Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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I think circumstances were a little different then. I remember that Carter got increasingly critical of israel after he left office as the lobby took over in the US. In the late 70s, the lobby was just getting its claws in. I read that the US only appreciated the strategic advantage of israel after the 6 day war in 1967. We are a long way down the track since then.
of course, there is a historical aspect to these matters. during some periods, making tough decisions is more difficult than others. but that shouldn’t deter right-thinking people from making the just, equitable, humane and egalitarian call when it’s their turn.

the truth is that carter, like all presidents and administrations, did not have the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing, that is, stop funding the israeli occupation and war machine. the fact is in the decade between 1970 and 1979, military aid to the israel occupation regime increased by 71% and in the following decade 1980 to 1989, 56%. carter was president for four of those years.

in this context, while the history is significant, equally if not more significant is the power and influence of the israeli propaganda machine that has effectively neutered successive u.s administrations - including carter’s - and does so today as bernie sanders illustrated in a post a few back.

the poster has a closed mind on the matter, so we move on.

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of course, there is a historical aspect to these matters. during some periods, making tough decisions is more difficult than others. but that shouldn’t deter right-thinking people from making the just, equitable, humane and egalitarian call when it’s their turn.

the truth is that carter, like all presidents and administrations, did not have the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing, that is, stop funding the israeli occupation and war machine. the fact is in the decade between 1970 and 1979, military aid to the israel occupation regime increased by 71% and in the following decade 1980 to 1989, 56%. carter was president for four of those years.

in this context, while the history is significant, equally if not more significant is the power and influence of the israeli propaganda machine that has effectively neutered successive u.s administrations - including carter’s - and does so today as bernie sanders illustrated in a post a few back.

the poster has a closed mind on the matter, so we move on.

israelis demand total commitment from jews and gentiles...even carter failed their high moral standards
This is a confusing time. Not surprising this little lady lost her recording contract when she sang about genocide....but she also sang covid....so evidently she's the darling of the right...

so that means wokes support israel?


caution: aggression and abusive language.

surely this can’t be so.

I love the guy's passion although I must admit that we would probably disagree with most things.

However, on a brief research excursion, it seems that it might be to enable americans serving in the IDF to get benefits....and certaintly dual nationals serving in the IDF.

I think the point still holds that there would be a ton of dual nationals sniping at babies in gaza and getting medical benefits when they return to their pseudo life in the US.

And also, this clip is a winner with the rednecks and a lot of them are evangelicals, so misrepresenting the truth to them just replicates a common israeli tactic of lying....
more strength to their arms.

I tend to disagree with using these people, although I admit that the israeli supporters might feel compromised by seeing them....The reason that I say this is that they probably supported or done some murdering in past actions - and I'm talking about the guy who is ex-IDF. Having said that, I dont think many israelis are turning to peace, more the other way. The only movement in opinion involves the hostages and once they are regained, the israeli population is going to support annihilation. And I say that because it's in the Torah Book of Exodus 21:23–27
Palestinian Authority seems to be angling to prove to the israelis and americans that it can guard the palestinians in the West Bank. Maybe they're looking at taking over from the israelis in gaza too....

Overlooking self-interest which is probably motivating the PA boys, they might argue that it's better for palestinians to live on their knees than to be exterminated. I ask myself that question from time to time.
I tend to disagree with using these people, although I admit that the israeli supporters might feel compromised by seeing them....The reason that I say this is that they probably supported or done some murdering in past actions - and I'm talking about the guy who is ex-IDF. Having said that, I dont think many israelis are turning to peace, more the other way. The only movement in opinion involves the hostages and once they are regained, the israeli population is going to support annihilation. And I say that because it's in the Torah Book of Exodus 21:23–27

There is a lot of ex-IDF. Many of them only serving the couple of compulsory years.

Meanwhile the Arabs and Ultra Orthadox Jews are having a breeding race.

Essentially, the IDF is reducing 30% of its manpower as it seeks to have a smaller, but not less effective, military. This might have been wishful thinking.

The interview probably goes something like, " Why do you want to be in the IDF son? , I love the smell of Napalm in the morning... i like to kill, i like to see them spatter.
I see your psychological test suggests you are a pathological killer, welcome aboard son.

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There is a lot of ex-IDF. Many of them only serving the couple of compulsory years.

Meanwhile the Arabs and Ultra Orthadox Jews are having a breeding race.

Essentially, the IDF is reducing 30% of its manpower as it seeks to have a smaller, but not less effective, military. This might have been wishful thinking.

The interview probably goes something like, " Why do you want to be in the IDF son? , I love the smell of Napalm in the morning... i like to kill, i like to see them spatter.
I see your psychological test suggests you are a pathological killer, welcome aboard son.

Yeh they rotate them through the reserve, so that everyone gets a turn with the truncheon....

Most western countries - and israel is a european country - want to change over the drone AI type warfare....to save on the casualties on their side...

I read a story where some IDF guy programmed a drone with a name and address and off it goes to kills the palestinian....suits the work from home economy.
Yeh they rotate them through the reserve, so that everyone gets a turn with the truncheon....

Most western countries - and israel is a european country - want to change over the drone AI type warfare....to save on the casualties on their side...

I read a story where some IDF guy programmed a drone with a name and address and off it goes to kills the palestinian....suits the work from home economy.
I think the young guy was Peter Thiel. But he paid people to code it. And kills thousands of people.
Yeh they rotate them through the reserve, so that everyone gets a turn with the truncheon....

Most western countries - and israel is a european country - want to change over the drone AI type warfare....to save on the casualties on their side...

I read a story where some IDF guy programmed a drone with a name and address and off it goes to kills the palestinian....suits the work from home economy.
I find all this type is stuff frightening. Like the unmanned machine guns Israel are looking to deploy in the West Bank.
I find all this type is stuff frightening. Like the unmanned machine guns Israel are looking to deploy in the West Bank.
The Jack Ryan series had an interesting sub-plot.

Had a guy working in a drone operating room, based in Las Vegas, taking out individuals in Syria.
The subplot involves his struggles with his conscience, and the actions he takes.
Apparently it was a pretty real reflection about what happens amongst drone operators.

The Jack Ryan series had an interesting sub-plot.

Had a guy working in a drone operating room, based in Las Vegas, taking out individuals in Syria.
The subplot involves his struggles with his conscience, and the actions he takes.
Apparently it was a pretty real reflection about what happens amongst drone operators.

evidently the israelis dont experience problems with conscience, as they are doing yahweh's work

Interesting point in this article that 40% of combatants in the IDF are modern orthodox jews. I had no idea what that meant. I thought they were all looneytunes. But it seems that they abide by the Torah and look like normal people. A bit like a mid-western evangelical.

So they only make up 8% of the population so they are overly represented because they are doing yahweh's business of winning over the promised land...

And it explains all that truncheon stuff. No wonder...
Sure they do.

There are probably others who accept their national service rather than face jail, but don't particularly want to be there.
And it probably messes with their heads too.

do you really think that all those guys with horn-rimmed glasses would miss an opportunity to get some snaps of kicking some guys around? After all those years of being bullied by antisemites?

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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