Rumour Jack Steven Stabbing Incident

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Steven was almost certainly breaking strict AFL player corona guidelines, and refused to cooperate with police that will lead to a potentially dangerous criminal staying on our streets.

Where is the AFL to take a stand on this? Oh right, too busy with the broom out ! Nothing to see here, just forget it happened... Even the commentators had to tip-toe around the incident, wonder who gave them that order?

If Steven cooperated with police and explained why he was out in the city at 2am no one would be "attacking" him.

Blah blah bunch of unsubstantiated crap blah blah.

And there is nothing wrong with refusing to cooperate with police.
When you have no counter-argument you resort to "Oh what team does the poster support? Better change topic to that!"

My counter argument is that unless you know the real facts don’t speculate and imagine

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My counter argument is that unless you know the real facts don’t speculate and imagine

We know that Steven refused to cooperate with detectives, that is objectively wrong. He is denying society justice for a serious crime.

And if you think a bloke out in the city at 2am is following 1.5 metre social distancing then I have some magic beans to sell you..
We know that Steven refused to cooperate with detectives, that is objectively wrong. He is denying society justice for a serious crime.

And if you think a bloke out in the city at 2am is following 1.5 metre social distancing then I have some magic beans to sell you..
And when he did cooperate with police what happened?
The rumour I heard was his tablet connected to the kids tablet and his misses found some text messages from another female. He went to see this other female and the misses went there and stabbed him. That's what I heard anyway
If he did cooperate fully cooperate with detectives and AFL investigators then there's nothing wrong. Did he do that? I must've missed it.
Both Police and the AFL completed their investigations
Both Police and the AFL completed their investigations

Pretty easy for the police to finish their investigation when those involved refuse to cooperate and help the criminal.

As for the afl it's in their best interest to sweep this under the carpet and stop negative PR stories coming out.
We know that Steven refused to cooperate with detectives, that is objectively wrong. He is denying society justice for a serious crime.

And if you think a bloke out in the city at 2am is following 1.5 metre social distancing then I have some magic beans to sell you..

Didn't Laidley cooperate with the police? How did that turn out for him? You are incredibly naive about Victoria Police is you think it is objectively wrong not to cooperate with them.
Oh OK then, must have been just isolated incident of the Vic police doing the wrong thing.

Vic Police is a huge organisation, there is no such thing as a big company without some bad eggs. Does that mean you never trust the whole company? Of course not, because only an idiot would do that and it would lead you to distrust everything.

Let's not forget that cooperating with the police plays a vital role in getting the most dangerous criminals off the streets and keeping your family safe.

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Vic Police is a huge organisation, there is no such thing as a big company without some bad eggs. Does that mean you never trust the whole company? Of course not, because only an idiot would do that and it would lead you to distrust everything.

Let's not forget that cooperating with the police plays a vital role in getting the most dangerous criminals off the streets and keeping your family safe.

I like the way you pose a question and then answer it yourself. No point discussing this with you.
Vic Police is a huge organisation, there is no such thing as a big company without some bad eggs. Does that mean you never trust the whole company? Of course not, because only an idiot would do that and it would lead you to distrust everything.

Let's not forget that cooperating with the police plays a vital role in getting the most dangerous criminals off the streets and keeping your family safe.
As Chris Rock has said - Police are one of the professions where it is not ok to have a few bad eggs. Airline pilots are another.
As Chris Rock has said - Police are one of the professions where it is not ok to have a few bad eggs. Airline pilots are another.

Well until we get robots to do our policing, it's literally impossible to not have a single bad person in big organizations. There are a lot of bad people out there, and the majority hide it very well.
If you think 1 cop leaking photos means you shouldn't cooperate with Police on serious crimes you are a complete fool

Stevens was the victim of this incident and you are almost making him sound like OJ.

Not much the Police can do if he refuses to press charges to go into detail as to who stabbed him/what happened that night..

I do not believe he is in any right physical condition to play footy (least at AFL level) at the moment, but that is neither here nor there.

Why does this matter to you so strongly unless you feel it's some kind of vigilante justice courtesy of Eddie and Collingwood ?

Get off the bloke's back. Stevens has been through enough crap in his life in the past two years, his private life and what happened should nor be part of the public domain.
"let's not try to improve because perfection is impossible"

I never ever said let's not try to improve, don't quote me if you cannot even understand what I've said.

You should always aim to improve, but as long as humans do our policing it's impossible to get 100% "good people". As long as people have power, people will abuse it. It's in our nature.

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