Laidley's coaching this season

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Has to be on shaky ground now.

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Yeah im at my wits end amd i think he has to go.where is the never give up attitude its gone we need it back.Where is the old kangas.
Have been a long time supporter (member) and read this board often. Todays effort has me questioning the game plan we are using. You have to be skillful to use a pocession game and we are not. When we move the ball quickly we can score.

Dean change the game plan or move on and let someone else have a go.
Kangamad said:
Have been a long time supporter (member) and read this board often. Todays effort has me questioning the game plan we are using. You have to be skillful to use a pocession game and we are not. When we move the ball quickly we can score.

Dean change the game plan or move on and let someone else have a go.

Our skills were deplorable today. We cannot use that game plan with the foot skills, or lack of, we have.
Why doesnt he look how we played last week when we were kicking goals by getting the ball, kicking it long, and getting it down their taking their first options.
I think I heard one of the commentators say Greg Hutchison was in the coaches box today, good news if true he has a good footy brain.
As for Laidley he needs to work out that giving a team a spray doesn't work much these days, if anything the players will play worse, which is happening now.
So much for not bottoming out, if we do end up bottom 3 this year Dean should do the honourable thing and resign, it shouldn't be left up to the club.
BehindTheRoos said:
Why doesnt he look how we played last week when we were kicking goals by getting the ball, kicking it long, and getting it down their taking their first options.

I can see why the long bomb is a bad idea against Adelaide, as they get so many numbers back.
However, we didn't seem to go into the game prepared for what is a pretty predictable style of play by Adelaide.
We seemed to have no idea how to counter it at all.
scottywiper said:
Our skills were deplorable today. We cannot use that game plan with the foot skills, or lack of, we have.

your right,this stupid chip around crap with the high possesion use of the footy is not good for the list we have its too high mantenence,with players not able to execute it right.
The first quarter was pathetic - then we reverted to kicking longer and keeping the ball moving and we won the quarter,then the 2nd half back to that crap - it has happened in every game so far in patches we play that crap,ugly footy.
Laidley's game plan is only so he can save his career and games dont blow out....well its on the verge of total collapse now IMO.

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We went into this game with two ruckmen, Hale and McIntosh. In the last quarter Dean put Petrie into the ruck and left McIntosh sitting on the bench. WHY? We all know that Petrie is not a ruckman and McIntosh needs the game time if he is going to progress.

I have been a big supporter of Laidley but the game plan that he is trying toimplement will not work. We simply do not have sufficin=ent skills to play this style.

Every week this season Dean has made a move that has left me scratching my head and wondering why. Definately not a good start to the season
We went into this game with two ruckmen, Hale and McIntosh. In the last quarter Dean put Petrie into the ruck and left McIntosh sitting on the bench. WHY? We all know that Petrie is not a ruckman and McIntosh needs the game time if he is going to progress. Every week this season Dean has made a move that has left me baffleed.

I have been a big supporter of Laidley but the game plan that he is trying to implement will not work woth our personnel. We simply do not have the skillful players needed to be able to play this style.

Definately not a good start to the season by Laidley.
Football is a simple game. Get the ball in quickly to your big forwards so that they can be one out. If they take a mark, great. If they don't take a mark, they make a contest. As the ball has been moved quickly (before opposition can get numbers back), the crumbers have room to work. It is not brain surgery, it does not take a coaching panel of 4000 people to nut out a possession based game plan that CLEARLY DOES NOT WORK.

This pig-headed adherance to an inappropriate game plan is rapidly making me lose interest in football and this club. Do they not see the occasions that simple and direct footy results in scoring? What are the 50 people in the coaching box watching?
Paul Hamilton would have had a good view from their coaches box.

Yes, boozy, tired and angry but I always liked Hammo.

Gun bloke.
Unfortunately, I have lost faith with Laidley.

I think he has sound principals but he does not understand this team is not playing with a high enough skill level to overpossess the ball.

For 3 quarters we had ZERO run in the midfield. Just nobody making space in the corridor, nobody running hard and creating options. This slow wide, backwards play is just annoying the urine out of me.

North have to start playing some football that is worthy of people paying money to go and watch. Based on this effort I have no burning desire to watch many more games this year and watch that same useless crap.

Not because it is ugly but because it is ugly and freaking useless and ineffective.

We turned the ball over and conceeded more goals than we created with that crap style of play.

Grant, Harvey, Rawlings, Simpson and Harris do not have AFL standard disposal or decision making. I do not blame players that cough it up under pressure but when you hand pass the freaking ball when under no pressure to a guy 10m in front of you and when they have a man bearing down on them and you STILL fail to hit the target and the ball is turned over and you conceed a goal then you shouldn't even be playing VFL let alone in the AFL.

How lazy are our players? Are these guys drilled to stand still in the middle of the corridor and not lead and not present or to chase their man so they do not get uncontested drive through the middle?

Seriously, we have FAR too many guys getting a game time when they shouldn't crack it into the reserve side for North Ballarat.

Adelaide are a far supoerior 'team' and i do not mind losing to them, I do mind watching them go in with that half-arsed rubbish.

Those guys keep wondering why nobody respects them, nobody gives them any credit when they win. It is because they front up year after year with this mentally weak football and three times this year have been flogged in embarassing performances not because we came up against a better squad of players but because we came up against teams that are prepared to run and play as a TEAM rather than just stuff around with the ball.

If Laidley allows those in the middle to play next week then the responsibility is squarely on his shoulders for not bringing this squad up with the skill level required to execute his one and only ordinary game plan.

These players are either not up to scratch and not executing his instructions (which means they would be dropped) or else they are doing what he is telling them to do and if that is the case should be sacked because blind freddy can tell we are going nowhere with that crap.
scottywiper said:
game plan
Game plan? Ummm ,there was no game plan sonny!! Have you noticed something the rest of us haven't? In the first quarter today ,it really was the equivalent of having chooks running around with their heads cut off.Nobody had a man ,and nobody seemed to want one.
Dean Laidley is another Danny Frawley, solid and honest..but unable to coach.
joybell27 said:
We went into this game with two ruckmen, Hale and McIntosh. In the last quarter Dean put Petrie into the ruck and left McIntosh sitting on the bench. WHY? We all know that Petrie is not a ruckman and McIntosh needs the game time if he is going to progress. Every week this season Dean has made a move that has left me baffleed.

I have been a big supporter of Laidley but the game plan that he is trying to implement will not work woth our personnel. We simply do not have the skillful players needed to be able to play this style.

Definately not a good start to the season by Laidley.

Can I ask what the game plan was in the second quarter when we outscored them by four goals to none? I thought we looked OK then. Must have been a different game plan.

And forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure the Dean Laidley game plan doesn't include a clause whereby a player is duty bound to refuse to run to a contest and give us numbers, but instead drift down from the centre square and fill dead space in the defensive fifty because you can't be fagged chasing. Actually, given that Shannon Grant was benched after that effort, I'm sure it's not.

Two further questions:

1. Should we ditch a plan because it's we just aren't good enough to execute it or should we strive to be the best we can?

2. Does anyone honestly think we should be pushing for a flag tilt THIS year?

Perhaps we just aren't good enough and our players aren't working hard enough? Maybe Adelaide are a bloody good side.
It's hard not to reach for the razor blades when I look at the bulldogs and the way they are encouraged to play daring, proactive football, and then I look at the way our players play the game.

Our player list is nowhere near as bad as the efforts they are leaving on the park.

D day is coming.
I feel the writing was on the wall against Melbourne earlier this year. I know we only just lost that game but our 2nd quarter was horrendous. It was the first time ever I felt like the players didn't really care & Laidley had lost his impact on the players.
Again, Laidley's biggest problem is, is that he is trying to implement a possession-style game plan that our players are simply not skilful enough to fulfil.

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Laidley's coaching this season

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