The losing a family member thing doesn't really excuse much, it's sad of course but in the normal course of most people's lives they will first lose their grandparents and then parents with some being a bit earlier or later then others. It's life. I would be absolutely gutted if I lost my Dad, I would have days, maybe a couple of weeks off work then I would be back. Pretty much like every other person who has a job.
Injury is pretty similar, there's not a week that goes by that someone in my company doesn't have some sort of operation/injury/sickness. Hips, knee's, shoulders, ankles etc. work helps out and makes life easier of course and they come back to work, and Jesse would get and he has the advantage of having the best DR's ,Physio's, Dietitians etc to help him get better.
But anyone can get mental health issue, people with perfect lives can have them and people who's life is shit have no mental problems at all. My point is I don't think you can really say, "look what happened to him, of course he has mental health issues." Especially when it's just standard stuff you expect in life.
Oh and other people have touched on this before, we've got to a point where anytime anyone is out of line they blame mental health. Have a bender, mental health. Get in a fight, mental health. Bang your mates missus, mental health. It's starting to lose it's zing, it's not fair to genuine cases but there it is.
The sheer stupidity in this post is staggering.