Jim Stynes Herald Sun Victorian of the year.

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Also, am I the only one who doesn't recall the Herald Sun ever giving a "Victorian of the Year" award before? Let alone putting it on the front page.

I can't, but they didn't say he was the first winner of the award, so I assume they've done it before, but probably never on the front page because the winner hasn't been as high-profile.
Your so far away from my actual point its scary. Did you actually read my posts or what? Anyway im bored of it too. To restate my point again is pointles so to speak

You have not articulated yourself well, to say the least. I'm happy to leave it, and I'll just live with the fact that I was unable to grasp if you even had a point, let alone what it was.
Your so far away from my actual point its scary. Did you actually read my posts or what? Anyway im bored of it too. To restate my point again is pointles so to speak

You really are a wally mate and that is putting it politely. You clearly won't to push the point to get a reaction. This country is built on immigrants. I ask you, was Ned Kelly Australian? Answer me that? Under your 'philosophy' he is not. Nor is the first PM of this country nor the current...its a rediculous argument.

According to your theories, unless you a a relative of Chris Lewis you arn't a real Australian.

Go back to your little bubble back west for goodness sake!

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I could personally name two people from Melbourne more worthy not in the public spotlight but wouldnt for obvious reasons. Also think your confusing Herald Sun Victorian of the year, with the actual Victorian of the Year.

The actual Victorian of the year (or at least the Victorian nomination for Australian of the year) is Geoffrey Rush, what do you have to say about that?
You really are a wally mate and that is putting it politely. You clearly won't to push the point to get a reaction. This country is built on immigrants. I ask you, was Ned Kelly Australian? Answer me that? Under your 'philosophy' he is not. Nor is the first PM of this country nor the current...its a rediculous argument.

According to your theories, unless you a a relative of Chris Lewis you arn't a real Australian.

Go back to your little bubble back west for goodness sake!

Racist much. My last post in this thread. Sick of hearing the pot call the kettle black.
I could personally name two people from Melbourne more worthy not in the public spotlight but wouldnt for obvious reasons. Also think your confusing Herald Sun Victorian of the year, with the actual Victorian of the Year.
That's a hilarious comment - you are griping about how the really deserving people remain anonymous but when it comes to naming them, you are all for protecting their privacy. Maybe they wouldn't want to receive a public award anyway. I would suggest that you couldn't possibly prove that these people you know are more deserving than Jim Stynes. The fact is, there are lots of people out there doing good things. They can't all get an award - nor are they in it for the awards. By naming a popular and beloved figure for this award, it ensures that if and when Jim passes away, his plight will be very well understood and the foundations that live on in, or are born of, his name will receive good support into the future.

I think your being very media-centric. Dont have to be in the spotlight to inspire others. Its a shame that most Australians think that way. Chris Judd has a point regarding the whole role model thing when you look at the way things have changed over the past decade

I'm not media centric at all. I barely watch the news. You are the media centric one because you are so up in arms about all the deserving heroes who aren't getting media attention. My point is that the vast majority of charity workers will never be publicly named - and nor should they be. That's not the reason you work in charity. Big deal, they named a well-known figure for an award. Hardly a big crime against humanity - especially if he has done what Jim has done. Even if they did name one of the countless anonymous heroes, you'd still have a gripe about all the others who didn't get recognised. You can't fix this issue you are having by naming a couple of people a year.
Congrats to the great JS.

Personally, I'm more for these kinds of awards going to the unsung heroes in our community - those individuals who don't get any mainstream media attention or recognition. The ones who are doing something remarkable or of great value to others with little to no fanfare or commendation are the ones in my opinion who should get these awards.

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I'm all for pushing up well known faces in prominent places for these kinds of things and I congratulate Jim for it.

But like others have said, it would be better in some ways that relative unknowns got a guernsey.

You trip a fine wire knowing which is supposed to get things moving in a progressive line.

Sometimes it is more heartbreaking for people like Jim to keep putting the pressure on and having to be positive all the time.

I wish him all the very best but please put it on someone else to take the reins and give yourself a more happy time without the pressure of being the 'light on the horizon'.

He already knows this of course and I am just wanting him to not feel the pressure of being everything to everyone.

Lots of love Jim...
If you gave the Victorian of the year to Joe Bloggs of Airport West, there would be another 50 Joe Bloggs who deserved it and another 4 million who had no ****ing clue who he was.

This award, like many others, is a celebrity thing, unfortunately.

Plenty of celebs in the state though, so congrats to Big Jim
Runs the states biggest youth charity/organisation and has helped a LOT of people through that who have then gone to help OTHER young people all over the world.

There wouldn't be many above him, illness or not.

But he serves a bit as an icon to those who have relatives, family members of even themselves going through treatment.

My mother was diagnosed with cancer just before Jimmy, and whilst not as aggressive a form of cancer as Jimmy has, she's followed his progress quite a lot throughout her own treatment and taken a lot out of the way he's approached it all. She's now in the clear (thank god) but by Jimmy being so positive, and more importantly making his own battle so available to people, it really can inspire others going through the same thing.

On a more broad note as well, society often sweeps terminal cancer sufferers under the rug. We leave them alone to die in isolation with just close family to support them. Jimmy has brought the battle to the front page, and I think that's pretty impressive in and of itself. Just to show the journey that these fighters go through, the rationalisation of knowing they're going to die, the thought process they go through, their regrets about taking work too seriously and not spending enough time with family (remember, nobody has ever uttered on their deathbed that they wished they'd worked more!).

I've met him personally a couple of times, and he's just a great bloke - he's put more in to this country than most too.

Great post. Good to hear your Mum managed to beat it. Shows the impacted Jim has on people, deserving winner:thumbsu:
if you couodnt see my point then you should leave the board immediately

If you had read the entire thread, you would know that I fully appreciate what Jim Stynes has done, however his work gets very significant media attention and recognition as it is, it would be good to allow someone who does good for the community quietly to be recognised.

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Jim Stynes Herald Sun Victorian of the year.

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