Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

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I am another that is ashamed of the western world leadership response.
China, Russia are taking a much better position on this.
I really hate the US sometimes. And the fact that Biden and the opposition are all taking the same line, gives no one a choice for any change.
The world is behaving awfully.
Ironically, Russia stands the most to benefit from the Israel-Hamas war.

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This is significant:

Saudi Arabia for the first time speaking out against Hamas.

The Saudis have never been supportive of Hamas.

Remember, it's the proxy of their great rival Iran.

Of Course, the Saudi- Israel peace deal is not dead, It is paused. Much will depend on what Israel does in the coming days and what the Palestinian death toll will be.

The Saudi's cannot afford to be seen as cozy with Israel. They've already pissed off the religious fundementalists in their campaignerry with the modernising reforms, and cannot piss them even further with the Israel issue.

One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was moving "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel, with this progress linked to Palestinian negotiations and an arms deal with the United States.

At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled the India-Middle East-Europe-Economic Corridor (IMEC), a trade route connecting India and the European Union through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Fast forward one month, Hamas carried out a terrorist attack on Israel. In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, initiating airstrikes on Gaza and cutting off food, water, and electricity to 2 million Palestinians. The United States deployed two carrier strike groups to the Mediterranean, the State Department issued a "worldwide caution" for American citizens, and the Middle East stands at the precipice of war.

What is the goal behind the terrorist attack on Israel? Is it possible for Israel to eradicate Hamas without killing tens of thousands of Palestinians?

Does China, Russia, and Iran want India, Saudi Arabia, and Israel to build an alternative trade route to the Belt & Road initiative?

Good. It’s none of the US’s business

this is a dumb take and i wonder why you aren't saying the same of Iran? Who are inflaming the situation also....

Israel are a major ally of the US, it is absolutely their business what happens to Israel.

If someone attacked Australia, US would be doing the exact same thing for us. Just like if one Nato country was attacked, all the other Nato countries get involved.

Thats is the exact reason why partnering/allying with major military countries is a good thing. It is a deterrent.
It’s not ironic. Who do you think is underwriting it along with Iran? Those drones don’t come for free.
While I've got no doubt that Russia is encouraging Iran to continue the course, I doubt they were in the knowhow before the atatck.

It's high time the EU push the USA on this .

The more Israel-Hamas war is prolonged, Ukraine will find it even ore difficult to get the funding from the USA, and will lose even more suppport from the Global South.
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Now I wonder what he has to say about Yemen that's been under a Saudi blockade for six years preventing food, fuel and medical supplies going in and where four million have been displaced.

According to the UN, over 150,000 people have been killed in Yemen, as well as estimates of more than 227,000 dead as a result of an ongoing famine and lack of healthcare facilities due to the war.

From Wiki.
The first thing I thought of as well. I don't think Saudi Arabia is the best source of morality in this issue given what they've done to Yemen.

One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was moving "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel, with this progress linked to Palestinian negotiations and an arms deal with the United States.

At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled the India-Middle East-Europe-Economic Corridor (IMEC), a trade route connecting India and the European Union through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Fast forward one month, Hamas carried out a terrorist attack on Israel. In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, initiating airstrikes on Gaza and cutting off food, water, and electricity to 2 million Palestinians. The United States deployed two carrier strike groups to the Mediterranean, the State Department issued a "worldwide caution" for American citizens, and the Middle East stands at the precipice of war.

What is the goal behind the terrorist attack on Israel? Is it possible for Israel to eradicate Hamas without killing tens of thousands of Palestinians?

Does China, Russia, and Iran want India, Saudi Arabia, and Israel to build an alternative trade route to the Belt & Road initiative?

No doubt, it's one of the main goals of the Hamas attack. To make sure that it prompts a Israeli response so severe, that it makes difficult for the Saudi's to pursue their normalization deal.

However pushing fo the Abraham Accords without a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict was a strategic blunder from the USA if they really want a two state solution.

It takes away one of the major incentives for Israel to conlcude a peace deal with Palestine.
This is significant:

Saudi Arabia for the first time speaking out against Hamas.

i legit cannot disagree with a thing he is saying.
this is a dumb take and i wonder why you aren't saying the same of Iran? Who are inflaming the situation also....

Israel are a major ally of the US, it is absolutely their business what happens to Israel.

If someone attacked Australia, US would be doing the exact same thing for us. Just like if one Nato country was attacked, all the other Nato countries get involved.

Thats is the exact reason why partnering/allying with major military countries is a good thing. It is a deterrent.
No it’s not a good thing. Israel is merely a puppet for the US to push their agenda in the region.

The geopolitical importance of Israel means they get away with war crimes and human rights abuses.

The US does not need to be getting more heavily involved

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Saudi- Iran ties will have to fully normalize for the Yemen conflict to end.

Same with Saudi-Qatar.

Probably about time Qatar cuts support to Hamas and expels them from the country. It really isn't a good look for them at the moment along with the fact that they agreed with Israel recently to relax Gaza border restrictions for the benefit of Gazan residents literally one week before Hamas committed the second largest terror attack this century.

You would hope Qatar were absolutely unaware of Hamas' terror plans when they negotiated with the Israelis. They have certainly lost their credibility right now.
It is preferable that Hamas is wiped out.

What do you think will be the tolerable number of Palestinian Civilian Casualities in such attempt?

It will be horrific. And it’s exactly what Hamas, Iran and any other sponsor wants. Do you honestly think the Israelis want this? Wake up.
It is preferable that Hamas is wiped out.

What do you think will be the tolerable number of Palestinian Civilian Casualities in such attempt?

The goal is 0. Just like the goal for the road toll is 0. That won't be reality though no matter what measures Israel takes.

You have to also look at how many Gazans are going to be murdered by Hamas by not taking any action. They killed a few hundred at the Al-Ahli hospital and with constant rocket barrages who knows how many more innocent Gazans Hamas are going to murder.
No it’s not a good thing. Israel is merely a puppet for the US to push their agenda in the region.

The geopolitical importance of Israel means they get away with war crimes and human rights abuses.

The US does not need to be getting more heavily involved

USA havent done anything except park a warship offshore to their ally.

i dont get what point you are making? or failing to make.,

Thats the exact reason things like NATO were formed. Countries allying together to act as a deterrent.
The goal is 0. Just like the goal for the road toll is 0. That won't be reality though no matter what measures Israel takes.

You have to also look at how many Gazans are going to be murdered by Hamas by not taking any action. They killed a few hundred at the Al-Ahli hospital and with constant rocket barrages who knows how many more innocent Gazans Hamas are going to murder.

What? You think that Hamas are bombing their own city?

1413 Palestinian children have been killed in this (this week) conflict so far, the vast majority from Israeli bombs. How many is enough for Israel to have exacted justice?
It will be horrific. And it’s exactly what Hamas, Iran and any other sponsor wants. Do you honestly think the Israelis want this? Wake up.
Israel politics has also lurched in to the far right in a significant manner during the past Thirty Years.

So much so, that Labour which once produced Israeli Prime Ministers even in the early 21st century cannot even get 10% of the vote now.

You also need to wake up to Israel Politics at the present.

They'be been continously expanding settlements in the West Bank, undermining the Palestinian Authority, while Netenyahu has consistantly said that he will never allow the creation of a Palestinian State.

As much as Hamas is an obstacle to peace, the Israeli Right have shown that they are no partners for peace either.
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What? You think that Hamas are bombing their own city?

1413 Palestinian children have been killed in this conflict so far, the vast majority from Israeli bombs. How many is enough for Israel to have exacted justice?

Hamas killed hundreds at the Ah-Ahli hospital in this conflict and also appear to be responsible for a car convoy bombing. So yes they are. They've done it for years - nearly 30% of their rocket attacks fail and kill innocent civilians. It's a well known fact. Plus anyone who doesn't toe the line or dare speak out against them is likely to be executed. They kill plenty of Gazans all the time.
The goal is 0. Just like the goal for the road toll is 0. That won't be reality though no matter what measures Israel takes.

You have to also look at how many Gazans are going to be murdered by Hamas by not taking any action. They killed a few hundred at the Al-Ahli hospital and with constant rocket barrages who knows how many more innocent Gazans Hamas are going to murder.
Even according to the IDF, the hospital blast was the result of a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad.
Hamas killed hundreds at the Ah-Ahli hospital in this conflict and also appear to be responsible for a car convoy bombing. So yes they are. They've done it for years - nearly 30% of their rocket attacks fail and kill innocent civilians. It's a well known fact. Plus anyone who doesn't toe the line or dare speak out against them is likely to be executed. They kill plenty of Gazans all the time.

It is highly debatable that the hospital attack was Hamas - there is a lack of evidence for one side over the other. However that hospital was definitely hit with an Israeli munition earlier in the conflict, and Israel had previously ordered its evacuation - suggesting they were intending to target it.

That's not to mention the dozen or so other health clinics that have been bombed by Israel already this week.
It is highly debatable that the hospital attack was Hamas - there is a lack of evidence for one side over the other. However that hospital was definitely hit with an Israeli munition earlier in the conflict, and Israel had previously ordered its evacuation - suggesting they were intending to target it.

That's not to mention the dozen or so other health clinics that have been bombed by Israel already this week.

It really isn't debatable.
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