Ken Hinkley has a better win percentage than Ross Lyon

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Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.
Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.

This is the club that came out with a strategy two years ago to win 3 out of the next 5 premierships. Their board are absolute space cadets.
Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.
No port fan thinks that we should win the flag every few years. That’s ridiculous. And I am certainly not one that “hates” Hinkley as you say. But how long is long enough for a coach in one place? At what stage do you decide to move on from them and get a new voice? Do they get a longer term if they win flags? What about if they have never made a grand final? This is kens 11th year at the club. No grand finals. Not even 1. Sure he has come close, and even has a solid winning record in the home and away season, proving that he is a decent coach. But at some stage, change is required.
Can you name another coach that has had as long a tenure as Ken in recent times? And would you, in all honesty, want to re sign a coach that has been at your club this long without any success?
Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.
Sorry to quote you twice but to also put in in perspective you are on to your 5th head coach since we first signed Ken. Do you even remember Malthouse as your coach? Because that was the same time. How would you feel if Voss was still coaching Carlton in 2033 with no grand final appearances?
I could see Ken coach for life with a boner fried star like Jason Horne Francis
Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.
Because they wasted 11 seasons on a coach who couldn't get a Grand Final appearance, while the 7 teams they played in the finals made Grand Finals during Hinkley's tenure, 5 of which won a premiership. I think any footy fan would be ticked off if they had an unsuccessful coach of 11 seasons, obviously should have given someone else a go.
Port fans hatred of Hinkley is totally bizarre. I think some of it (and I have read the Port board to try and understand) has to do with some fans expecting Port to replicate SANFL flags in the AFL, and by that measure Ken is a failure, which is beyond stupid. They were by far the biggest club in the SANFL competition which had no salary cap and far less teams to compete against.

Like the VFL being the AFL now, and 18 sides compared to 12 sides and a salary cap, be like me expecting Carlton to win a flag every every few years because we won 8 between 1967 and 1995.
It's a lazy stereotype of Port fans that gets repeated ad naseum.

We expect to be amongst the best premiership conversion teams in the AFL. We want to bench mark against Hawthorn and West Coast.

We know the old SANFL premiership pace is unreasonable in an AFL environment.

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Hinkley has probably been the best coach to have never got his side to a Grand Final.
We probably stopped their best chance in 2020 no wonder Kane Cornes hates us lmao

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Sorry to quote you twice but to also put in in perspective you are on to your 5th head coach since we first signed Ken. Do you even remember Malthouse as your coach? Because that was the same time. How would you feel if Voss was still coaching Carlton in 2033 with no grand final appearances?
I know what you are saying, and you seem much more reasoned than some others I have seen. I'd be very happy to have Ken in some capacity at Carlton if you guys don't want him anymore, though I am sure a lot of other clubs would too.

We have been awful in that time period since you signed Ken, Port's worst few seasons in that time would be better than our best years in that time. So if Voss gets us in contention and then it relies on a few factors to go further, well it would depend. I think eventually you do need a new voice, but the way your mob are playing now you wouldn't be moving him on, unless he wants to go out on a high.
This is the club that came out with a strategy two years ago to win 3 out of the next 5 premierships. Their board are absolute space cadets.

And you know what the funny thing is.... I look at what Ken Hinkley has achieved at Port from 2013-21, Its actually not bad. Yeah I have always talked about Ross Lyons stint at Freo. I will always say I will savour every dockers final under Ross Lyon from 2012-15.

Port fans got early success from 2001-7. They were spoilt rotten and I do think sometimes they dont appreciate what they achieved in that period.

Sure the Power didnt make a final under Hinkley from 2013-21. But 5 finals wins in 9 years is very good.

I would love Justin Longmuir to Win 4 or 5 finals over a 10-12 year period to be fair. You would savour those finals wins now with 18, then soon possibly to be 19 or 20 sides in.

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