are expected to be displaced. This is Gaza all over again.
America is keeping its reputation as the great Satan of the world.
My god that is a ****ed up country.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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