Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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So we replace him with an AFL Yes Man and then sit back and reap the rewards.

While the AFL continue to make the game worse and worse.

Id much rather sn outspoken Pres.
How about distancing yourself from the Hawthorn FC and then throwing his hat into the ring to lead or does him have permanent liberal mentality of saying whats wrong and how bad something is but actually has zero ideas themself to tackle the issue. All big boy Jeff does is gets his face into the media, no change no benefit just white noise.
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The changes to the constitution that were proposed in 2005/06 and reinforced over the last decade make it extremely difficult to nominate for and challenge board appointees.

Many of the old school posters flagged these concerns at the time.

We haven’t voted on appointees since 2005 which as a member based organisation is not necessarily healthy.

The lack of transparency and member driven appointments has destroyed political party membership in Australia.

I can speak for this having been involved and holding some of these positions myself.

Whether you like it or not football and politics both have major issues with transparency over appointments and governance.

Having been involved in politics, being recruited as president (a position he has held for 10 of the last 16 seasons) and overseeing the committee that vets board appointments our president has had a pretty major role in the appointment of all directors since 2005.

Whilst I agree with some of the points regarding being ultimately elected to the board (or political organisation) and the reduction in transparency, I don’t believe there is any impediment to nominating for the HFC board other than filling in a form and a candidate’s statement. As far as I know, more recently not one person has nominated other than those put forward by the club itself.
The changes to the constitution that were proposed in 2005/06 and reinforced over the last decade make it extremely difficult to nominate for and challenge board appointees.

Many of the old school posters flagged these concerns at the time.

We haven’t voted on appointees since 2005 which as a member based organisation is not necessarily healthy.

The lack of transparency and member driven appointments has destroyed political party membership in Australia.

I can speak for this having been involved and holding some of these positions myself.

Whether you like it or not football and politics both have major issues with transparency over appointments and governance.

Having been involved in politics, being recruited as president (a position he has held for 10 of the last 16 seasons) and overseeing the committee that vets board appointments our president has had a pretty major role in the appointment of all directors since 2005.
Are you saying that Branch Stacking is going on?

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So we know the AFL are underhanded and vindictive .... so let’s just stand back and applaud the Pres continually throwing mud at them publicly.


Might as well do it now while we are rubbish and have little to lose. You have to agree the old boy’s club of the AFL is anything but transparent. Perhaps given the league ownership of half the clubs and the COI this brings it’s beyond saving. But I am not sure that keeping quiet is the solution. Jeff has a big fat mouth and this subject is maybe one where he has something to add. Much better than venturing into state and federal politics.
Whilst I agree with some of the points regarding being ultimately elected to the board (or political organisation) and the reduction in transparency, I don’t believe there is any impediment to nominating for the HFC board other than filling in a form and a candidate’s statement. As far as I know, more recently not one person has nominated other than those put forward by the club itself.

Potential candidates are vetted by the nominations committee with an endorsement taken to the board for review. This by definition is very similar to a political preselection process.

Since 2005 director appointees have not been subject to a vote of the membership, a far different equation to pre 2005
Caro goes whack!

Both presidents’ comments were called into question by Wilson.

“I must say I find it a bit rich that Jeff Kennett, the Hawthorn chairman, has been the poster boy in speaking out in launching Mick Warner‘s book and saying to these women come to me, I’ll help you,” she said.

“Jeff Kennett was on the Channel 7 board when the Amber Harrison issue went down and we saw the way he handled a lot of that.”

Harrison and Kennett locked horns in a fiery Twitter exchange back in 2017 as the former looked to publish confidential documents relating to Seven West Media.
Jeff's latest email:

Hi there Hawkers,

Sorry it has been some time since I put pen to paper.

There is a saying that goes something like this.

“When you are up to your armpits in crocodiles, it is hard to remember your task was to drain the swamp”.

No doubt someone will correct me.

Regardless, I know many of you will be disappointed with what you have been watching over the last few weeks. It has not been pretty. But that said it has been what we have been expecting.

We made a decision last year when returning to the draft that in order to re-create a team similar to the one that recently won our four premierships, we needed to build a team of talented young men, who grew together, and who were indoctrinated with the Hawthorn culture.

We are pursuing that objective every week. Part of that requires us to give as many of our younger players the opportunity to play games. There is no better way to learn anything in life than to be involved.

The more games they get under their belt this and next year, with the draft picks we will get at season’s end, the quicker we will return to being competitive again.

I am absolutely convinced we will see that from 2023. With the base laid for the next decade.

Of course, I am receiving some descriptive comments from some members via email, and on the only form of social media I use being Twitter.

I realise football has more emotion attached to it than almost any other aspect of life. But in life the one thing I have learnt is, you cannot succeed unless you plan well in advance of success.

That applies to anything we do, be it running a business, a government or a football club. Even going away on a trip.

That planning requires at times a good dose of patience. When those who demand success over night, or to win every game, or even more than we are doing at present, voice their frustrations from the heart, I do not in anyway object to such expressions being aired.

I have tried this year to explain our strategy. I have not lifted your expectations. We have been very honest with you all.

Never forget we have been the most successful club over the past 15 years. And the past 61 years. 13 premierships!

The fact is that the Hawthorn Football Club is in good shape. You have a Board with the variety of experiences necessary to manage the club’s affairs well.

You have an experienced administration, with a team of dedicated and enthusiastic, in the main young people.

We have a football department of managers and coaches that are recognised and, by earnt reputation, leaders within the AFL.

So, what is occurring on the field with our senior team is not a result of a lack of planning. Yes, mistakes are being made, but I can assure you, we learn from mistakes.

One important lesson I have always accepted is never to over promise, to mislead those you lead.

We are working to a very clear strategy, so onwards and upwards.

On another matter you will have seen the Victorian State Government has committed funds in their recent budget to our Kennedy Community Centre at Dingley.

In part that was in recognition of the quality of the project, the need to replace community assets in the area that are being taken up by some of the Government’s infrastructure projects, the advocacy and support of the local member of Parliament Martin Pakula, and the great efforts of our own team Tim Silvers (now CEO of Adelaide), Kerrie Brewer and our CEO Justin Reeves.

A Board sub-committee has also been working hard to deliver Kennedy Community Centre.

What makes this project notable is that the club can match from its own operations and the generous support we have received so far from many members, the combined funding from the Federal and State governments. So, it is a good use of our and public monies, we are leveraging off each other to deliver bigger bang for the buck all parties spend.

That is not to say we have sufficient funds yet to complete the project, so we will continue to seek your help to complete. But we are on our way, we at last have the planning authority, so again onwards and upwards. Exciting.

I will have more to report to you next week. There is a great deal happening at present. Obviously, the lockdown in Victoria because of COVID-19 is causing all sorts of challenges and costs for the AFL and clubs.

The picture will become clearer, I hope, within the next week or so. We fortunately have our bye next week so hopefully we will see some return to normality by the time we return to battle.
Jeff's latest email:

Hi there Hawkers,

Sorry it has been some time since I put pen to paper.

There is a saying that goes something like this.

“When you are up to your armpits in crocodiles, it is hard to remember your task was to drain the swamp”.

No doubt someone will correct me.

Regardless, I know many of you will be disappointed with what you have been watching over the last few weeks. It has not been pretty. But that said it has been what we have been expecting.

We made a decision last year when returning to the draft that in order to re-create a team similar to the one that recently won our four premierships, we needed to build a team of talented young men, who grew together, and who were indoctrinated with the Hawthorn culture.

We are pursuing that objective every week. Part of that requires us to give as many of our younger players the opportunity to play games. There is no better way to learn anything in life than to be involved.

The more games they get under their belt this and next year, with the draft picks we will get at season’s end, the quicker we will return to being competitive again.

I am absolutely convinced we will see that from 2023. With the base laid for the next decade.

Of course, I am receiving some descriptive comments from some members via email, and on the only form of social media I use being Twitter.

I realise football has more emotion attached to it than almost any other aspect of life. But in life the one thing I have learnt is, you cannot succeed unless you plan well in advance of success.

That applies to anything we do, be it running a business, a government or a football club. Even going away on a trip.

That planning requires at times a good dose of patience. When those who demand success over night, or to win every game, or even more than we are doing at present, voice their frustrations from the heart, I do not in anyway object to such expressions being aired.

I have tried this year to explain our strategy. I have not lifted your expectations. We have been very honest with you all.

Never forget we have been the most successful club over the past 15 years. And the past 61 years. 13 premierships!

The fact is that the Hawthorn Football Club is in good shape. You have a Board with the variety of experiences necessary to manage the club’s affairs well.

You have an experienced administration, with a team of dedicated and enthusiastic, in the main young people.

We have a football department of managers and coaches that are recognised and, by earnt reputation, leaders within the AFL.

So, what is occurring on the field with our senior team is not a result of a lack of planning. Yes, mistakes are being made, but I can assure you, we learn from mistakes.

One important lesson I have always accepted is never to over promise, to mislead those you lead.

We are working to a very clear strategy, so onwards and upwards.

On another matter you will have seen the Victorian State Government has committed funds in their recent budget to our Kennedy Community Centre at Dingley.

In part that was in recognition of the quality of the project, the need to replace community assets in the area that are being taken up by some of the Government’s infrastructure projects, the advocacy and support of the local member of Parliament Martin Pakula, and the great efforts of our own team Tim Silvers (now CEO of Adelaide), Kerrie Brewer and our CEO Justin Reeves.

A Board sub-committee has also been working hard to deliver Kennedy Community Centre.

What makes this project notable is that the club can match from its own operations and the generous support we have received so far from many members, the combined funding from the Federal and State governments. So, it is a good use of our and public monies, we are leveraging off each other to deliver bigger bang for the buck all parties spend.

That is not to say we have sufficient funds yet to complete the project, so we will continue to seek your help to complete. But we are on our way, we at last have the planning authority, so again onwards and upwards. Exciting.

I will have more to report to you next week. There is a great deal happening at present. Obviously, the lockdown in Victoria because of COVID-19 is causing all sorts of challenges and costs for the AFL and clubs.

The picture will become clearer, I hope, within the next week or so. We fortunately have our bye next week so hopefully we will see some return to normality by the time we return to battle.

Utter spin. Over this. He said point blank at the start of the year we wouldn't be as bad as 2020... well, we're worse.

If we planned to be this, why did we not try and get another first round pick last year? Like we did in 2004-2006.

And he doesn't over promise but spriks 2023? Please

I've always loved Jeff, but he's doing more harm then good now. I can accept we have finally pivoted, happy we are rebuilding... but stop the utter spin mate... club was caught asleep at the wheel champ.
Jeff's latest email:

Hi there Hawkers,

Sorry it has been some time since I put pen to paper.

There is a saying that goes something like this.

“When you are up to your armpits in crocodiles, it is hard to remember your task was to drain the swamp”.

No doubt someone will correct me.

Regardless, I know many of you will be disappointed with what you have been watching over the last few weeks. It has not been pretty. But that said it has been what we have been expecting.

We made a decision last year when returning to the draft that in order to re-create a team similar to the one that recently won our four premierships, we needed to build a team of talented young men, who grew together, and who were indoctrinated with the Hawthorn culture.

We are pursuing that objective every week. Part of that requires us to give as many of our younger players the opportunity to play games. There is no better way to learn anything in life than to be involved.

The more games they get under their belt this and next year, with the draft picks we will get at season’s end, the quicker we will return to being competitive again.

I am absolutely convinced we will see that from 2023. With the base laid for the next decade.

Of course, I am receiving some descriptive comments from some members via email, and on the only form of social media I use being Twitter.

I realise football has more emotion attached to it than almost any other aspect of life. But in life the one thing I have learnt is, you cannot succeed unless you plan well in advance of success.

That applies to anything we do, be it running a business, a government or a football club. Even going away on a trip.

That planning requires at times a good dose of patience. When those who demand success over night, or to win every game, or even more than we are doing at present, voice their frustrations from the heart, I do not in anyway object to such expressions being aired.

I have tried this year to explain our strategy. I have not lifted your expectations. We have been very honest with you all.

Never forget we have been the most successful club over the past 15 years. And the past 61 years. 13 premierships!

The fact is that the Hawthorn Football Club is in good shape. You have a Board with the variety of experiences necessary to manage the club’s affairs well.

You have an experienced administration, with a team of dedicated and enthusiastic, in the main young people.

We have a football department of managers and coaches that are recognised and, by earnt reputation, leaders within the AFL.

So, what is occurring on the field with our senior team is not a result of a lack of planning. Yes, mistakes are being made, but I can assure you, we learn from mistakes.

One important lesson I have always accepted is never to over promise, to mislead those you lead.

We are working to a very clear strategy, so onwards and upwards.

On another matter you will have seen the Victorian State Government has committed funds in their recent budget to our Kennedy Community Centre at Dingley.

In part that was in recognition of the quality of the project, the need to replace community assets in the area that are being taken up by some of the Government’s infrastructure projects, the advocacy and support of the local member of Parliament Martin Pakula, and the great efforts of our own team Tim Silvers (now CEO of Adelaide), Kerrie Brewer and our CEO Justin Reeves.

A Board sub-committee has also been working hard to deliver Kennedy Community Centre.

What makes this project notable is that the club can match from its own operations and the generous support we have received so far from many members, the combined funding from the Federal and State governments. So, it is a good use of our and public monies, we are leveraging off each other to deliver bigger bang for the buck all parties spend.

That is not to say we have sufficient funds yet to complete the project, so we will continue to seek your help to complete. But we are on our way, we at last have the planning authority, so again onwards and upwards. Exciting.

I will have more to report to you next week. There is a great deal happening at present. Obviously, the lockdown in Victoria because of COVID-19 is causing all sorts of challenges and costs for the AFL and clubs.

The picture will become clearer, I hope, within the next week or so. We fortunately have our bye next week so hopefully we will see some return to normality by the time we return to battle.

I got my email this morning, and find these borderline belittling emails by the Hawthorn Comms team (signed off by Jeff) a bit rich.

It was Jeff and Clarko's insistence that because we are Hawthorn we must aim for the top 4 every year and losing is unacceptable - despite our list quality - which has put us deep in the shit right now.

The Hawthorn people I was talking to were fine with hitting the reset button and embracing a rebuild, especially after the 2019 season.

While the Board has finally ticked off on a rebuild, I'm still not convinced Clarko is all the way there - favouring senior players over youth and dropping young players after 1-2 games.
Imagine trying to get state funding for a new facility whilst also doing everything you can to belittle the current state governments efforts to prevent the spread of a new strain of a virus.
Only thing worse than his comments is that he said them on Peta Credlin's show.
Imagine trying to get state funding for a new facility whilst also doing everything you can to belittle the current state governments efforts to prevent the spread of a new strain of a virus.
Only thing worse than his comments is that he said them on Peta Credlin's show.
State Funding has been approved

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Anyone got any further info on the approved state funding? Haven't really read or seen much fanfare around it or the amount that will be provided.
Imagine trying to get state funding for a new facility whilst also doing everything you can to belittle the current state governments efforts to prevent the spread of a new strain of a virus.
Only thing worse than his comments is that he said them on Peta Credlin's show.

I have no issue with him calling it as he sees it, when it comes to Covid the Victorian Government would be getting priority picks compared to the rest of Australia.
Imagine trying to get state funding for a new facility whilst also doing everything you can to belittle the current state governments efforts to prevent the spread of a new strain of a virus.
Only thing worse than his comments is that he said them on Peta Credlin's show.

If only he shut his mouth and did what others told him.

Then we could be like St Kilda.
If only he shut his mouth and did what others told him.

Then we could be like St Kilda.

If he shut his mouth, we might find it a hell of a lot easier to get some decent board candidates and a successor.

Who'd want to put their hand up to sit on a board with someone who's picking fights with the AFL, State government and others clubs every other week.
If only he shut his mouth and did what others told him.

Then we could be like St Kilda.
Woops I didn't get the notification for this- how can you equate the two?
He isn't being outspoken in advocating for Hawthorn, he's being outspoken in his political ideology and it trying to do the dirty work the the state LNP.

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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