Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc

Has your opinion of Jack Ginnivan changed over the past 2 years?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 29.7%
  • No

    Votes: 156 70.3%

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Hawks didn’t get a ‘please explain’ from AFL. So you need to load a few more groups in your (except)

It’s said AFL partly imposed the fine because the port heirarchy wasn’t convincingly apologetic
AFL are a strange institution. Next time someone goes up to the MRO for retaliating, I wonder if they'll follow this example and apply the "He started it" principal when issuing their consequence.

But the reality is fines aren't for what you do - they're for it becoming a media story. Eg. You don't get fined if you get caught doing drugs they've got a non-fine protocl around that - but you do get fined if there's a negative media story or photo of you doing drugs. And the media making this a negative story were Hawks making it a negative story about Kenny - not Sicily. They ignored the over the top retaliation.
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AFL are a strange institution. Next time someone goes up to the MRO for retaliating, I wonder if they'll follow this example and apply the "He started it" principal when issuing their consequence.

But the reality is fines aren't for what you do - they're for it becoming a media story. Eg. You don't get fined if you get caught doing drugs they've got a non-fine protocl around that - but you do get fined if there's a negative media story or photo of you doing drugs. And the media making this a negative story were Hawks making it a negative story about Kenny - not Sic.

And you are dissing hawks fans for going whattabout. Ken was a dick. I’d preferred if Sicily responded in a cooler manner reminding him he is senior coach. But the story starts and ends with him.

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And you are dissing hawks fans for going whattabout. Ken was a dick. I’d preferred if Sicily responded in a cooler manner reminding him he is senior coach. But the story starts and ends with him.

Whattaboutism is diverting to protect someone or an idea. I'm not saying Kenny wasn't a dick - a funny dick but a dick nonetheless. It's Hawks whattabouting - back to Kenny and only Kenny whenever Sicily's part in it is brought up.

The bolded is perfect. And it's all the Hawks should have said regarding Sic- rather than running with pride. Who gives a shit if he got really emotional and found an outlet that was ultimately harmless after a gutting loss, but it's not a thing to be proud of, or to be encouraging - if we're going with "bad look" and think of the kids who will copy - which seems to be the angle with Kenny - don't encourage Sicily's response.
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I’m reminded of how the great Michael Tuck admonished the AFL after the 1991 gf presentation But it was his 18th year.
Around 1-12

Mind you I think the club did get a rap on th knuckles for putting a loaf of tip top bread in the cup (brereton)
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Was Ginni's tweet inside or outside that line?
He made a comment on a mates insta, for starters.

Not one mention of Ken or Port.

Ken though directly called Ginnivan a “cheeky little ****head” multiple times after the siren.

I know which is worse.
Hawks didn’t get a ‘please explain’ from AFL. So you need to load a few more groups in your (except)

It’s said AFL partly imposed the fine because the port heirarchy wasn’t convincingly apologetic
It's also said Sicily is a crybaby.

I find persuasive the argument that fine reflects the AFL over reacting to McCartneys actual physical contact with a player.

The AFL Isn't exactly the gold standard for ethical consistent rulings. It's nice they are in the right hemisphere as far as Ken's slap goes.

They missed Sicilys embarrassing protracted ill humoured outburst.

I guess Hawks are happy that a hulking fit young man can hurl abuse in the face of an older person from a poorer community? 😉
it's a relevant comment to make because what you said is laughably embarrassing.

1) all of these ex hawk greats had dummy spits over this
2) the captain had a meltdown over a dumb remark
3) the coach had a pathetic sook about it in his press conference.

none of those are "great mentors" for someone who'll continue to do stupid shit. that's life.
None of these things occurred

1) The ex-Hawks in the media (Hodge, Lewis, Burgoyne & Derm) expressed their opinions as commentators just like every other commentator did. That's their job. Their opinion was shared by the majority of commentators and pundits... i.e. Ken Hinkley was out of line with his carry-on after the game. Good "theatre", etc... It gives everyone something to talk about, but it was totally unnecessary. Far more disrespectful than anything Ginnivan did in the lead up.

What do people expect from them as commentators?

"No comment! Due to my past historical connections with the Hawthorn football club, I believe it would betray a confict of interest if I was to give my opinion on the Ken Hinkley outburst. Over to you, Richo..." :rolleyesv1::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

2) Sicily was upset about missing his set shot with a minute left to play. The he heard Hinkley repeatedly shouting to Ginnivan, "You're not going anywhere next week, you little f**kwit".

Not once or twice, but repeatedly because Ken could see he wasn't getting any reaction from the Hawks.

Sicily walked towards Hinkley and said "F**k off, you w***er."

It seemed to work. You could see Hinkley pipe down when he realised he'd probably overstepped the mark.

3) Mitchell never sooked about anything. God knows why people think this... Nuts... He pre-empted any media criticism of Sicily's post-game actions. He pointed out the opposition coach was being aggressive and confrontational towards Ginnivan and he was proud of his captain for standing up for his teammate.

The media asked Mitchell if he would speak to Ken about it and he replied "Absoutely not!" That's because Mitchell had ZERO interest in Hinkley's post-game bullshit. He had just lost a knockout final. He was shattered. The last thing he wanted to do is pour petrol on a stupid flare-up between his players and the oppo coach. So he shut it down. No more questions..

This Hinkley stuff was just an entertainment interlude for all you drama queen weirdos. Do you really think Sicily and Mitchell give 2 shits about it after the Hawks had just been eliminated from the finals in an agonisingly close game?

Gawd almighty...
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Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc
