Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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Still and all, if you aren't happy with things, you can either sit there and obsess about them, or you can let the powers that be know how you feel. No point obsessing about it in here if you aren't going to do anything about it out there. ;)
It is pointless talking to the powers to be as they are wanting (& us) to forget the whole saga happened. Chapman has made that clear after his initial attempt to engage supporters became too difficult to manage on an ogoing basis & they they will not come clean with the full truth of events.

The only way to keep this in the public's eye is to keep reminding everyone of what occurred & hope that public & interstate pressure is put on AFC to finally show some true accountability. Most of the Melbourne media are completely dumbfounded that Trigg held on to his job - because they can look at this unbiased - unlike most of the SA media.

When these missing draft picks come & go, & supporters realise the talent we miss out on & potentially missed opportunities for premierships, let's see if the pressure does not build... I feel for Sando & the coaching/playing group as they have been severely disadvantaged to keep up with the best squads due to incompetent management.

Just because I don't accept what the board have done, doesn't make me obsessive. Moreso I have never been someone who is like a sheep & just follows the leader without questioning whether in fact in is the right thing to do. BTW, I have no problems with those who have chosen to do so that's your & their choice.
There's one thing discussing something, and there's flogging a dead horse. This horse is so dead there's no meat left on the bones.
I won't be silenced on the matter - we are in a society of free speech - not some dictatorship.

If you think I'm flogging a dead horse, then you don't have to flog it further if you don't wish.

IMO, this issue is far from buried as the club may want.

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What else do you need to know?

A) Tippett was playing hard to get and insisted on a clause that saw us break the rules. JR agreed.
B) Once Trigg discovered the clause he called it off. He failed to get that in writing.

With that logic and corporate governance, we will have to start calling him, tricky Triggy

Still and all, if you aren't happy with things, you can either sit there and obsess about them, or you can let the powers that be know how you feel. No point obsessing about it in here if you aren't going to do anything about it out there. ;)

And we're back to the start of the conversation by simply believing the club will listen to it's members when we all know they may listen but won't hear what is being said.
I think one of the key things from this to me are there are the ones that care, and want him gone, but really it is only Jenny actively supporting Trigg. Whilst she says a lot of general supporters don't care, it's more that they don't care about the admin side of footy. I'm over the whole issue, so don't care anymore, but I couldn't care much about the aministration side of things. Anyone who actually looks at it though, and reads the arguments can agree he should have gone, and things on the board look shady. Only thing is the majority of supporters are not interested in the admin side of the game, they just love the sport and their team.
I think one of the key things from this to me are there are the ones that care, and want him gone, but really it is only Jenny actively supporting Trigg. Whilst she says a lot of general supporters don't care, it's more that they don't care about the admin side of footy. I'm over the whole issue, so don't care anymore, but I couldn't care much about the aministration side of things. Anyone who actually looks at it though, and reads the arguments can agree he should have gone, and things on the board look shady. Only thing is the majority of supporters are not interested in the admin side of the game, they just love the sport and their team.

This x 10000

People (members) don't care becasue they don't have a say. It's the same as council elections, I wouldn't know who my local member of council is because I'm not obligated to vote.

If members had a genuine say and knew their point of view would be considered, even if it is just one vote - I'm sure they would take a much stronger interested in this. However, since they don't - why should they care about anything other than the 120 minutes of football being played. People care about winning and losing and once we start to lose, this will rear it's ugly head.
removing your friendship with Trigg.

are you happy with the direction of the club (from an administration point of view)

I guess it is a bit harder being in Brisbane, but the feeling in Adelaide is that Adelaide FC is a closed shop supported by a wide wed of interested parties.

For instance, Rowe and Cornes and Roo and Wildy are going to question anything these guys do because well, they are friends with the lot of them.

Rucci is a mud raker and his level is lower than what is required in this instance.

I'm not asking for mass sackings, I'm asking for a prudent and independent review of the AFC governance and how it can be improved. Clearly it isn't working at the moment.

Can't argue with any of that.

I'm not unhappy with the general day to day running of the Club - remember, I deal with them regularly and have found them nothing but professional with some exceptions at the supporter base level.

I am not happy with how things went down with this Tippett deal - have acknowledged that Trigg was negligent in his handling of Blucher and believe that Harper (who is back on deck today!) was too efficient (his paperwork is meticulous). I am relieved for Trigg that he didn't lose his job, and am pleased the Board didn't feel it necessary to cut him loose, given the work and dedication he has given the Club for a decade and a half. Do I think he's bloody lucky? Absolutely! I agree with you though, that an independent review of our governance should be conducted to ensure we don't find ourselves in the same position again. They are more than likely conducting an internal review and putting checks and balances in place, but is that enough? I worry about the "independence" of these reviews though - Essendon just announced an external, independent review of their procedures, but it appears the bloke the CEO has appointed to head it, is someone he has past associations with.
When these missing draft picks come & go, & supporters realise the talent we miss out on & potentially missed opportunities for premierships, let's see if the pressure does not build... I feel for Sando & the coaching/playing group as they have been severely disadvantaged to keep up with the best squads due to incompetent management.

Sadly, in 4 years when the draft pick void will start to be felt, Sando is the one who will be getting the sack, not the bloke who caused the problem.
Can't argue with any of that.

I'm not unhappy with the general day to day running of the Club - remember, I deal with them regularly and have found them nothing but professional with some exceptions at the supporter base level.

I am not happy with how things went down with this Tippett deal - have acknowledged that Trigg was negligent in his handling of Blucher and believe that Harper (who is back on deck today!) was too efficient (his paperwork is meticulous). I am relieved for Trigg that he didn't lose his job, and am pleased the Board didn't feel it necessary to cut him loose, given the work and dedication he has given the Club for a decade and a half. Do I think he's bloody lucky? Absolutely! I agree with you though, that an independent review of our governance should be conducted to ensure we don't find ourselves in the same position again. They are more than likely conducting an internal review and putting checks and balances in place, but is that enough? I worry about the "independence" of these reviews though - Essendon just announced an external, independent review of their procedures, but it appears the bloke the CEO has appointed to head it, is someone he has past associations with.
thats the problem, the pressure on Essendon has been absolute, so the independent review was called.

In Adelaide, there is no pressure so its swept under the carpet and a "internal" review can pact everyone on the back and keep doing the same things we have been.
Sadly, in 4 years when the draft pick void will start to be felt, Sando is the one who will be getting the sack, not the bloke who caused the problem.
Noble & his list management staff have a huge job ahead of them, with one hand tied behind their back.
Noble & his list management staff have a huge job ahead of them, with one hand tied behind their back.
ultimately it is something they are going to fail at unless we get some amazing luck.

Nobles comments about trading away players for high draft picks fills me with more dread.

The best thing we have going for us is Free Agency and Salary cap space, but considering no one wants to move to Adelaide outside fringe players and draft youngsters who have to - I'm not sure what we are going to do with it.

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ultimately it is something they are going to fail at unless we get some amazing luck.

Nobles comments about trading away players for high draft picks fills me with more dread.

The best thing we have going for us is Free Agency and Salary cap space, but considering no one wants to move to Adelaide outside fringe players and draft youngsters who have to - I'm not sure what we are going to do with it.
Free-agency came to us at the right time - but can we take advantage of it like the Pies did this year. ie. traded away fringe players for picks, then picked up replacements for free? If we don't/can't, we will fall behind the leading pack. Good coaching can only cover up so much.
Free-agency came to us at the right time - but can we take advantage of it like the Pies did this year. ie. traded away fringe players for picks, then picked up replacements for free? If we don't/can't, we will fall behind the leading pack. Good coaching can only cover up so much.
exactly, so Sando gets the boot when we finish a couple of years out of the 8 and Trigg, is still employed.

That is merely a projection of the worst case scenario, so lets hope it never eventuates.
ultimately it is something they are going to fail at unless we get some amazing luck.

Nobles comments about trading away players for high draft picks fills me with more dread.

The best thing we have going for us is Free Agency and Salary cap space, but considering no one wants to move to Adelaide outside fringe players and draft youngsters who have to - I'm not sure what we are going to do with it.

In my humble opinion, all free agency will do for us is to allow us to over pay for a middle of the road player. A Tom Lynch, A Scott Stevens, an Ian Downsborough type player looking for an opportunity; but it we are really lucky, we may gain a Mark Stevens type player who will give us very good service.

We need to be looking for more Sam Jacobs, SA boys who are home sick with plenty of potential because we are not going to get a Taylor Walker, Patrick Dangerfield or Rory Sloane type 25 year old moving back to Adelaide. That has only happened 3 or 4 times in 20 odd years between the 2 clubs. Darren Jarman, Gavin Wangerneen. So grabbing that blue Chip player with free agency won't happen every often.
thats the problem, the pressure on Essendon has been absolute, so the independent review was called.

In Adelaide, there is no pressure so its swept under the carpet and a "internal" review can pact everyone on the back and keep doing the same things we have been.

I think we should wait on the results of this "independant" review before we applaud Essenond for conducting it.

If they are found guilty of taking PEDs and their CEO is sacked we can say they acted better than us.
In my humble opinion, all free agency will do for us is to allow us to over pay for a middle of the road player. A Tom Lynch, A Scott Stevens, an Ian Downsborough type player looking for an opportunity; but it we are really lucky, we may gain a Mark Stevens type player who will give us very good service.

We need to be looking for more Sam Jacobs, SA boys who are home sick with plenty of potential because we are not going to get a Taylor Walker, Patrick Dangerfield or Rory Sloane type 25 year old moving back to Adelaide. That has only happened 3 or 4 times in 20 odd years between the 2 clubs. Darren Jarman, Gavin Wangerneen. So grabbing that blue Chip player with free agency won't happen every often.

Need to start working on Jack Trengove and Tompous now. IMO Trengove's development has stifled at the Dees. A real shame.
Lets face it, after the next couple of years have gone Trigg has screwed us for years. There is simply no way that our recruiters can draft an equivalent amount of talent into the club than he could have without the penalties Trigg caused. If we don't jag a flag I the next 2 years our window will slowly close and guys like Dangerfield, Walker, Sloane etc will be wasted as there will be no talent below them to share the load. A bit like the Neil Craig years in which the talents of Roo, Edwards, McLeod etc we wasted.

Rest assured when the realization hits that we are devoid of up and coming talent the rath of the General AFC supporter (that presently don't care whether Trigg is still there or not) will be felt.

At present the AFC is sitting on a ticking time bomb. It's do or die in the next 2 years.
Need to start working on Jack Trengove and Tompous now. IMO Trengove's development has stifled at the Dees. A real shame.

He's not leaving Melbourne (the city, not football club) now he has had a taste of the football media.

I don't know if you noticed or not but during round 1 and 2 of the NAB cup, the games at AAMI Stadium was the only venue to not have any club or player representation in the commentary box or ground level in game discussion. He's had a taste and will get more of it by going on different shows and move Victorian clubs or settle for mediocrity at the MFC. Point is, we're a small market, we don't have the media or corporate demand to satisfy enough players to move and at the end of the day, money talks and BS walk.

He's not walking away from Victoria and if Tompous becomes the star many expect, he will be the same.
Lets face it, after the next couple of years have gone Trigg has screwed us for years. There is simply no way that our recruiters can draft an equivalent amount of talent into the club than he could have without the penalties Trigg caused. If we don't jag a flag I the next 2 years our window will slowly close and guys like Dangerfield, Walker, Sloane etc will be wasted as there will be no talent below them to share the load. A bit like the Neil Craig years in which the talents of Roo, Edwards, McLeod etc we wasted.

I don't think this is the case at all.

I see us having a 7 or 8 year window before the shit really hits the fan.

As long as the spine stay strong and together with Walker, CHF???, (Midfield unit) Dangerfield - Sloane - Crouch - MacKay & Jacobs - CHB - Talia we should have some long term success because our second and third ranked players will fit in and around that.

I feel we need to find a quality CHF and CHB (Talia to FB) to allow for that real long term window to stay open. After that and we have to replace the real star players, the pain from 2009-2012 will look like chicken feed.
Need to start working on Jack Trengove and Tompous now. IMO Trengove's development has stifled at the Dees. A real shame.
They won't be free agents for quite some time... & we don't have the picks to trade for them.

We need to be looking at newly qualified players over the next 1-2 years to top up our list, given our lack of quality draft picks.
Jesus Christ, the world is going to fall in - in 7-8 years! :eek::rolleyes: Sando could get sacked long before then, and could have nothing to do with not getting 4 picks in rounds 1 and 2 of this year and last.

Footy is cyclical, and having early round picks is NO guarantee that the player will actually turn out to be a gun in any case (see our history of first round picks). Sure it might have made the job easier, but our recruiters are now going to have to earn their $$$ by finding us diamonds in the rough and make them something special. We've had a lot more of those, than first round draft successes. ;)
removing your friendship with Trigg.

are you happy with the direction of the club (from an administration point of view)

I guess it is a bit harder being in Brisbane, but the feeling in the BigFooty Adelaide Board is that Adelaide FC is a closed shop supported by a wide web of interested parties.

For instance, Rowe and Cornes and Roo and Wildy aren't going to question anything these guys do because well, they are friends with the lot of them.

Rucci is a mud raker and his level is lower than what is required in this instance.

I'm not asking for mass sackings, I'm asking for a prudent and independent review of the AFC governance and how it can be improved. Clearly it isn't working at the moment.

Jesus Christ, the world is going to fall in - in 7-8 years! :eek::rolleyes: Sando could get sacked long before then, and could have nothing to do with not getting 4 picks in rounds 1 and 2 of this year and last.

Footy is cyclical, and having early round picks is NO guarantee that the player will actually turn out to be a gun in any case (see our history of first round picks). Sure it might have made the job easier, but our recruiters are now going to have to earn their $$$ by finding us diamonds in the rough and make them something special. We've had a lot more of those, than first round draft successes. ;)

If that is how you read my post - you're on some serious medication.

As a playing group, as long as we can keep Walker, Dangerfield, Sloane, Jacobs, Crouch and talia together - we should be right for about 7 or 8 years. That group are all 18 to 22 years of age. That's the extend of this current group and the window that maybe open.

Do you forget what happen in 2009, 2010 and 2011 when that mad scientist tried to squeeze every bit out of the Goodwin, Mcleod et el and we bottomed out. When this current group is about 30, we will have to start rebuilding and integrate player into key roles. If we don't have them as don't have access to them, we will bottom out as talented players win games of football - not cycling up hill in Lycra.

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