Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Does this statement alone constitute a full admission that Israel has committed genocide - Article II - 3;

"You have an opportunity to save Lebanon before it falls into the abyss of a long war that will lead to destruction and suffering like we see in Gaza. I say to you, the people of Lebanon: Free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end."

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 6.52.39 pm.png
For anyone questioning my motives, I love Jewish culture and arts. The best actors comedians and musicians in the world.
Personal favouries are Andy Kaufman, Bob Dylan, Larry David, Lenny Bruce, Joan Rivers, Jerry Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Allen, Lou Reed, Amy Whinhouse , Paul Simon, Art Garfunkle and Sarah Silverman.
But I still hope dearly that far-right extremist child killer Netanyau gets assassinated as soon as possible.

No love for Neil?

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No - it's a fact. The Muslim Arabs won the land by conquest from the Byzantine Christians and then subsequently lost via conquest to the Ottoman Turks.

And Palestinians lived there before, and through both.

lunchlady doris is calling my ideas wacky?

Yes mate, thanks for joining us.
And Palestinians lived there before, and through both.

Yes mate, thanks for joining us.

joining? i'm not that desperate for attention. I saw a thread that hasn't been shut down, so i posted. I posted what i thought were the requirements for the israelis to stop the war. As I said, I dont think anyone is going to change their mind, or relent or give way or compromise on this issue, so posting on it is just something I do for my own entertainment until I dont find it entertaining anymore.
Saying that peace can only come when both sides change while one side is ethnically cleansing the other is cowardly. And against everything we (supposedly) learnt from the holocaust.
Having a genocide (the Holocaust) committed against your people doesn't give you carte blanche to commit another genocide later. In fact, nothing gives you permission to do that, ever. There is no defence.
I actually believe Israel is facing extinction. The world is waking up to what Israel is.
I remember when Kissinger was quoted stating that Israel wouldn’t exist in 10 years time, he was wrong as that timeframe has lapsed but I see what he meant now. Israel from here on is going to be in a state of forever war, and I believe they will continue to lose citizens as it is anything but a safe haven for Jews. The country is self destructing if you ask me.
The hard core religious nutters won't give up. But the more secular ones will realise that what they're doing is wrong and they can either continue, or leave.

Russian and Ukrainian Jews in Israel don't really have a great alternative option to return to at the moment.
People like the disgrace of a human being Peter Dutton can window-dress all they like. But their unqualified support for the Netanyahu government boils down to:

1. They want to be US lapdogs
2. They want to exploit human suffering for domestic political gain
3. They believe 1,200 Israeli lives are worth 40,000 Palestinian lives.
The propaganda on both sides is impressive
You keep both-sidesing everything, but go quiet when it's pointed out that one side is treated differently than the other in the western media and by western Governments.

Some people are so unwilling to admit their biases that they're either in denial or genuinely can't see it, when to me it is as clear as day.
People like the disgrace of a human being Peter Dutton can window-dress all they like. But their unqualified support for the Netanyahu government boils down to:

1. They want to be US lapdogs
2. They want to exploit human suffering for domestic political gain
3. They believe 1,200 Israeli lives are worth 40,000 Palestinian lives.
Point 3, you could have just said "racist" and with Dutton, it fits a pattern. Some others, I think, genuinely believe things that Netanyahu says and/or believe Israel wants peace, which all evidence points to being completely wrong.
I actually believe Israel is facing extinction. The world is waking up to what Israel is.
I remember when Kissinger was quoted stating that Israel wouldn’t exist in 10 years time, he was wrong as that timeframe has lapsed but I see what he meant now. Israel from here on is going to be in a state of forever war, and I believe they will continue to lose citizens as it is anything but a safe haven for Jews. The country is self destructing if you ask me.
Yeah right facing extinction you know Israel have 90 nuclear war heads, they will still be there long after we are gone, fair to say they’re faced more adversity than what’s going on now and when i look at scene all over the world at Palestinian rallies with signs “ kill the jews” feels like I’ve be transported back to the 1930’s.
Yeah right facing extinction you know Israel have 90 nuclear war heads, they will still be there long after we are gone, fair to say they’re faced more adversity than what’s going on now and when i look at scene all over the world at Palestinian rallies with signs “ kill the jews” feels like I’ve be transported back to the 1930’s.
Are the "Kill the Jews" signs in the room with us right now?
Yes against the wishes of the inhabitants.

Self determination (particularly as it applied to the inhabitants of colonised lands) was a rather nascent political concept at the time which was largely promulgated by the Marxists throughout the 1910s. It begun to have a significant influence in the sphere of western politics with Woodrow Wilson's January 1918 Fourteen Points, McMahon's Declaration to the Seven in June 1918, the November 1918 Anglo-French Declaration, and the June 1919 Covenant of the League of Nations - all of which came after the Balfour Declaration in November 1917.

The 1917 declaration makes no references to the self determination for inhabitants and it's only reference to the majority inhabitants is that 'nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

Of course, this contradiction in principles became obvious in later years - with Balfour stating in 1919:

“The contradiction between the letters of the Covenant and the policy of the Allies is even more flagrant in the case of the ‘independent nation’ of Palestine than in that of the ‘independent nation’ of Syria. For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country, though the American Commission has been going through the form of asking what they are.

“The four Great Powers are committed to zionism. And zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.

“In my opinion that is right. What I have never been able to understand is how it can be harmonized with the (Anglo-French) declaration of November 1918, the Covenant, or the instructions to the Commission of Enquiry.

“I do not think that zionism will hurt the Arabs, but they will never say they want it. Whatever be the future of Palestine, it is not now an ‘independent nation’, nor is it yet on the way to become one. Whatever deference should be paid to the view of those living there, the Powers in their selection of a mandatory do not propose, as I understand the matter, to consult them. In short, so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate."

Now of course, we can look back with our 2024 worldview and quite clearly see that this perspective is ethically wrong and in violation of international law - but such laws did not exist at the time. The victorious Allies had every right to carve up the spoils of WW1 however they saw fit - such was the way of the world at that time.

They made a commitment to the Hashemite Arabs (the Arabs of Hajez) not the Palestinian Arabs. Any agreement with the Hashemite Arabs regarding the future of Palestine is considered as vague and unclear by most scholars.

I never said it was one-sided - I said that the violence begun with Palestinian Arabs in opposition to Jewish Settlement. This is not to comment on whether said violence was justifiable or not - just stating the fact.
IF the logic of the Jews being forced out of Europe means they get their own state, surely the logic of the people they displaced is that they get their own state in what's left? Israel are denying them this right. It's the zenith of hypocrisy. The more Israel undermine Palestine, the more people realise they're undermining the same foundations on which the State of Israel was born.

It's verboten to say the State of Israel shouldn't exist. But the state of Israel's legislative position is that the State of Palestine shouldn't exist and everyone just pretends it's not hypocrisy.

State for me, but not for thee.
Never Again for me, but alright if committed by me.

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Israeli media promoting the assassination of Iraqi religious figures now. They've gone full "let's wipe out Shi'ism" in order to pretend they're saving Judaism. THey've completely lost any semblance of common sense. It's just genocidal bloodlust on mainstream TV.

I actually believe Israel is facing extinction. The world is waking up to what Israel is.
I remember when Kissinger was quoted stating that Israel wouldn’t exist in 10 years time, he was wrong as that timeframe has lapsed but I see what he meant now. Israel from here on is going to be in a state of forever war, and I believe they will continue to lose citizens as it is anything but a safe haven for Jews. The country is self destructing if you ask me.

My previous boss was of Jewish background.
His parents had got out of Germany in time, and gone to Chile. ( Where my Boss was born ).
With the rise of Pinochet the parents got that old feeling and decided to move again, and rush decision, Israel.

They were simply not comfortable to settle there with the young family and in the end was really nothing more than a stopover.
You keep both-sidesing everything, but go quiet when it's pointed out that one side is treated differently than the other in the western media and by western Governments.

Some people are so unwilling to admit their biases that they're either in denial or genuinely can't see it, when to me it is as clear as day.
  • 1.information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view:
There is nothing wrong with keeping an open mind and calling out both sides for the atrocities currently taking place.
Nowhere is anyone required to pick a side.

Obviously Western media are going to report differently, as we're part of that. Just like the media on the other side would be reporting the opposite point of view. It's not that hard to understand.
When the population of the entire area was around 600 000, it probably seemed feasible to settle displaced Jews there.

Since then the population of the planet has increased a bit more than 3 times.
Since then the population of Israel/Palestine has increased by a factor of 7
Since then the population of Gaza city has increased by a factor of 12.
  • 1.information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view:
There is nothing wrong with keeping an open mind and calling out both sides for the atrocities currently taking place.
Nowhere is anyone required to pick a side.

Obviously Western media are going to report differently, as we're part of that. Just like the media on the other side would be reporting the opposite point of view. It's not that hard to understand.

The trap involving social media is that you tend to chose the side, its hard to work out which social media commentary is actually trying to provide a balanced view. It tends to promote schisms in society.
( In general , not specifically this topic ).
  • 1.information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view:
There is nothing wrong with keeping an open mind and calling out both sides for the atrocities currently taking place.
Nowhere is anyone required to pick a side.

Obviously Western media are going to report differently, as we're part of that. Just like the media on the other side would be reporting the opposite point of view. It's not that hard to understand.
And 90% of Australians only see one side of the propaganda from the western media which is extremely pro-Israel.

Most Australians don't care and therefore don't see it on social media, just what they hear on the radio or TV news. Which had wall-to-wall coverage about 800 Israeli civilians from last year for the last few days and almost completely ignored 800 dead Lebanese civilians from last week.
And 90% of Australians only see one side of the propaganda from the western media which is extremely pro-Israel.

Most Australians don't care and therefore don't see it on social media, just what they hear on the radio or TV news. Which had wall-to-wall coverage about 800 Israeli civilians from last year for the last few days and almost completely ignored 800 dead Lebanese civilians from last week.
I agree.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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