Joel Selwood - Snipe backfires

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Selwood forever trolling all the n00bs on the bay... :)

That this is started by a Tassie supporter makes it even more enjoyable...

well, if selwood trolls teh n00bs on the bay by trying a cheap snipe, then getting knocked the **** out, then please, let him troll hard and troll more often, for our amusement.

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yeah, that's how you do the limbo, like joel, throw your head back and keep moving forward.

umpires see that shit.

As my old man says, playing for free kicks.

An absolute blight on the game:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
well, if selwood trolls teh n00bs on the bay by trying a cheap snipe, then getting knocked the **** out, then please, let him troll hard and troll more often, for our amusement.

He's been doing this for 4 or 5 years now against you flogs, for our amusement...
Don't tell me you've just caught the bus and are suddenly upset by your new discovery... :eek:
He's been doing this for 4 or 5 years now against you flogs, for our amusement...
Don't tell me you've just caught the bus and are suddenly upset by your new discovery... :eek:

christ on a stick, arsehat!

the thread is about how we know he is a sniper, gets away with it sometimes, and last night he didn't. and for that some of us are thankful.
WOW I am an admirer of Selwood, but that was pathetic by him.

If Raines gets the same punishment for that as Selwood it will be a joke. Selwood went at Raines and made high contact, with more force, but Raines didn't drop. Raines retaliated and made less contact but Selwood went down.
christ on a stick, arsehat!

the thread is about how we know he is a sniper, gets away with it sometimes, and last night he didn't. and for that some of us are thankful.

So there was an off the ball altercation and now you're all up' n about over it..?

lol, back in your box, desperado, haven't you got more important things going on today, like watching your own club for example..???


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LULZ, picked a fight like a biartch, copped a biartch slap and went down like a sack of spuds. Either seriously weak or the ultimate diver/stager.

lulz at your 'wigger' vocabulary... :eek::thumbsu:
So there was an off the ball altercation and now you're all up' n about over it..?

lol, back in your box, desperado, haven't you got more important things going on today, like watching your own club for example..???


soccer mom, lol
lulz at your no.14's courage or serious lack thereof.

The vocab was based around a little uncertainty of the swear filter.

Lack of courage?
But here you are crusading on an off the ball play as if your season depended on it. :eek:

ppfftt, mayblooms are especially weak this year.
Weaker than most... :thumbsdown:
Lack of courage?
But here you are crusading on an off the ball play as if your season depended on it. :eek:

Nah, just adding to those that choose to highlight one of the more gutless pieces of play seen for a while.

ppfftt, mayblooms are especially weak this year.
Weaker than most... :thumbsdown:

Pfft Duckwood now adding a flop to his repertoire of shit moves.
Chef - for the sake of the bay can you tone it down a little. Selwood is a ducker and a sniper & Hawkins has kicked 125 goals in 84 games. These are facts.

Thread started by maybloom baboons says it all...


Good to see round 2 still has you lot bitching... :)
Could Raines claim provocation?

I mean if you cop an unexpected pop in the chops, it's instinctive to give one back.

absolutely, self defence at worst for Raines, he can also claim he didn't make contact, Selwood going down is hardly proof that contact was made
Chef - I know it's hard to calm down when the Lance Franklin show is starting in 90 mins, but for the sake of the bay can you tone it down a little. Selwood is a ducker and a sniper & Hawkins has kicked 125 goals in 84 games. These are facts.

This would be the staging, diving, attempting hero dribble goals when the games in the balance, giving away free kicks Lance Franklin show????
Can't wait........


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