Society/Culture Its happening. Smoking is going to become illegal in modern societies

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Look, you might be right, but my first reaction to these sorts of claims is that it sounds just like the old, "It's ok to put peanut butter on my balls and have my dog lick it off because it's MY dog!" Yeah, but it's still a dog licking your balls man. Vapour or smoke - it's a chemical reaction of foreign material that is being put into your lungs and then into your bloodstream for your body to metabolise. To assume one is inherently safe for what seems to be spurious reasoning doesn't fill me with any confidence. I'll have to look up the studies on it and see!
My lung function improved significantly in a very short time (under a month) when I stopped smoking cannabis (every day but only a joint or two, but I've been a very heavy user in the past) and started using a dry herb vapouriser. I had ways of testing and comparing the changes and they were definitely there ... I spose I was shocked at how much healthier I was so quickly. I didn't realise smoking cannabis had so much of a negative effect.

All drugs have potential issues but pot is way less damaging than tobacco or booze to start with (simply in terms of toxicity and the ratio between a dose that has an effect and a fatal dose.) But all that aside my physical condition improved, my ability to work hard in stressful environments improved (ie my output increased) and I was able to enjoy recreational activity more. For one example - I could mess around with my kids for longer before needing a breather.

There are studies that support these experiences - ie the evidence of the studies fits with why I felt better after taking up vaping.

It also makes sense - we are comparing combustion to evaporation. Combustion is a whole series of chemical processes, evaporation is a change in a chemical state of matter from solid to liquid then gas thru the application of heat/energy.

Anyway there are some studies specifically about dry weed vaping.

You could start here:

There are about 20 references in that paper you can follow up on and they also have other references if you really want to do some research (I mean proper research too, not just "my own research" ie reinforcing your confirmation bias.)

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I hate to break this to you but you're gonna die anyway.
We're all gonna die, it's only a matter of time, what's the rush? Smoking is bad because you get addicted to the nicotine and the tar turns your lungs into a swampy, black death-marsh. I'd like to think i may make life last just a tad longer than someone who deliberately sabotages their own respiratory system.
Your lungs contain around 500 million tiny air sacs and smoking destroys these air sacs by killing the cells that line them. This in turn will cause Emphysema. This chronic lung condition affects the air sacs in the lungs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, sleep and heart problems, weight loss, and depression. With all of that you will die a helluva lot sooner. COVID19 has nothing on smoking in comparison, but humans choose to smoke willingly. Then there is vaping, personally, I've never held a particularly strong opinion about this habit. If you really want to suck weird-smelling vapor off a sonic screwdriver for kicks and are not actively being a dick about it, more power to you. As long as it's not done near me knock yourselves out!
We're all gonna die, it's only a matter of time, what's the rush? Smoking is bad because you get addicted to the nicotine and the tar turns your lungs into a swampy, black death-marsh. I'd like to think i may make life last just a tad longer than someone who deliberately sabotages their own respiratory system.
Your lungs contain around 500 million tiny air sacs and smoking destroys these air sacs by killing the cells that line them. This in turn will cause Emphysema. This chronic lung condition affects the air sacs in the lungs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, sleep and heart problems, weight loss, and depression. With all of that you will die a helluva lot sooner. COVID19 has nothing on smoking in comparison, but humans choose to smoke willingly. Then there is vaping, personally, I've never held a particularly strong opinion about this habit. If you really want to suck weird-smelling vapor off a sonic screwdriver for kicks and are not actively being a dick about it, more power to you. As long as it's not done near me knock yourselves out!
Fair enough. If you're smoking you're more likely to die earlier in an unpleasant way. i agree.

I smoked cigarettes for 20 years and only became addicted after working in pubs and clubs for years while I was exposed to second hand smoke full of nicotine. It was very hard to quit and I tried repeatedly over a decade and a half before I was finally successful. I wouldn't waste my time vaping nicotine.

I agree that exposure to any smoke will contribute to emphysema, but sometimes that's unavoidable.
My lung function improved significantly in a very short time (under a month) when I stopped smoking cannabis (every day but only a joint or two, but I've been a very heavy user in the past) and started using a dry herb vapouriser. I had ways of testing and comparing the changes and they were definitely there ... I spose I was shocked at how much healthier I was so quickly. I didn't realise smoking cannabis had so much of a negative effect.

All drugs have potential issues but pot is way less damaging than tobacco or booze to start with (simply in terms of toxicity and the ratio between a dose that has an effect and a fatal dose.) But all that aside my physical condition improved, my ability to work hard in stressful environments improved (ie my output increased) and I was able to enjoy recreational activity more. For one example - I could mess around with my kids for longer before needing a breather.

There are studies that support these experiences - ie the evidence of the studies fits with why I felt better after taking up vaping.

It also makes sense - we are comparing combustion to evaporation. Combustion is a whole series of chemical processes, evaporation is a change in a chemical state of matter from solid to liquid then gas thru the application of heat/energy.

Anyway there are some studies specifically about dry weed vaping.

You could start here:

There are about 20 references in that paper you can follow up on and they also have other references if you really want to do some research (I mean proper research too, not just "my own research" ie reinforcing your confirmation bias.)
This is a random question... Its also personal and you dont have to answer this.

Did you have any severe back or shoulder injuries?

The reason I asked that I had a mate I usually Saw at my regular local pub (he has already passed away 4 or 5 years ago and lived until he was in his mid 80s) and he was a regular smoker.

2 reasons why he smoked weed.

1. He had persistent back and shoulder injuries due to working as a Labourer back in his day.

2. It help him get his typical 6 or 7 hours of sleep.
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This is a random question... Its also personal and you dont have to answer this.

Did you have any severe back or shoulder injuries?

The reason I asked that I had a mate I usually Saw at my regular local pub (he has already passed away 4 or 5 and lived until he was in his mid 80s) and he was a regular smoker.

2 reasons why he smoked weed.

1. He had persistent back and shoulder injuries due to working as a Labourer back in his day.

2. It help him get his typical 6 or 7 hours of sleep.
Yeah. My back's ****ed, my shoulder's ****ed, various other parts too. Sometimes it helps relax the pain.

But I had stopped for a while. I would smoke in some social occasions if someone offered me a joint. Then its the silly season and some people gave me some buds.

You can get medical scripts in NSW anyway, for anything really if you want. Its deliberately loose to remove the criminalisation element.
Yeah. My back's ****ed, my shoulder's ****ed, various other parts too. Sometimes it helps relax the pain.

But I had stopped for a while. I would smoke in some social occasions if someone offered me a joint. Then its the silly season and some people gave me some buds.

You can get medical scripts in NSW anyway, for anything really if you want. Its deliberately loose to remove the criminalisation element.
Its a weird Drug system we have here.

I have never smoked it. In a way I wished I did to experience it.

The irony is that Alcohol and Tobacco is legal yet Marijuana or weed isnt. Yet out of all those 3, Alcohol and Ciggies have killed more Australians every year compared to the Weed.

I live in South Australia. They are slowly trying to make it legal.

South Australia nearly made Prostitution legal but it was narrowly missed out by one vote.

If Weed was legalized here, the Pharmacy or construction site was originally planned in the Northern Suburbs in South Australia. It would be in Elizabeth too where that Site was where the Holden cars or Vehicles were made.

Once the Holden factory was shut down in Elizabeth a few years ago, The original plan was a bit... Ironic. After the Holden site was sold off and shut down, the Government wanted to buy that site to Ironically make vehicles, Military Vehicles, specifically Jeeps or Hummers.

I dont mind Weed being legal here. It will be controlled. Get a perscription. Buy it from the doctors. What ever weed is bought, have 10-20 percent of the profits go to the SA government. Everyone wins.
Fair enough. If you're smoking you're more likely to die earlier in an unpleasant way. i agree.

I smoked cigarettes for 20 years and only became addicted after working in pubs and clubs for years while I was exposed to second hand smoke full of nicotine. It was very hard to quit and I tried repeatedly over a decade and a half before I was finally successful. I wouldn't waste my time vaping nicotine.

I agree that exposure to any smoke will contribute to emphysema, but sometimes that's unavoidable.
I went to the quacks for the first time when i was younger, for no other reason other to have a check up and the Doc didn't believe me when i said i was a non smoker, my parents smoked liked chimney's and i was out seeing bands almost every night of the week, smoking in venues was the norm back then. Plenty of 2nd hand smoke has come my way, i'm lucky i guess and as i've got older the examinations are a lot easier because i've never smoked.
Its a weird Drug system we have here.

I have never smoked it. In a way I wished I did to experience it.

The irony is that Alcohol and Tobacco is legal yet Marijuana or weed isnt. Yet out of all those 3, Alcohol and Ciggies have killed more Australians every year compared to the Weed.

I live in South Australia. They are slowly trying to make it legal.

South Australia nearly made Prostitution legal but it was narrowly missed out by one vote.

If Weed was legalized here, the Pharmacy or construction site was originally planned in the Northern Suburbs in South Australia. It would be in Elizabeth too where that Site was where the Holden cars or Vehicles were made.

Once the Holden factory was shut down in Elizabeth a few years ago, The original plan was a bit... Ironic. After the Holden site was sold off and shut down, the Government wanted to buy that site to Ironically make vehicles, Military Vehicles, specifically Jeeps or Hummers.

I dont mind Weed being legal here. It will be controlled. Get a perscription. Buy it from the doctors. What ever weed is bought, have 10-20 percent of the profits go to the SA government. Everyone wins.
Plus, those that want to grow rather than buy can do that and ensure that their interaction with the product is as natural/pure as they want it to be.

I've never had a smoke in my like, whether we're talking tobacco or marijuana, but I feel like the difference between tobacco manufacturers/mainstream commercial cigarettes differs significantly to home grown bud. I have no scientific basis to say so beyond knowing a number of people who say so so I could absolutely be wrong, but it's interesting how stories are allowed to be different about legal drugs compared to illegal ones amidst wider society.

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Fried Rice Cooking GIF by Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)
In regards to the thread title, will it actually though? I'll be 1 year smoke free in a few days. For some reason I'm getting more cravings in the last month than I have the last 9 months. I'm assuming it's being more social, around smokers and festive season. Thought I'd be fine but I'm nervous. Selfishly I hope it's banned so I can't get my hands on it.
In regards to the thread title, will it actually though? I'll be 1 year smoke free in a few days. For some reason I'm getting more cravings in the last month than I have the last 9 months. I'm assuming it's being more social, around smokers and festive season. Thought I'd be fine but I'm nervous. Selfishly I hope it's banned so I can't get my hands on it.
You'll be right. You'll get thru it.

but even if you don't - ie you have a few weak days here and there - just don't buy any ciggies. Bludge them if you're out drinking or whatever so you don't have a packet to take home with you. That's the danger.

Having a couple of smokes when you're pissed and waking up feeling worse than normal because of it isn't a bad thing in itself if you stop there.

Drugs are banned. And that effectively stops people who want them getting their hands on them.
I went to the quacks for the first time when i was younger, for no other reason other to have a check up and the Doc didn't believe me when i said i was a non smoker, my parents smoked liked chimney's and i was out seeing bands almost every night of the week, smoking in venues was the norm back then. Plenty of 2nd hand smoke has come my way, i'm lucky i guess and as i've got older the examinations are a lot easier because i've never smoked.
I was a smoker when they banned smoking in venues in NSW. I was shitty about it for a little while too, about a week. On reflection that was stupid. Second hand smoke is a prick of a thing. At least most smokers inhale thru a filter. You don't even get that option with second hand smoke.
I was a smoker when they banned smoking in venues in NSW. I was shitty about it for a little while too, about a week. On reflection that was stupid. Second hand smoke is a prick of a thing. At least most smokers inhale thru a filter. You don't even get that option with second hand smoke.
I selfishly like smoking bans. It's a filthy habit and I don't like breathing others' smoke. But is it totalitarianism from the health police? I wonder is it right to force our preferences on the minority, even if they do things that are stupid and dangerous, admittedly i don't go to pub venues anymore and steer well clear of people who smoke. The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be". There has been a lot of crime associated with Tobacco stores in the past year.
I selfishly like smoking bans. It's a filthy habit and I don't like breathing others' smoke. But is it totalitarianism from the health police? I wonder is it right to force our preferences on the minority, even if they do things that are stupid and dangerous, admittedly i don't go to pub venues anymore and steer well clear of people who smoke. The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be". There has been a lot of crime associated with Tobacco stores in the past year.
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None of that crime is because of anti passive smoking laws/banning smoking in venues.

Its cos the tax mark up on tobacco is so high that illegal tobacco (chop chop,) is so popular.

I think banning smoking from venues is fair enough tho. I'd have never started smoking tobacco if the bans were there in the early 90s. It still might kill me one day.

But the violence is because the price of legal tobacco is moving beyond most people's means but they won't (or more likely can't) quit.
None of that crime is because of anti passive smoking laws/banning smoking in venues.

Its cos the tax mark up on tobacco is so high that illegal tobacco (chop chop,) is so popular.

I think banning smoking from venues is fair enough tho. I'd have never started smoking tobacco if the bans were there in the early 90s. It still might kill me one day.

But the violence is because the price of legal tobacco is moving beyond most people's means but they won't (or more likely can't) quit.
The violence still puzzles me, but then again i have no idea how much a packet of smokes cost?
The violence still puzzles me, but then again i have no idea how much a packet of smokes cost?

I buy cigarettes for my neighbour and a pack of 30s is $45-50. I talk to friends and rollies are over $100 bucks for a 50g pack. (Most people buy smaller amounts tho these days. That's good cos they smoke less at least from a physical health perspective.)

Untaxed tobacco (usually called chop chop,) is probably 200g for $50 bucks. (Not 100% sure but I think someone mentioned that recently.) That would be well over $400 if it was legitimately bought - over eight times the price!! In the early 00s, when I smoked, I bought chop chop in Melbourne for $50 a kilo. A kilo of legit tobacco today would probably cost well over $2000. Taylor made cigarettes are even more expensive.

The violence happens because enough people buy untaxed (ie illegal) tobacco (and even that is expensive compared to legit tobacco in the late 90s early 00s let alone what it was worth itself,) that its worth criminal organisations getting involved and having turf wars over who controls the market.
I buy cigarettes for my neighbour and a pack of 30s is $45-50. I talk to friends and rollies are over $100 bucks for a 50g pack. (Most people buy smaller amounts tho these days. That's good cos they smoke less at least from a physical health perspective.)

Untaxed tobacco (usually called chop chop,) is probably 200g for $50 bucks. (Not 100% sure but I think someone mentioned that recently.) That would be well over $400 if it was legitimately bought - over eight times the price!! In the early 00s, when I smoked, I bought chop chop in Melbourne for $50 a kilo. A kilo of legit tobacco today would probably cost well over $2000. Taylor made cigarettes are even more expensive.

The violence happens because enough people buy untaxed (ie illegal) tobacco (and even that is expensive compared to legit tobacco in the late 90s early 00s let alone what it was worth itself,) that its worth criminal organisations getting involved and having turf wars over who controls the market.
Random Question... how was your new years eve party night went? lol

I am gonna tell you how my night went. 1st time ever I actually bought cigarettes for myself. A pack of 20 for $30.95 and a $2.50 small lighter on a BP on the run 24/7 petrol station. I have mental health problems and anxiety. I was alone that night in the Adelaide CBD in new years eve. I am not a heavy smoker, Not at all. I am strangley not addicted to it. I smoke them sometimes when I am bored and want to kill time.

The only positive about that night was chatting to other smokers in the smoking area in the casino. Entertaining chats with a a few randoms, a rare positive. When I had that packet of 20 cigarettes, Out of the 20 that were in my packet, I actually gave out 6 or 7 of them and smoked 2 or 3 of them. I had 13 left and gave another 2 away from the train.

I know that 15 gram of chop chop bags are around $30. 25 gram bags are $50. Yep, I understand why the actual packet of 20 or 30 cigarette packets are expensive.
Random Question... how was your new years eve party night went? lol

I am gonna tell you how my night went. 1st time ever I actually bought cigarettes for myself. A pack of 20 for $30.95 and a $2.50 small lighter on a BP on the run 24/7 petrol station. I have mental health problems and anxiety. I was alone that night in the Adelaide CBD in new years eve. I am not a heavy smoker, Not at all. I am strangley not addicted to it. I smoke them sometimes when I am bored and want to kill time.

The only positive about that night was chatting to other smokers in the smoking area in the casino. Entertaining chats with a a few randoms, a rare positive. When I had that packet of 20 cigarettes, Out of the 20 that were in my packet, I actually gave out 6 or 7 of them and smoked 2 or 3 of them. I had 13 left and gave another 2 away from the train.

I know that 15 gram of chop chop bags are around $30. 25 gram bags are $50. Yep, I understand why the actual packet of 20 or 30 cigarette packets are expensive.

This was NYD at about 3pm some random local bridge.


Its a good (New) bridge - was still there when the water went down. Unlike the 3m of road each side of it.

Nicotine is good for anxiety.

Also ... one of the first reflex action humans have is sucking on something. Its a survival reflex to enable breast feeding. Its primally addictive and nicotine is incredibly addictive itself. Cigarettes can hit both of those spots and trigger lots of anti anxiety responses.

Nothing wrong with durries if they get you thru the night.

This was NYD at about 3pm some random local bridge.

View attachment 1880934

Its a good (New) bridge - was still there when the water went down. Unlike the 3m of road each side of it.

Nicotine is good for anxiety.

Also ... one of the first reflex action humans have is sucking on something. Its a survival reflex to enable breast feeding. Its primally addictive and nicotine is incredibly addictive itself. Cigarettes can hit both of those spots and trigger lots of anti anxiety responses.

Nothing wrong with durries if they get you thru the night.
Well.... at least your new years eve night wasnt Dull.

Some chick I had a massive crush on at High School, she had fun. She was in Florida. So she went to a Miami Heat basket ball game on christmas day and Miami Dolphins NFL game on boxing day too...

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Society/Culture Its happening. Smoking is going to become illegal in modern societies

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