Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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I would be surprised if Iran's Nuclear facilities are still in one piece by the end of the month.

Whatever Biden has been reported to have said previously, I wouldn't bank on that being an indication of what happens next.

'Tehran ‘could have nuclear bomb in six months’: former IAEA director'

Larisa Brown and Samer Al-Atrush
1 hours ago

Iran could be six months away from having ten nuclear warheads ready to fire, an official observer who has visited the regime’s sites has reported.

Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who oversaw its efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear program, said the country could have the arsenal ready by April if it “rushed”.

The Finnish adviser said: “You cannot wipe out a country with those missiles but you can threaten it and be in a stronger position in negotiations.”

Officially, Iran claims that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes but Israel and many in the West see it as a front for weapons development.

An IAEA report in August said Iran had increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to 60 per cent to almost 165kg, 20kg more than the UN’s nuclear watchdog reported in May.

Enrichment of about 90 per cent is required for a bomb. Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, has long warned that Iran could achieve that in a few months.

Heinonen, a fellow at the Stimson Centre in Washington DC, who has held many meetings with the regime’s nuclear officials, said the missiles fired at Israel on Tuesday night could be used to deliver nuclear weapons.

“You just put something different where the payload is and design the weapons package differently so it survives the flight,” he said. “That is why the US and UK are worried.”

He warned that officials in Iran had signalled that they had changed their defence doctrine to suggest the weapons could be used “if we don’t get what we want”.

President Biden has said he would not support an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites. He is the only one likely to have any sway over what Netanyahu does next.
Israeli hawks could urge Netanyahu to strike as Israel did previously in Iraq and Syria by bombing their nuclear facilities.

Analysts say hitting Iran’s enrichment facilities in mountainous regions of Natanz and Fordow could be “challenging” and have limited results.
The Times'

We have been hearing this same ‘within months’ story for many years now.
Yeah whatever.
Don't see where i'm getting owned at all.
Just putting up some balanced views and engaging in civil discussion.
If so, and let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. Why are you not then responding to posts that provide data refuting your position. Wouldn’t your ability to change your position based on new data be “balanced”?

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I would love to know the reason behind Albo's completely limp wristed spineless response to all this when you consider that 20 years ago he was advocating for a free Palestine in parliament

Has he just turned conservative with age?
Does he still believe that but he has no political gumption to back it up to keep himself in the top job?

Or would he be physically at risk if he stepped out of line?
I would love to know the reason behind Albo's completely limp wristed spineless response to all this when you consider that 20 years ago he was advocating for a free Palestine in parliament

Has he just turned conservative with age?
Does he still believe that but he has no political gumption to back it up to keep himself in the top job?

Or would he be physically at risk if he stepped out of line?
He's completely terrorfied of losing power due to the conservative media's total grip on any narrative.
The no vote proved this.
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Here is an in depth discussion of the region.
Worth a read.
Jello_B , like this ^^^
There is a reason Egypt has a massive razor wire covered wall on the Gazan border.
They have brought trouble everywhere they have gone in the Middle East. It’s why none of these nations want a bar of them.
If nations accept them it solidifies the ethnic cleanse. Throughout the various intifadas refugees who leave solidify the ethnic cleanse. Gazans have nowhere to live now but if they leave as refugees it also solidifies the ethnic cleanse.

Palestinians are between the rock (Israel) and a hard place (their shattered homeland) and surrounding nations have no wish to solidify the ethnic cleanse.

Their situation is dire, perhaps the most dire of any would-be refugees.
In this case, the eye of the beholder's timeline starts on October 7th and ignores that Israel and Hezbollah have been at war since Hezbollah was started in the late 70's/80's to oppose Israeli invasions and attacks on Shias in southern Lebanon and across the region.

There was not peace between Hezbollah and Israel on October 6th, so who fired first on October 8th doesn't really matter. Unless you think time started on October 7th or that Israel was a totally peaceful nation on October 7th.

Hezbollah are an organisation which exists only to resist Israel, who have been the constant aggressor in Lebanon with multiple invasions and massacres.
Of course, by 'resist' you mean 'completely obliterate', right?

Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity [Israel] is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated. We vigorously condemn all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regard all negotiators as enemies, for the reason that such negotiation is nothing but the recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist occupation of Palestine.

WHile people here might ignore everything pre Oct 7th, the people whose relatives and friends have been constantly attacked and massacred by Israel have not forgotten. And Israel have never sought peace, only domination.
Israel has made peace with a number of former belligerents who too once sought their destruction. The October 7 attacks was designed to scuttle the Israeli-Saudi peace deal. Iran co-ordinated this current conflict as it was concerned that Israel was in fact seeking 'too much peace' in the Arab peninsula in recent years [see recent agreements with UAE, Bahrain] - all of which undermines their hegemony in the region.

This conflict isn't a Zionist genocide to take over the middle-east - it is purely about the balance of power in the region and Iran has played the west like a fiddle.

The answer is to cut off all weapons to anybody being a terrorist or committing genocide.
People who watch too many films want there to be goodies and baddies and everyone picks a side. It's a war, they're almost certainly both a bunch of pr!cks. So don't give them any more missiles and bombs. This isn't hard to understand.
Sure, go and sell that message to Iran.

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Something there is a few in here would appaud.
You referring to me? I tell ya Achy, what I want is Jews and Muslims and Christians (be they Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or any other splinter of the faith) to live together in peace. Peaceful co-existence. That's all I want.

I am NOT going to get peaceful co-existence.

F*ck the extremes of each side who will not share the land. I want all those extremists dead. Erased. Liquidated. Nukes are an extreme weapon but maybe, just MAYBE, a localised touch of Mutually Assured Destruction might bring a bit of parity to the power balance in the area.

Saudi Arabia should get them too. For balance.
If nations accept them it solidifies the ethnic cleanse. Throughout the various intifadas refugees who leave solidify the ethnic cleanse. Gazans have nowhere to live now but if they leave as refugees it also solidifies the ethnic cleanse.

Palestinians are between the rock (Israel) and a hard place (their shattered homeland) and surrounding nations have no wish to solidify the ethnic cleanse.

Their situation is dire, perhaps the most dire of any would-be refugees.

You and i both know that is not the reason there are walls built in egypt and other arab nations do not want a bar of them.
How is it a false equivalence?

I suspect he is alluding to the fact Ukraine did not undertake terrorist attacks on Russia prior to being invaded.
Maybe, but both are illegal invasions.
Israel bombed innocent civilians in Lebanon for weeks before they invaded the country supposedly at fault.

Yes but they are both fruit, but still apples and oranges, which was the point being made.

Hezbollah shouldn't have involved themselves. They did, the same will happen to Iran if they keep throwing grenades over the fence.
You and i both know that is not the reason there are walls built in egypt and other arab nations do not want a bar of them.
Why would Egypt be forced to accept the results of Israeli ethnic cleansing? This argument, that ethnic cleansing would be fine if the neighbours would just take them is precisely the problem with the existence of ethno-states like Israel (who don't consider Jews from Africa as worthy of citizenship as Jews from Europe.
I would love to know the reason behind Albo's completely limp wristed spineless response to all this when you consider that 20 years ago he was advocating for a free Palestine in parliament

Has he just turned conservative with age?
Does he still believe that but he has no political gumption to back it up to keep himself in the top job?

Or would he be physically at risk if he stepped out of line?
Albo only does things to appease the centre now. He's got into power and he's petrified of upsetting anybody in the middle. So Dutto goes full right-wing "Israel needs to kill everybody or they might be attacked again" and Albo gets dragged along to the right like all weak centrists do.
Why would Egypt be forced to accept the results of Israeli ethnic cleansing? This argument, that ethnic cleansing would be fine if the neighbours would just take them is precisely the problem with the existence of ethno-states like Israel (who don't consider Jews from Africa as worthy of citizenship as Jews from Europe.
We're well beyond perfect solutions.

e.g. Lebanon still holds millions of Syrian refugees which is preferable to Syria holding millions of extra corpses.
We're well beyond perfect solutions.

e.g. Lebanon still holds millions of Syrian refugees which is preferable to Syria holding millions of extra corpses.
The more logical approach would be for Israel to accommodate them in the Negev (better than the Sinai), that would show that they actually intend for them to return to their homes.

The fact that Israel never even considered this just shows that all they really want is ethnic cleansing. That's more than just an "imperfect solution", it's more like a "final solution".

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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