Player Watch Kayle Kirby (Delisted 2018)

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You are getting your wish - has told me he is playing this Sat. versus my mob, the Cats. Will be the first time I have barracked a bit for the other side !!! its 11.40 at Olympic Park Oval - cant wait to see him get amongst it - I hope that then you will see what Collingwood see in him - all this other talk on here is rubbish by the way, he is a great kid and just is finding his way (try moving from Lake Boga to Melbourne and playing for the Pies in one go !!), and I am sure you will be very happy as he progresses through the year. Go Kayle, rip into em.

Tell him to enjoy the game and have some fun and most of us want him to succeed the club needs creatives types that can crumb badly.

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Adult?? He turned 18 on October 26 last year.
Whilst yes he's an adult in the eyes of the law he doesn't automatically become an adult on October 26 after not being one on October 25.
I don't think I was very adult at 18, (some would say I'm still not).
Give the kid a break.
I think you and Jmac seem to be confusing my attitude here towards Kirby. I like the kid. I think he oozes talent. And I'm perfectly willing to forgive him for his lapse in judgement.
All I want is for him to be able to man up and realise he ****ed up, don't make any excuses (like some here seem so desperate to do for him) and do everything he can to fix it, without the club having to hold his hand and tell him it's not his fault (because it is).

If he's old enough to drink and vote, he's sure as shit old enough to be able to do that.
I think you and Jmac seem to be confusing my attitude here towards Kirby. I like the kid. I think he oozes talent. And I'm perfectly willing to forgive him for his lapse in judgement.
All I want is for him to be able to man up and realise he ****** up, don't make any excuses (like some here seem so desperate to do for him) and do everything he can to fix it, without the club having to hold his hand and tell him it's not his fault (because it is).

If he's old enough to drink and vote, he's sure as shit old enough to be able to do that.

Maybe he is already doing that, let's wait and see. He needs at least a dozen VFL games under his belt before we assess his progress.
Maybe he is already doing that, let's wait and see.
I never said he wasn't. This entire exchange came from you reading too deeply in to me saying his physical condition after Xmas is nobody's fault but his own.
He needs at least a dozen VFL games under his belt before we assess his progress.
Hopefully regular games will be enough of an incentive for him to push through the endless grind that he finds himself in at training currently.
He's been participating in match sims and a limited amount of drills too, but he's so far behind in fitness that they've had to concentrate on getting him in shape. It's not as much fun for him, but he really has nobody to blame for the situation he's in but himself.

Fair enough.
I think you and Jmac seem to be confusing my attitude here towards Kirby. I like the kid. I think he oozes talent. And I'm perfectly willing to forgive him for his lapse in judgement.
All I want is for him to be able to man up and realise he ****** up, don't make any excuses (like some here seem so desperate to do for him) and do everything he can to fix it, without the club having to hold his hand and tell him it's not his fault (because it is).

If he's old enough to drink and vote, he's sure as shit old enough to be able to do that.

I don't think that anyone's suggesting it's not his fault, but that doesn't mean that the coaching staff are handling the situation well.

A guy's unfit, can they really not come up with something better than let's get him to run slow laps by himself? If a high school PE teacher was interviewing for a job and was to present 'slow laps whilst everyone else is training' as an appropriate strategy to improve the performance of a talented but unfit student, he wouldn't get the job - not even at the crappest school in town.
I don't think that anyone's suggesting it's not his fault, but that doesn't mean that the coaching staff are handling the situation well.

A guy's unfit, can they really not come up with something better than let's get him to run slow laps by himself? If a high school PE teacher was interviewing for a job and was to present 'slow laps whilst everyone else is training' as an appropriate strategy to improve the performance of a talented but unfit student, he wouldn't get the job - not even at the crappest school in town.
Shows you the level our coaches are at.
I don't think that anyone's suggesting it's not his fault, but that doesn't mean that the coaching staff are handling the situation well.

A guy's unfit, can they really not come up with something better than let's get him to run slow laps by himself? If a high school PE teacher was interviewing for a job and was to present 'slow laps whilst everyone else is training' as an appropriate strategy to improve the performance of a talented but unfit student, he wouldn't get the job - not even at the crappest school in town.
This isn't high school and Kirby is not a child. They need to get him fit asap, and it would have been explained to him that this is going to be the fastest way to get him up to par and back training with the main group.

If you think he cant handle a month or two of doing laps, then frankly, he won't make it, because that's what rehabbers do and chances are more than likely he'll sustain an injury sometime in his career. God help him if he ever does an ACL, he'll probably retire on the spot rather than run laps :rolleyes:

Also, he's not just running laps. He has been participating in some match sims etc, but the bulk of his work has been cardio/fitness for obvious reasons. This whole 'only running slow laps' thing is a gross exaggeration.
I only saw the last 25 minutes of training last week and there's no denying he looks very unfit. He is no where near AFL ready.

Bu then again, I think when we recruited him that he was a bit of a project. No doubt the club is doing the right thing by getting him into shape before they throw him into match practice.

it's tough for me to comment after only seeing so little training, but my only concern was just how separate to everyone else he looked. There wasn't really any coach yelling him any encouragement, even though he was clearly struggling. It would've been nice to hear a few people yelling "keep it up kayle" etc.

For the regular track watchers, has anyone see him interacting with the boys etc?

Someone like Kirby can really struggle with the AFL lifestyle, so I think it is important he is at least looked after. I have no problem with him running laps, but I just hope the club is also giving him the support he needs. I'm sure we are.

In the end, he just needs to do everything asked of him and get himself fit, and then the rewards will come because he obviously has some natural talent. Let's hope he can commit to it.

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This isn't high school and Kirby is not a child. They need to get him fit asap, and it would have been explained to him that this is going to be the fastest way to get him up to par and back training with the main group.

If you think he cant handle a month or two of doing laps, then frankly, he won't make it, because that's what rehabbers do and chances are more than likely he'll sustain an injury sometime in his career. God help him if he ever does an ACL, he'll probably retire on the spot rather than run laps :rolleyes:

Also, he's not just running laps. He has been participating in some match sims etc, but the bulk of his work has been cardio/fitness for obvious reasons. This whole 'only running slow laps' thing is a gross exaggeration.

You're right, this isn't High School, but many of the same principles apply - in both scenarios you have instructors working with a group and trying to develop individuals to their potential. Which is why Clarkson has favoured people with a teaching background. Both situations require a certain level of rote learning/ skill drills. Good teachers vary their activities in an attempt to keep them interesting, stimulating and motivating. I'd expect good coaches to do the same. Can you really not see the benefit of giving someone a more varied routine to improve their endurance? I don't go to training, so hopefully they are varying things for Kirby, but since Xmas, all i've read in training reports is 'players split into groups whilst Kirby continued to run slow laps by himself'. What I'm reading feeds into the suspicion that the current coaching group has little awareness or appreciation of the psychological side of an athlete. Hopefully I'm way off the mark.
I only saw the last 25 minutes of training last week and there's no denying he looks very unfit. He is no where near AFL ready.

Bu then again, I think when we recruited him that he was a bit of a project. No doubt the club is doing the right thing by getting him into shape before they throw him into match practice.

it's tough for me to comment after only seeing so little training, but my only concern was just how separate to everyone else he looked. There wasn't really any coach yelling him any encouragement, even though he was clearly struggling. It would've been nice to hear a few people yelling "keep it up kayle" etc.

For the regular track watchers, has anyone see him interacting with the boys etc?

Someone like Kirby can really struggle with the AFL lifestyle, so I think it is important he is at least looked after. I have no problem with him running laps, but I just hope the club is also giving him the support he needs. I'm sure we are.

In the end, he just needs to do everything asked of him and get himself fit, and then the rewards will come because he obviously has some natural talent. Let's hope he can commit to it.

Maybe we can make it our task to get behind him and really encourage him at every opportunity. If we see him at training running laps, give him that shout of encouragement, if we see him at a VFL game, let him know we wish him well.
The Magpie army is strong, let's show our boy that we want to see him succeed!
I only saw the last 25 minutes of training last week and there's no denying he looks very unfit. He is no where near AFL ready.

Bu then again, I think when we recruited him that he was a bit of a project. No doubt the club is doing the right thing by getting him into shape before they throw him into match practice.

it's tough for me to comment after only seeing so little training, but my only concern was just how separate to everyone else he looked. There wasn't really any coach yelling him any encouragement, even though he was clearly struggling. It would've been nice to hear a few people yelling "keep it up kayle" etc.

For the regular track watchers, has anyone see him interacting with the boys etc?

Someone like Kirby can really struggle with the AFL lifestyle, so I think it is important he is at least looked after. I have no problem with him running laps, but I just hope the club is also giving him the support he needs. I'm sure we are.

In the end, he just needs to do everything asked of him and get himself fit, and then the rewards will come because he obviously has some natural talent. Let's hope he can commit to it.
I've been to a few sessions. He's participated in some match sims, and when he was doing repeat sprints with Maynard (who lapped him) he had Jamie Cassidy-McNamara (I think that's his name) running alongside him the whole way encouraging him to push through.
There's your issue. You're not really in a particularly good position to make an informed judgement.

You know Apex, it's ok for other people to have a different opinion to your own.
He's not out of shape, he has just inhaled one too many opponents.

There's your issue. You're not really in a particularly good position to make an informed judgement.

I'd say that neither of us are in a good position to make a fully informed judgement, albeit you, having attended some training sessions, are in a better position.

From reading training reports, it seems to be standard practice for our unfit guys at training sessions to do not much more than run laps of varying pace. My issue goes beyond Kayle Kirby and goes to the motivation of the whole group. When players retire, we quite often hear the reason is that they can't face another injury rehab. Thus the demotivating potential of mindlessly running laps shouldn't just be dismissed as a young guy needing to shape up or ship out. If the vast majority of rehab is spent mindlessly running laps, I'm not surprised they become demotivated. This could affect the playing longevity of our whole list. As well as the passion for the game and the positive consequences of that for the whole group. The way I see it, we should expect our coaching staff, when faced with a group of players not in condition for full training, which is inevitably the case, to be able to come up something a bit more stimulating, varied and enjoyable than 'run some laps.' A certain amount of jogging is obviously necessary, but it isn't the only way of improving endurance and we should expect our coaching group to be able to come up with other methods on a regular basis, but it sounds like at training, if you aren't fully fit, you run laps.
I'd say that neither of us are in a good position to make a fully informed judgement, albeit you, having attended some training sessions, are in a better position.

From reading training reports, it seems to be standard practice for our unfit guys at training sessions to do not much more than run laps of varying pace. My issue goes beyond Kayle Kirby and goes to the motivation of the whole group. When players retire, we quite often hear the reason is that they can't face another injury rehab. Thus the demotivating potential of mindlessly running laps shouldn't just be dismissed as a young guy needing to shape up or ship out. If the vast majority of rehab is spent mindlessly running laps, I'm not surprised they become demotivated. This could affect the playing longevity of our whole list. As well as the passion for the game and the positive consequences of that for the whole group. The way I see it, we should expect our coaching staff, when faced with a group of players not in condition for full training, which is inevitably the case, to be able to come up something a bit more stimulating, varied and enjoyable than 'run some laps.' A certain amount of jogging is obviously necessary, but it isn't the only way of improving endurance and we should expect our coaching group to be able to come up with other methods on a regular basis, but it sounds like at training, if you aren't fully fit, you run laps.

It's am easy fix, throw a few chooks into the mix and make Kirby catch them. Worked for Rocky.

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Player Watch Kayle Kirby (Delisted 2018)

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