It’s Flea time - Cody Weightman appreciation thread

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3 is my favourite number because of Chris Grant

Sounds like he is embracing the honour of the number and will do it proud.

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So pumped to see what Weightman can produce in 2023. Such a good feel from him so far this preseason. Looks stronger, inherited the famous #3 and now signed till 2025.

Big and exciting things to come.

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So looking on social media this morning and this did happen lol. I guess fame is fame. Way to prove your groin injury is healed

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To be honest, that is now the second time it has happened haha. The guy clearly prefers to plays commando.

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Pretty sure when Cody slotted that amazing goal from the boundary one of the dogs supporters on the fence cheering loudly was John Schultz 1960 Brownlow medalist and presenter of the our premiership cup in 2016. Good to see him still going well at 85.
Still loves his footy - and his Doggies - does Schultzy 🙂
Abductor injuries can really inhibit a player and take a while to get over, good to see that he is finally getting over it and showing us what we know he is capable of.

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