KDFL June 07 -August 07

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Very handy for El Presidento if he left before the crap started on Saturday. Gets him out of an awkward situation (again). Bit confused though. He states in the paper that he left at the end of the game and saw nothing, but my understanding is that all this started at the end of the game - how could he not see it? I would doubt that he got out of the ground so quickly as to miss what was happening.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Very handy for El Presidento if he left before the crap started on Saturday. Gets him out of an awkward situation (again). Bit confused though. He states in the paper that he left at the end of the game and saw nothing, but my understanding is that all this started at the end of the game - how could he not see it? I would doubt that he got out of the ground so quickly as to miss what was happening.

HE is gutless. Hear no evil see no evil, thats his moto.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Was at that game, and the boy had a couple of brain implosions, but i certainly question the eye gouge accusation. The player in question likes to make himself noticed, but being a mongrel is not part of his make up, and he is one of those rare commodoties - a bloody good clubman who will do anything to help. He himself will be dissapointed with his little spurts of stupidity, but he did not gouge. I know how serious eye gouging is as i suffered a detached retina a few years ago from it, just happened to be against Lanky.

hmm this accussed player may be a bloody great club man but i dont think is a excuse on the way he acts on the field. If he hasnt been reported in 130 games then he has been a very lucky player. What ive experienced and heard is that he is a player that acts like this regulary and is a disappointment to what the stanhope club is about. Which is respected and very successful

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Re: Kyabram District FL

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" Is he that insensitive, we are talking about teenage kids for Christ sake and if it's abuse about football ability or the condition you present yourself in to compete well it's fair game we've all copped that over the years. . . . . for an experienced man in his 40's must be very easy to suck in, or is it all part of the show?

Some interesting reading on the Meka saga,l to have been abused,spat on and had a stubbie thrown at me in my career (probably deserved some of it)but not once did l ever look to retaliate,only makes them kids behind the goals worse,we were all young once.we all thought we were 6'4 and bullet proof so l dont think it just happens at Avenel. Perry said to the press that he did not hit anyone but interesting to know that an off duty police officer was at the game and l know he thinks other wise.You are always innocent until proven guilty so at this stage it will be interesting to see how the league view and handle this incident.

If he is found guilty (which is yet to be determined) what do people think
his punishment should be given his record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Kyabram District FL

Some interesting reading on the Meka saga,l to have been abused,spat on and had a stubbie thrown at me in my career (probably deserved some of it)but not once did l ever look to retaliate,only makes them kids behind the goals worse,we were all young once.we all thought we were 6'4 and bullet proof so l dont think it just happens at Avenel. Perry said to the press that he did not hit anyone but interesting to know that an off duty police officer was at the game and l know he thinks other wise.You are always innocent until proven guilty so at this stage it will be interesting to see how the league view and handle this incident.

If he is found guilty (which is yet to be determined) what do people think
his punishment should be given his record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life and take the club with him
Re: Kyabram District FL

Sounds like Meka is full of $h.it and if found guilty should be suspended for the rest of the year. Ph.uck the fat ku..t!!! If he has a sook about copping abuse whilst playing footy he is a tool.

Before coming into the KDFL this year I heard all about playing at Ardmona but never really believed all of the hype. After playing against them at their home ground I now understand what people complain about.

I recall being abused this year by a 15 year old Ardy Feral while walking off the ground at half time. There was probably 10 other supporters including this kids father on the ground abusing us as well. This kid was actually on the ground up in our faces while we were walking off the ground. I felt like picking this kid up and throwing him back over the fence and I'm sure some of the other boys would have liked to as well. But of course some of us have some self control. I think if anyone from Ardmona wants to complain about abuse they need to have a good hard look at their own crowd.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Years gone by Perry has had other run ins with kids, I remember Coby Seamer (captain of Kyabram under 18's at the time) was hit by him while Perry was walking of the ground at half time while playing for Tonny. GVFL did nothing KDFL has never done anything yet he continually gets away with it. Come to think of it his voice is rather high pitched perhaps his balls haven't dropped yet so he still thinks he is a kid.:D
Racial Vilification? When has fat and slow been a race?
Re: Kyabram District FL

So nick you seem to think that all these people who Meka has done all these things to or seen over the years is telling lies? I dont think so mate, and dont pull the racist stunt thats just a get out clause for someone by the sounds of things has no morals just like Perry Meka. And if this is a weak pathetic site and you dont like hearing peoples opinions of Meka or anyone else for that matter dont log on and read it. Simple really.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Some interesting reading on the Meka saga,l to have been abused,spat on and had a stubbie thrown at me in my career (probably deserved some of it)but not once did l ever look to retaliate,only makes them kids behind the goals worse,we were all young once.we all thought we were 6'4 and bullet proof so l dont think it just happens at Avenel. Perry said to the press that he did not hit anyone but interesting to know that an off duty police officer was at the game and l know he thinks other wise.You are always innocent until proven guilty so at this stage it will be interesting to see how the league view and handle this incident.

If he is found guilty (which is yet to be determined) what do people think
his punishment should be given his record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like Meka is full of $h.it and if found guilty should be suspended for the rest of the year. Ph.uck the fat ku..t!!! If he has a sook about copping abuse whilst playing footy he is a tool.
No one should have to cop over the top abuse. And clubs have the rite to eject people who don't comply with code conduct. Having said that no player should get involved with the crowd. If i had decided to wack every spectator that bagged me......................... I woulda had to learn to fight:D. Clubs need to take som responsibillity.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Ref Girgarre Vs Lancaster ( about 1998 )

Ricky walsh played full back for Girgarre and was being abused all day , about his work, his wife and the list goes on by Mat Payne who did not play for lancy at the time and was onll watching the game.

Well at the end of the 3rd Ricky lost his cool and when we went to our huddle Ricky went to where Mat was kicking the footy with his mates and gave him a couple of good one's.

lancy kicked Mat out of the grounds and ricky was reported and he pressed charges against Ricky but they were later dropped by the police( i think because of Mat's history)

Ricky got 10 weeks for this , i know it was during the game and maybe a bit different than after the game, but enough is enough with Meka why should he be treated any different.

If i was sooking about racial abuse every time it happend to me, it would be 26 weeks of the year,so get over it Perry and grow up.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Just wounding who are the in's for vt this week...i here thay had 8 players out last week?
* regular 1st Graders???:rolleyes: They must have been late withdrawls. Cos i don't see 8 missing from the selected side.
Can some one tell me a bit about Andrew Macfarlane, if he is the same Andy Mac that lived in the town years back he's close to 40.

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Re: Kyabram District FL

To Nick9, it is good to know that Meka actually has a friend. I am tipping that you are a member of the goal square goon squad. If travelling from goal square to goal square is the highlight of your week you must have an interesting life. Get a bit sick of you guy's continually throwing up the race card. I have been called a wog, dago, etc and while there is no excuse for it, it is all water off a ducks back. It is amazing that you deny any wrongdoing on Perry's behalf, but love is blind. And give up on the personel abuse - it just confirms the steroetype that is the Ardmona supporter.
Re: Kyabram District FL

oh poor perry...
think of all the nasty things that were said to him

"when are you going to leave the goalsquare"
"your fat"
"straughnie was better than you in the legends game"

how can we, as a league condone such racial vilification? i tell you unless we make an example of these kids our league is going to be seen as the laughing stock of the football world.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Just wounding who are the in's for vt this week...i here thay had 8 players out last week?

I counted 7 who will be back between 1 to 4 weeks

James bodycoat
Paul Enright
Matthew Bell
Tom Dukic
Bo Harrison
Dean Carracher
Matthew Walker

and one that probably wont play for the rest of the year

paul Anderson
Re: Kyabram District FL

No matter what happens to Meka unfortunately I dont believe the problems with the club will ever go away. They started well before he arrived and will no doubt continue well after he leaves.

The culture of the club is deeply ingrained and until the club itself takes steps to remove the people who create the problem nothing will change. I havent seen any signs that this will happen.

From the outside looking in, onfield success seems to be the main objective no matter the cost.

I fear that the only thing that will cause a change will be a major incident. I have to say it is not something that I would ever wish but I really worry that it may happen.
Re: Kyabram District FL

I found out today who the kids were that Perry had a go at, 2 boys from seymour who most likely played 4 Avenel in the 18s due to Seymour having the bye, apparently after the game he gave 1 of them a back hander to the chops then the other kid jumped on his back and Perry then threw a punch at him once he got him off his back. That is just what i heard so not sure how true it is, but knowing those guys they probably instigated it but it is still not on no matter what the circumstances were.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Ohh poor bloody violet town you boys are the most unlucky football club with injuries i have ever heard!!! week in week out you boys are saying "oh but we have this many out and this many to come back" get a grip boys every single club has an injury list!! Please stop posting your medical list no one gives a rats ass??
Re: Kyabram District FL

I found out today who the kids were that Perry had a go at, 2 boys from seymour who most likely played 4 Avenel in the 18s due to Seymour having the bye, apparently after the game he gave 1 of them a back hander to the chops then the other kid jumped on his back and Perry then threw a punch at him once he got him off his back. That is just what i heard so not sure how true it is, but knowing those guys they probably instigated it but it is still not on no matter what the circumstances were.

God mate the only thing I think you got right was the fact the billys are from Seymour. Reminds me of telling the story around the circle in primary school, getting all the facts wrong.

What Albos stated earlier as to what the kids said is correct, I was talking to Brett McDonald after the game and thats exactly the same thing he told me.

I really love the piece in the Sheppy where he said he denies "any" invovlvement and that he done nothing. God, I was standing beside the entrance to their changerooms, with Darren Brock, Wheels, Wes Shelton and also Bluey Shelton and we all seen him lean accross the front of Macca and give the "kid" a left jab to the jaw.
Re: Kyabram District FL

God mate the only thing I think you got right was the fact the billys are from Seymour. Reminds me of telling the story around the circle in primary school, getting all the facts wrong.

What Albos stated earlier as to what the kids said is correct, I was talking to Brett McDonald after the game and thats exactly the same thing he told me.

I really love the piece in the Sheppy where he said he denies "any" invovlvement and that he done nothing. God, I was standing beside the entrance to their changerooms, with Darren Brock, Wheels, Wes Shelton and also Bluey Shelton and we all seen him lean accross the front of Macca and give the "kid" a left jab to the jaw.

Well thats as good as gospel for me.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Ohh poor bloody violet town you boys are the most unlucky football club with injuries i have ever heard!!! week in week out you boys are saying "oh but we have this many out and this many to come back" get a grip boys every single club has an injury list!! Please stop posting your medical list no one gives a rats ass??
I give a rats smallfootyhead as i am a past player and live 350k away anddon't have a lot of media access. And if you know of any of the other clubs injury probs we may like to hear them. But i doubt you will have anything to offer, as you are obviously jelly fish who sits back and takes pot shots.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Ohh poor bloody violet town you boys are the most unlucky football club with injuries i have ever heard!!! week in week out you boys are saying "oh but we have this many out and this many to come back" get a grip boys every single club has an injury list!! Please stop posting your medical list no one gives a rats ass??

No sh.t every club has an injury list, it aint no excuse and we aint saying were the most unlucky footy club at all. He was just stating who we currently have out at the moment.
I for one would love to hear about other clubs injury lists and when these players will be returning, as it's interesting footy talk...
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