Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Explain to me how illegally kicking people out of their homes, then after lots of legal battles, finally letting them back to find it all destroyed isn't ethnic cleansing?

This was going on before October 7th. This kind of stuff just reinforces that October 7th will happen again and again while Israel is committing genocide.


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Not really.

More just calling out you can't really have a tik for tat discussion and then not mention Hamas.

if you attack someone who is known to not respond in a proporatinate manner, you are also resposbile for the current situation.

Thats all.
This why women in abusive relationships should just shut up and take it yeah?
Not really.

More just calling out you can't really have a tik for tat discussion and then not mention Hamas.

if you attack someone who is known to not respond in a proporatinate manner, you are also resposbile for the current situation.

Thats all.
Hamas and 7 October are symptoms of decades old Israeli policy. The Palestinians are living on ever shrinking reservations. Why are the west supporting this? Are we the baddies?
if you attack someone who is known to not respond in a proporatinate manner, you are also resposbile for the current situation.
Saying there were warnings that they would is not a strong defence, it's just admitting that you know they're doing it and don't care.
Note the active program underway documenting IDF war crimes from social posts.

Different countries laws enable their governments to prosecute war crimes committed in other countries.

Idiots posting videos of their war crimes are apparently taking them down, but people are recording them and getting evidence ready to a legal standard for prosecution.

This will go on for many years.
Too old.
When do you expect confirmation that the Houthi have shot down a B2?
Hey, things can happen! This happened over Serbia in 1999;

December 2, 2020

...The Yugoslav National Army (JNA) possessed a mix S-75 and S-125 surface-to-air missile systems dating back to the 1950s and 1960s, as well as more recent 2K12 Kub mobile SAMs and MiG-29 Fulcrum twin-engine fighters. Together these posed a moderate threat to NATO warplanes, forcing them to fly at higher altitudes and be escorted by radar-jamming planes like the EA-6B Prowler.

However, that evening the Prowlers were grounded by bad weather. Something Wicked (call sign of the downed f-117) and her three flight mates were dispatched anyway because their faceted surfaces drastically reduced the range at which they could be detected by radar and shot at.

Suddenly, (pilot Lt. Col. Dale) Zelko spotted two bright dots blasting upwards through the clouds below, closing on him at three-and-a-half times the speed of sound. These were radar-guided V-601M missiles, fired from the quadruple launch rails of an S-125M Neva surface-to-air missile system. Boosted by a two-stage solid-fuel rocket motors, one of the six-meter long missiles zipped so close that it shook Vega 31 planes with its passage. The other detonated its 154-pound proximity-fused warhead, catching Zelko’s jet in the blast that sprayed 4,500 metal fragments in the air.

Something Wicked lost control and plunged towards the ground inverted. The resulting g-force was so powerful Zelko only barely managed to grasp the ejection ring and escape the doomed Nighthawk.

How had a dated Serbian missile system shot down a sophisticated (though no longer state-of-the-art) stealth fighter?

Zelko’s adversary that evening was Serbian Col. Zoltán Dani, commander of the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade. Dani was by all accounts a highly motivated commander who studied earlier Western air-defense suppression tactics. He redeployed his Neva batteries frequently, in contrast to the static posture adopted by ill-fated Iraqi and Syrian missile defenses in the Middle East. He permitted his crews to activating their active targeting radars for no longer than twenty seconds, after which they were required to redeploy, even if they had not opened fire.

The S-125M wasn’t normally considered a ‘mobile’ SAM system, but Zoltan had his unit drilled to redeploy the weapons in just 90 minutes (the standard time required is 150 minutes), a procedure facilitated by halving the number of launchers in his battery. While his batteries shuttled from one site to another, Dani also setup dummy SAM sites and decoy targeting radars taken from old MiG fighters to divert NATO anti-radiation missiles.

Thanks to the decoys and constant movement, Zoltan’s unit didn’t lose a single SAM battery despite the twenty-three HARM missiles shot at him by NATO war planes.

Dani had noticed that his battery’s P-18 “Spoon Rest-D” long-range surveillance radar was able to provide a rough track of Nighthawks within a 15-mile range when tuned down to the lowest possible bandwidth—so low, in fact, that NATO radar-warning receivers were not calibrated to detect it. (Dani initially claimed he had modified the P-18’s hardware to achieve this, but later admitted this was a hoax.)

However, low-bandwidth radars are imprecise and cannot provide a ‘weapons-grade’ lock. However, that the NATO mission planners had complacently scheduled the stealth bombers on predictable, routine flight patterns. Worse, the Serbs had managed to break into NATO communications and could overhear conversations between U.S. fighters and the airborne radar planes directing them, allowing Dani to piece together a accurate picture of those routines.

The missile commander decided to set an ambush for the stealth jets, deploying S-125M batteries with a good firing angle on the NATO jets as they flew back to Italy. The thing is, stealth jets can be detected by high-band targeting radars at short distances. However, that still requires sweeping the sky for targets, and in the process illuminating themselves to enemy radars. That not only gave adversaries a chance to direct stealth aircraft away from the threat, but invited a potential strike by a HARM anti-radiation missile.

Therefore, Dani kept the battery’s targeting radar inactive, but cued them towards the approximate position of the stealth aircraft reported by the P-18 radar. Obligingly, the battery’s P-18 radar detected Something Wicked and three other F-117s—but when the high-band targeting radar activated for a twenty second ‘burst,’ it couldn’t acquire a target.

Dani claims that he had been alerted by spies in Italy that the Prowlers were grounded for that day, so he was willing to take greater risks and reactivated the targeting radar a second time rather than immediately relocating—still without result.

Finally, on the third try an S-125M battery locked onto Something Wicked when it was just eight miles away. Dani claims the window of opportunity came when the F-117 opened its bomb-bay doors to release weapons, causing its radar cross-section to briefly bloom...

At what point does Iran say enough is enough and hit Israel with everything they have? what are their capabilities in terms of potential significant response?

Ive outlined all this on another thread earlier this year

Iran will likely wait until being attacked by Israel - iran/Russia + alliance of turkey and other arab nations will join and wage war on Israel

iran claim they have weapons superior to nukes
public opinion is moving, but until countries stop supporting the terrorist state of israel with aid and weapons, the terrorism and genocide will continue. deeds, not words.

pow! 's irony at it’s best. just love cathy. without the yanks subservience to the terrorist state, they would not have the capacity for the genocide or the years of occupation.


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Not really.

More just calling out you can't really have a tik for tat discussion and then not mention Hamas.

if you attack someone who is known to not respond in a proporatinate manner, you are also resposbile for the current situation.

Thats all.

No, that is what an oppressor would have you believe, but that is a ridiculous claim. Israel is responsible for Israel's actions.

It's tit-for-tat btw.
Sinwar was murdered because his killing is the result of an illegal and criminal war of aggression carried out by Israel and fully backed by all the imperialist powers (especially the US, but also Britain, Germany, France. The aim of this war is the extermination of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the annexation of territory that has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.

Sinwar's murder takes place at the same time as Israel implements the "generals plan", fabricated in the psychopathic brain of General Giora Eiland. Eiland's plan is to displace all Palestinians capable of leaving Northern Gaza, and then starve to death those who remain.

This is what Eiland wrote last year:

Who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters, or wives of Hamas murderers... The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers.

Now, major US publications are admitting that Eiland's plan is already being implemented in Northern Gaza by the IDF.

Sinwar is the latest in a series of Hamas and Hezbollah political leaders to be assassinated by the fascist Netanyahu government. Imperialist politicians, including those in the Albanese government, have without exception revelled in each assassination.

They could also hardly contain their glee at the action of state terrorism by the Israeli government when it exploded electronic devices across Lebanon.

Whatever the psychopaths and war criminals in the US, British, UK, French, Australian governments might think or say, both Hamas and Hezbollah are political movements which had been elected.

In response to Sinwar's death, Biden declared:

'With our intelligence help, the IDF relentlessly pursued Hamas’s leaders, flushing them out of their hiding places and forcing them onto the run... Today, however, proves once again that no terrorists anywhere in the world can escape justice, no matter how long it takes

Israel has every right to eliminate the leadership and military structure of Hamas.”

These words could equally well have come from the mouth of a fascist dictator.

We are witnessing the contermporary collapse of what we have all taken for granted throughout our lives as democracy.

Assassination, terrorism and genocide are now being officially endorsed and embraced by the leaders of "democracies" as legitimate tools of policy. Any semblance of international law has been completely obliterated.

And there is no wall between foreign policy and domestic policy.

These governments will not hesitate to utilise the same methods on opposition to their policies of austerity at home.
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Hey, things can happen! This happened over Serbia in 1999;


They sure can.
In that case it was confirmed the following day.

When are we going to have confirmation that they've lost aircraft in Yemen?
Meanwhile the X page that announced it is full of conspiracy theorists trying to link a training crash of an F18 in "Washington State ". There is also conjecture that the "news" was confused with the earlier downing of US Military Drones.

So its fake news.
Houthi did not "confirm" that they shot down an American plane. It has been reported by maybe 1 source that they "claimed" to have shot down a US aircraft.

Hey but i got asked "how old are you" because i didn't just take it at face value.
Its Israeli law that nearly all citizens have to do military service.
So you'd think that a considerable amount of those in the IDF are conscripted.

Does that mean that the extremely poor behaviour and attitude is a reflection of the wider community?
If you were actually a left wing pacifist in that environment, ( conscripted into the military ) you'd be really messed up about what your colleagues are doing.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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