USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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There is no need to blow a gasket over a topic you and I clearly will not agree on, not to mention how pointless it would be. So i'll leave you to explore that rabbit hole on your own. There is a tonne of evidence out there that she is a communist, you just need to take the blinkers off. So get cracking!
Hahahhaaaa I always love the commie accusations when they have nothing else.
What exactly is communist about her?
Show how she is similar to say Xi, Stalin?
Come on.
You have no idea what communism is.

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Sorry friend but 95% of Yanks don't give a shit about Palestinians and half those that do want them wiped out like rats.

Kamala needs to tread a very careful line between giving Israel a gentle hand job while at the same time frowning disappointedly at them.

I think she achieved this reasonably well in her speech.

i think you are replying to the wrong post as i have expressed similar thoughts.

as i said it will take some courage to take on the israel p. r machine and i doubt harris has the requisite courage. sadly, i doubt it will be significant in voting terms in any event.:mad:

that said, the evidence is there is considerable concern in yankyland about israel’s terrorism. in many respects, when you consider that so much of the media runs a p.r campaign for israel and the coverage in the mainstream media generally isn’t as widespread as it should the level of concern is surprising - and comforting for right-thinking peeps.

The document you keep referring to is one that was written on the assumption Biden was running against Trump. I couldn't find another version. It is made clear on P2 and on the following.

View attachment 2088628

Maybe Harris has a different view to Biden?

No, it isn’t.

GreyCrow used the one you’ve screenshotted to contradict a point I make. But that’s the 2020 platform. I previously linked the 2024 platform and the article I linked to is obviously making reference to it also.

The reality is in Sanders there was a strong left contingent at the DNC in 2016 and 2020 and that was reflected with enormous gains in the platform. That’s not there now and so they’ve reverted to a significantly more conservative document.

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No, it isn’t.

GreyCrow used the one you’ve screenshotted to contradict a point I make. But that’s the 2020 platform. I previously linked the 2024 platform and the article I linked to is obviously making reference to it also.

The reality is in Sanders there was a strong left contingent at the DNC in 2016 and 2020 and that was reflected with enormous gains in the platform. That’s not there now and so they’ve reverted to a significantly more conservative document.
I clicked on the link from the following article in your post.

The Democrats have quietly dropped abolishing the death penalty from their party platform, which had been in for the previous two elections.

Do you have another?
i think you are replying to the wrong post as i have expressed similar thoughts.

as i said it will take some courage to take on the israel p. r machine and i doubt harris has the requisite courage. sadly, i doubt it will be significant in voting terms in any event.:mad:

that said, the evidence is there is considerable concern in yankyland about israel’s terrorism. in many respects, when you consider that so much of the media runs a p.r campaign for israel and the coverage in the mainstream media generally isn’t as widespread as it should the level of concern is surprising - and comforting for right-thinking peeps.

Sorry, but that doesn’t tell you anything.

You need to rank it against other issues, like cost of living.
i think you are replying to the wrong post as i have expressed similar thoughts.

as i said it will take some courage to take on the israel p. r machine and i doubt harris has the requisite courage. sadly, i doubt it will be significant in voting terms in any event.:mad:

that said, the evidence is there is considerable concern in yankyland about israel’s terrorism. in many respects, when you consider that so much of the media runs a p.r campaign for israel and the coverage in the mainstream media generally isn’t as widespread as it should the level of concern is surprising - and comforting for right-thinking peeps.

When I say the average Yank doesn't care I don't mean they are all inhuman monsters.
I just mean it's not a front of mind issue for the vast majority of them.

Also it's not like it's Kamala running the Knesset is it?
It's an incredibly complex diplomatic situation
Sorry, but that doesn’t tell you anything.

You need to rank it against other issues, like cost of living.

i’ve expressed in both posts how it is doubtful the issue will affect the election outcome bc - sadly - it is unlikely to be high on the voting intention list of most. and neither party will take on the powerful, influential, and threatening zionist p.r outfit.

what the poll does show is there is a significant growth in concern in yankyland about israel’s response - read genocide. which was in response to a post that said "95% of Yanks don't give a shit"
There's many pro-Jewish supporters but not many pro-Netanyahu supporters. To support him is to support war crimes.
I don't think any Democrat voter would support him.
I would say the majority of Democratic voters are sickened by the current Israeli government.
A lot will not be able to bring themselves to vote for Harris imo.
If they don't vote for Harris, it's a vote for Trump, who I'm sure will be much worse, as he's best buddies with Netanyahu. They will be cutting their noses off to spite their faces.
When I say the average Yank doesn't care I don't mean they are all inhuman monsters.
I just mean it's not a front of mind issue for the vast majority of them.

Also it's not like it's Kamala running the Knesset is it?
It's an incredibly complex diplomatic situation

it’s not so complex. other countries have made a stand. it’s that the zionist diaspora is strong and threatening. it has control of most of the mainstream media, politicians and movers-n-shakers. fox is an apologist. it’s a question of doing what is the right thing to do rather than what is politically expedient.

the poll shows there is growing concern - and it's significant. but as i have posted repeatedly it is not likely to be at the top of most peeps voting concerns - sadly.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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