Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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You keep posting the same borderline racist argument that just because a neighbouring country is Muslim (different type, but who's paying attention), they should be accepting the ethnically cleansed muslims from next door.

Meanwhile international law says Israel is responsible for all refugees from their war.

How many Syrian refugees did Israel accept? Lebanon has about 1.5 billion, plus quarter of a million Palestinians.

There are 2 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan.

100,000 Palestinian refugees have actually crossed into Egypt. Israel has accepted zero.

So before you post the same argument again, you might want to check how it could be construed as racist and is also factually inaccurate.

Lawyers will tell you the Law is an Ass, and i think we can therefore conclude that international law is an ass.

Imagine telling Pol Pot he should be responsible for Cambodian refugees.
Or even telling Hitler he should be responsible for German/Jewish refugees.

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Lawyers will tell you the Law is an Ass, and i think we can therefore conclude that international law is an ass.

Imagine telling Pol Pot he should be responsible for Cambodian refugees.
Or even telling Hitler he should be responsible for German/Jewish refugees.
Imagine buying and selling weapons from them, which Australia is doing.
Looks like Israel have driven the Saudis to Iranian peace talks and permanently away from peace talks with Israel.

Good for oil prices, not good for Israel who are still busy bombing heavily populated civilian areas.

How people quickly forget about the massacre of over 1000 innocent Israelis and foreigners

Both sides are fkd with their actions

Iran's regime has been one of killing and islamist terror both internal and external to their own country ... anyone backing those zealot nutcases are as bad as anyone backing the zealot zionists

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You're referring to the violence conducted by fundamentalist Islamic Palestinian organisations who coincidently had been fostered by elements of the Israeli right and security apparatus in order to undermine the secularly, left leaning PLO and divide Palestinians in a way that hampered any peace attempts made by Palestinians and Israelis who weren't bloodthirsty, power hungry arseholes.

Not really. There's nothing heart warming about how some power hungry jerks will mortgage their own people's future long term interests to secure their own short term ones.

Its a problem for ordinary people all over the world.
Qatar w US&Bibi's enabling , scythe Westbank from Gaza & from foreign refugees(plo lebanon and edward said and joe hockey and other diaspora[sic] )
The PLO, under Arafat negotiated a peace deal with Yitzak Rabin that resulted in Rabin being murdered by the same political movement that now runs Israel. This happened 30 years ago btw.

In the weeks before Rabin was killed Netanyahu was at far right Israeli rallies inciting people to kill him and there are people in Israel who claim Netanyahu and other more extreme members of the current Israeli government actually were involved in Rabin's assassination.

So just to reiterate over 30 years ago Arafat and Rabin, who'd been enemies and at war their entire lives decided to make peace in the hope that young Israeli and Palestinians of the time - the 1990s - would have a chance at growing up in peace and building a better world together. They put aside a lifetime of conflict and emnity because they didn't want their grankids living thru the same conflict they did their whole lives.

As a result the political movement that now runs Israel had Rabin killed 30 years ago this November 4, and instead of the chance of decades of peace we've seen 30 years of increasing conflict.

If anyone is to blame for the situation today it is Likud and its more extreme political allies who have done everything they could since Rabin was killed to drive this conflict and undermine any chance of peace.

Its a historical fact Arafat and the PLO and its successors gave up violence and tried to make peace and an Israeli war hero accepted that offer and was murdered by genocidal campaigners because of it.
Rabin's words-to-effect-of 'something short of a state'

edit:if it wasnt sh peres
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So the United States and Uk both intercepted missiles from Iran 2 days ago. My question is - What are they doing about the people of Beirut that are getting the crap bombed out of them by Israel?

From the evidence of the last year, as long as the people in beirut who are getting the crap bombed out of them, are lebonese or arab generally, I dont think a lot will be done except for press conferences where world leaders will speak about the right of israel to defend itself. The UN may also do press conferences. Hopefully, Albo or Penny Wong will take the time to go to israel to get further instructions.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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